End of first day

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~Naruto POV~

Lee and I kept talking about ourselves and different things. He told me that he works out a lot and he's really strong but his muscle doesn't show. I then asked him what his next class is and I was so happy because I have the same class!

We walked inside the classroom to meet Mr. Asuma for history. I introduced myself to him as he smiled and welcomed me to his class. Lee and I sat down next to each other and talked more until someone came up to us.

"Hey guys," I look up and it was Sai!

"Hey Sai!" Lee and I say in unison. Sai sat in front of Lee and turned towards me. All three of us started talking until class started and we all paid attention.

I know I keep saying 'we talked' but it's more like they talked a lot but I mostly just listened and nodded and made a comment every now and then.

During class Mr. Asuma said, "you have to complete a project about the Civil War with one other person. So partner up with anyone, just get the assignment done."

I was about to ask if I could just work alone but before I could both Sai and Lee asked me to be their partner at the same time. I got kinda scared by it to be honest. But I just said maybe to both and walked up to the teacher. He looked at me and smiled and asked if I needed anything.

I asked, "can I just work on my own? I prefer working independently."

He thought for a bit and said, "that's alright with me, just get it done by the end of the week." I thanked him and walked back to my seat.

Both Lee and Sai looked at me and I just looked at them, smiled, and said that I'm working on my own. They both then decided to work with each other on the assignment.

The bell then rang signalling that 5th period ended. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had 2 more periods and school was done for the day. I started walking to my next class but I got lost. I was so happy I saw Gaara and Sasuke walking next to each other. They weren't talking but walking. I rush up to them since we are going the same way. I ask them where my next class was and luckily they were both in that same class. We all three then walked to class. It was a quiet walk but it was comfortable. We reach the class and sit down in the back of the classroom. I sat in the first seat on the far left, Gaara sat behind me and Sasuke was behind him. I look at the window and see some girls looking through the window next to Sasuke. I guess he's popular with the ladies or something.

The bell rang signalling class has started and the girl rushed to their classes. Three girls entered the classroom, I recognize two from the window. One has short pink hair and she was walking next to another girl I saw. She has blonde hair tied back in a high ponytail. There was a girl that I didn't see at the window, she has purple hair and the same color eyes as Neji. I wonder if they're related. She seems really shy, I'm not judging her though. The purple haired girl sat in the seat next to me. I smiled and waved at her and she did the same to me. The other two girls sat as close as they could to Sasuke. Sigh, fangirls.

Even though class started the teacher wasn't here yet. I turned to look at Gaara and asked where the teacher was.

He responded saying, "Mr. Hatake is always late to class. He's never in time so people just do whatever until he shows up."

I could see the girls trying to ask Sasuke out who is blatantly ignoring them. They're being a little loud but I kind of expected that since school is never quiet.

It's been about 10 minutes and those girls haven't stopped screaming at Sasuke, I could tell everyone in class was getting annoyed and I don't blame them because I was getting pissed off too.

I couldn't take it anymore so I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk while glaring at them with a cold stare. Just like in Gym class I spoke in a low toned but it was loud enough for the girls to hear it. I said, "Will you two shut up please! Why do you chase after a guy who clearly doesn't even want you here? Why waste your time on a guy like him when there's people who will treat you like an empress!? It's ridiculous how you're acting and not thinking about the people around you! Shut up, sit down, and do some work! You're being very selfish because you don't care that your high pitched voices can affect someone and I'm tired of it!"

Everyone froze and looked at me but I didn't care. I glared at the girls who quickly shut up and sat down. I could see Sasuke and Gaara were looking at me with wide eyes.

Then someone spoke up from the front of the classroom, "thank you for that new student, however please don't be so harsh in my classroom." I turned around and see the teacher standing there with a book in his hand.

I apologize to him for my behavior and he forgave me since I said something everyone was thinking. He then carried on with the lessons for the day. The homework he gave us looked pretty easy too, and just like that, it was last period.

I walk into the classroom since it was right across from Mr. Hatake's room. There I see Choji, Shikamaru, Kankuro, and Shino. I sit down next to all of them and said hello. They all greeted me and we all talked some more. We were interrupted by the speaker, "Ms. Anko is not here today so the students in her class can study on their own. No leaving the classroom unless you have to use the restroom. If we catch you in the hall, you will be sent to after school detention. That is all, thank you."

After the announcement, everyone just talked amongst each other and I was silent for the most part. Shikamaru wasn't talking a lot either, he was just staring at the clouds outside. I smiled and asked if he liked cloud watching.

He looked at me, smiled and said, "yeah, honestly I wish I was a cloud. Just drifting in the sky with the wind."

I smiled even more and said, "I want to be a cloud now too!" The two of us just kept watching the clouds while the others talked.

After a while, the bell rang which said I could finally go home. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the school. Shino asked what bus I rode and I just told him that I walk since my house is just up the road. He said he also walks that way and asked me to walk with him. I smiled and said I'd love to! He smiled back and we walked side by side. We arrived at my house and said our good byes. He kept walking and I walked inside my house.

Mom and dad were in the living room watching TV. They heard the door shut and turned towards me.

Dad spoke up and asked, "how was school? Did you make any friends?"

I told him, "school was a lot of fun and I made a few new friends there." Mom hugged me and told me there's a snack in the fridge for me. I open the fridge and there's a bowl of mixed fruit. I'm not always healthy, but I love mixed fruit. I hugged mom and sat down in the couch next to dad as I ate and watched TV with them.

Afterwards, I went to my room and did some of my homework when all of a sudden I hear the door open.

I rush down the stairs and hugged my older brother, Kurama. "Hey bud, how was your first day of school?"

I laughed and said, "it was fun! How was college?" We talked about each other's day in his room. He said he had some homework to do so I told him I also had homework to do. I left to my room and finished my homework.

Right when I finished, mom called saying dinner's ready. I put my stuff away and walk down to the table and sat across from Kurama. After dinner I had a banana split for dessert. It was delicious!! I then went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. I went on my phone and then it hit me, I FORGOT TO GET ANYONE'S NUMBER!!!

Sigh. I'll get them tomorrow I guess. I scrolled through social media a bit then went on YouTube watching a few videos. I started getting tired so I check the time, 23:28 (11:28 pm for people who done use 24 hour clock). I plug my phone in, turned off the light and fell asleep on my bed.

This took so long 😭😭

But I did it!!!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

Remind me if I made any mistakes please!!!


See you in the next chapter!


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