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Chapter 25

    According to the information on the TV, this seems to mean that to go to those tourist attractions, you have to find a way to get there.

    Each guideline is followed by a remark. On the first day, go to the hot springs in the morning, and have free activities in the afternoon and evening. The remarks in parentheses are the check-in 1 place.

    "I know this. Is it like the kind of internet celebrity check-in mentioned on the Internet, and going to the hot spring to check in is the first day's mission?" Kang Lian pointed to the guide on the screen and said.

    Yi Xinming walked over and agreed: "It should be like this     .




    "Check in on the seventh day!"

    Kang Lian and Yi Xinming intertwined.

    "It looks like it's easy, but I guess there are ghosts on the way, or the place to check in is unusual." Yi Xinming rubbed his chin and speculated.

    Judging from the current information, it should be like this, Qi Yang stared at the screen without saying a word.

    "It's still early, let's see how to go to the hot spring tomorrow." Yi Xinming is an activist. Since he is going to the hot spring to check in, the route is very important.

    There didn't seem to be any cars in the resort. Yi Xinming wanted to plan the route in advance, lest something happen to delay the time.

    Qi Yang was originally sitting, but after Yi Xinming mentioned the problem of the route, he stood up and started rummaging around the room.

    When asked what to look for, Qi Yang said he was looking for a map, and Yi Xinming followed along. He found a tourist map in the drawer under the TV, and easily found the hot spring's address on the first page.

    It's a bit far from the hotel where they live, forty or fifty kilometers, so it's not enough to walk. It's probably noon when they walk there, so the means of transportation is very important.

    "If you don't have a car, do you know if you have a bicycle?" If you ride a bicycle, it is much faster than walking, and you can walk on small roads. Kang Lian thought about it and said.

    "Should I go look around?" Yi Xinming volunteered to go outside to see the situation.

    Then I asked Qi Yang to stop it. This is the game. The surroundings seem to be quiet, but who knows if there are ghosts hiding in the dark? He will be fine personally. Dangerous from the start.

    "It's good to get up early tomorrow. Going out at this time, I'm afraid you won't return." Qi Yang wasn't alarmist.

    Yi Xinming turned his head and looked out the window. The dark night sky didn't even have a single star. Following Qi Yang's wishes, Yi Xinming stayed in the hotel.

    After the night got darker, Yi Xinming and Kang Lian got up and left and went back to their room. Seeing that the strategy is to check in to complete the corresponding task, then it is estimated that there is no danger at night. Kang Lian doesn't want to sleep alone, she wants to stay, even if she is allowed to sleep on the floor. , but looking at Qi Yang's gentle but indifferent eyes, Kang Lian chose to leave. She realized that she couldn't rely on Qi Yang too much. To be precise, they only cleared the customs together once, and maybe they were friends. not on.

    Kang Lian followed Yi Xinming out of the room. The room of the two was on one side. After Yi Xinming sent Kang Lian into the room, he said something when the other party closed the door: "You don't have to think too much, we are one now. The team, no one is useless, you have your indispensable advantages."

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