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Today is the day.

I took a deep breathe when we already step foot at the airport.

Those Two days that I have waited for this day to come is finally  over.

For me those Two days became longer. It felt years. I looked at my watch to check the time.


One more hour before our flight. A perfect time for some coffee.

"Marco, could I get some coffee while waiting?"

"Do whatever you want"

He is still giving me those cold shoulders. I let out a sigh and walked towards the vending machine on the other side of the airport.

I'm happy Marco didn't  say No on this honeymoon. He obviously hates the idea of having this honeymoon.

"Oh Shocks"

I was about to insert some coins inside the machine when I accidentally dropped it and unfortunately it rolled under the machine.

I frowned and felt upset. It was the only coins I had left from my purse.

Well what do you expect when you marry a rich, hot, billionaire.

You could rarely see coins on my husband's pocket it was all cash and so was mine.

He provides me money but truth to be told I never used any of it. I wanted to prove to him that I could live without his money.

I don't need any of his possession nor the money his and my parents' company earn.
I needed his Love, I'm begging him for his love.

I was desperate to have that coffee. I wanted one so badly that I never thought I could be bold enough to drop onto my knees and trying my hardest to reach for the coins under this machine.


This is one tough desperate move.

I was busy trying to reach the coins when I felt someone behind me.

I didn't  mind the person since I still had my so called 'desperate  for coffee move'.

I was a lover of coffee that I came to a point of owning a coffee shop.

Marco never knew about this business, nobody really knew. Even my parents.

I earned the coffee shop by myself. It was all because of hard work.

I used to have jobs back then when I was still single. One from our company and the other is a job that I really love.

I used to be a singer in Caryl's Bar and Restau.

I love music and to play with different kinds of instruments. I was 9 when Dad introduced me the art of music.

I got fascinated with it that I tried to learn different instruments.

Music was always my remedy, the perfect lullaby that lull my heart, and it was always music where I find peace.

I heard coins dropped in the machine. Obviously the person behind me also wants coffee.

I felt the person move and got his coffee.

How I envy him. He got coffee and I have none! Life why so cruel? huhu

By that I felt so eager to grab those coins back that I fell awhile ago.

Someone chuckled behind me.

"Hey miss,"

I turned around to check who owned the voice. I had the feeling the person was referring to me.


He just showed me a smile and said nothing.

'He' because it was a guy.

If I weren't upset with this coffee thing and If I was one of those cliche women who sqeaks and giggle seeing a sight like this I would probably be drooling right now.

I wouldn't deny the fact that he was gorgeously handsome cause it would make me a liar but nonethless of his look I don't care at all because coffee was way more important.

I was waiting for him to speak but instead of saying something he grabbed a pen from his pocket and wrote something in his cup of coffee.

My brows met and my mouth wanted to water seeing his coffee. How I wish I got that coffee.

Once I recovered from my coffee daydream I turned around and tried to reach the coins again.

The guy poked me.

I didn't  mind him at all but he kept on poking me.

I turned to face him again but this time with an irritated look.

"Look, if you're not gonna say anything please leave me alone cause if it's about you displaying your coffee infront of me well I envy you having that coff--"

He suddenly handed me his coffee that made me stop from my trance.

Was it wrong to accept something from strangers?

Who cares! It's coffee and I would have it for free yey! I'm definitely accepting it.

"Thank you"

I Grabbed the coffee from Mr. Stranger's hold. I'll call him Mr. Stranger since I don't  know him.

He guided me to sit at one of the benches. My back ached from what I did in the machine.

We sat in silence for awhile but after sometime he started conversating with me...

Cliffhanger  loves hahaha posting the next chapter soon. Wait for it and find out who Mr. Stranger is. Spread peace and Love watty people  :*

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