Keep Quiet

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Contains a lot of ShikaNaru in this chapter.

It does get a little spicy so I'll put a warning if u don't want to read it.

~Naruto POV~

I walk in my house as Sasuke drives away probably to hang out with the other guys or something like that. I close the door and take off my shoes. As I walk into the living room I set my backpack next to the couch. I grab my headphones putting them in my ear and play some non lyrical music as I sit on the couch scrolling through some social media.

After some time, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn my head and look behind me. I see Kurama standing there. I jump up from the couch and hug him. "Hey Kura!" I practically yelled.

"Hey bud, wanna play some video games?" He asked me.

"Yeah! I'm gonna beat you this time!" I exclaimed remembering that I have only beat him 3 times in video games.

We hook up the PlayStation and select a fighting game to play first. After about 1 1/2 hours of playing games, I get a message on my phone. I look at the table where my phone is and see it's a message from Shikamaru.

Smart guy 🤓
Hey Naruto, can I come
over to your house?

I blush as I read the message remembering what happened at the mall. I feel a person lean over my should and I can tell it's Kurama. I try to hide my blush so he doesn't notice anything.

"Is that a friend of yours?" I hear Kurama ask me. I try to calm down as much as possible as I try to stop blushing so much. 'Why am I even blushing? I don't know anymore. Do I like him? Do I like Shika as more than a friend? No I don't think I do. It could just be embarrassment as to why I'm blushing. But on the other hand it could be true. Maybe I do like-' My thoughts were interrupted by a hand on my shoulder and a vibration coming from my phone signaling that I got another message.

"You good little bro? You seem lost in thought." I hear a bit of worry in Kurama's voice as he spoke. I calm down and put myself together quickly and look at him with a smile.

"Yeah I'm alright, sorry I guess I just got lost in thought." I tell him as I rub my neck sheepishly. I look back at my phone and I see another message from Shikamaru.

Smart guy 🤓
Naruto? Are you busy or something?

I hesitated to respond to his message until my brother said it was okay for him to come over. I smiled at him and said, "okay!"

Hey Shika!
Yeah you can come over!
My address is ******* on Main St.

Smart guy 🤓
Alright, I'll be right over.

I smile as I read his message multiple times. But then I remembered something. My room. It's so trashed you can barely walk in there! I tell my brother I'm going to clean my room. I see him turning off the game as I rush up the stairs to my bedroom. I swing my door open and look at the mess in front of me. Dirty clothes all over the floor. Dishes that I haven't removed from my room after late night snacks. Paperwork sprawled across the small desk I have in my room. The closet is a complete wreck. Some of the dresser drawers are partially open with clean clothes hanging out of them. And there's trash. Everywhere. (Okay but like, why is this my room nearly every day)

I start to panic as I pick up all my clothes and the trash. I threw the clothes into a basket to take into the laundry room and put the trash into a trash bag as quickly as I can. I finish picking up the trash and grab the dishes that were lying around. I take them both to the kitchen and set the dishes on the counter. I take the trash bag outside to where the trash can is and go back inside after saying a small hello to my neighbor next door. I rush back up to my room and grab the basket of dirty clothes as I bring it to the laundry room. I quickly put a load of my clothes into the washer and once again head back up stairs. I stuff my clothes into the drawers they belong to not caring to fold them at the moment. I organize my desk to make it look more neat and less of a wreck. I quickly made my bed and surprisingly I didn't mess up too badly. I turned to my closet and grabbed the boxes I haven't gone through yet. I stack them into a pile in the closet. I grab the shirts I have hung up and make them looked more neat and tidy. I then grab the small vacuum we have in the house and went over the carpet to fully clean my room. I stand back as I look at my now clean room.

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