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"It only took three weeks, and you can now walk on your own again. I feel like a parent watching their child take their first steps." Thanatos crossed his arms on his chest with a mocking affectionate expression round his face.

Verena slapped him in the chest with a gleaming smile and let out a laugh. "Shut up Thanatos."

Three lousy weeks of her learning how to walk again in her chambers. Verena was not allowed to leave them under any circumstances seeing as her presence was to remain a secret for some reason. She dread her confinement only due to the fact she could not see Allora. But knowing that she was safe and alive bought her mild peace in the castle.

Thanatos had become strangely protective of her since Aemonds actions after supper and she felt truly relieved to have one friend in that god-forsaken castle.

Even the very name of his sent a wash of rage throughout every inch of her skin. The fact that he was a moral coward who took advantage of her apparent weakness vexed her in creative ways Verena had never imagined to be possible.

Passionate hate was not a strong enough word to accurately describe the emotions she felt towards Aemond. Not even Aegon was equally hated by her, and he's the reason she was beaten and bound.

"You're making that face again Princess."

"I am not making a face."

"You are. It's the face you make when you think of Prince Aemo-" Thanatos was not even able to comprehend Verena punching his chest until he fell to his knees with his breath halted instantly.

"I told you to never mention that cyclops' name." she huffed crossing her arms.

He coughed finally catching his breath, "If this is how strong you are when you're not completely healed. I fret the day you truly heal." he made his way to his feet.

The annoyed look on her face washed into an amusing smile, "A day you should fret Thanatos."

Verena felt as if she was fully recovered, but the minor limp and reoccurring ache in her shoulder if she moved it the wrong way forced her to realise that she was not back to her old self yet. The constant pain was a motivation for her in the grim three weeks, three weeks of planning every utter way she would get revenge on both Aegon and Aemond. When one is constantly isolated with their own thoughts, especially a vengeful woman, it allowed certain scenarios and strategies to be planned.

Even though whatever she has planned out, might take some time to enact, is something Verena is patiently waiting for. The two brothers would burn for what they'd done to her. The entire castle will fall to its knees and beg for mercy, a mercy she will not grant.

How she dreadfully missed her dragons, Verena had never been away from them for this long. She thought about summoning them and escaping by sneaking out of her chambers to a nearby window. But knowing Vhagar was around, lurking in the land granted her to force the dragons away. They were her children, and she would never put their lives in danger just to selfishly save herself. Verena felt their dull pain and profound loneliness each and every passing second, knowing that they felt her pain and struggle as well felt as if a dagger was buried in her chest.

She wondered if they were all right, were they eating enough? Did they stay resided on dragonstone? Or wait for her in Bralia?

So much chaos and disorder were caused by her disappearance. Mostly she worried about Bralia as well, if her kingdom was frantic and out of order without her. What if they realised they never truly needed a Queen in the first place, and the throne was seized by a Lord of her counsel?

Verena slowly sighed lowering herself to a chair vacantly staring at a wall. Those damn walls are what drove her mad the most. No windows to prevent her from escaping like that day at supper. No sunlight to beam through the curtains and annoyingly waken her. Aegon had merely taken her from one prison and placed her in another.

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