A day with Sasuke

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You all better love this chapter because it's hella long and took me like 3-4 days to type.

This chapter was made for Tokuru_mist with a lot of SasuNaru

~Naruto POV~

Shika has been here for a long time. It hasn't felt like long but it's been around 4 hours. I wonder if he wants to sleep over tonight since it's already sunset. I look over towards him as he plays on his phone. It seems like he's texting someone so I look over his shoulder a bit and see that he's texting Shino.

"Oh, you're texting Shino?" I ask him.

"Yeah, he was wondering where I went since I just left out of no where and didn't return to hang out with anyone." He replied to me.

"Oh, okay." I say back to him. I then smile at him and he looks at me and smiles back.

"Hey Shika?" I say more of as a statement than a question.

"Hm?" I hear him hum.

"Do you think you could spend the night tonight? It's already sunset anyways." I ask him. If he does stay the night he can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the floor. Since he's the guest and all.

"Unfortunately, I have to get going. My mom was making my favorite food tonight for dinner. I hope that's alright." He says in a kind of sad voice but still said it with a smile.

"That's alright, I just wanted to know. So are you heading home soon?" I say to him.

"Yeah I'm leaving in just a few minutes." He says in a monotone voice.

"Okay," I say a bit disappointed because he's not staying.

We both get off my bed and walk down the stairs. Shika says goodbye to my parents as they say the same to him. Now we're standing in front of the front door saying our good byes.

Before I can speak, Shika kissed me gently. I wrap my arms around his neck. I'm glad the front door is blocked off by a wall from the living room so my family doesn't see this happening. It was a short kiss but I loved it still. We both pull away from eachother.

"Goodbye Naru, see you soon." He says with a wink.

I blush while smiling. "see ya soon Shika," I say back to him as he walks out the door.

I walk back into the house and go back up to my room. I get half way up the stairs until I hear a voice calling from the kitchen.

"Naruto, dinner's almost ready so get ready for dinner." I hear my mom tell me. I say a small okay and head back up to my room. I get to my room and grab my phone from my desk. I head to the bathroom to wash my hands for dinner. As I'm washing my hands I see I get a message. It's from Sasuke.

Emo wannabe🖤
Hey, let's hang out tomorrow
at my place. Sound good?

I quickly rinse my hands and pick up my phone. I think about it for a moment to make sure nothing was going on before replying to his message.

Yeah sure! I have nothing
going on anyways

Emo wannabe🖤
Okay, I'll pick you up at 10:00

Alright! See ya then!

Emo wannabe🖤
Yeah, see you.

I smile as I put my phone into my pocket and leave the bathroom. I head downstairs and see mom setting up the table. I walk over and grab the plates and silverware for dinner placing them in front of the 4 chairs at the dinner table.

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