The Date

59 6 3

HEY! Before this chapter starts:

Mentions of:
$elf h@rm
And depression

~Naruto POV~

"Want to go on a date?"

That line stuck in my head for the past week. I said I'd go on a date. Why am I doing this? Am I really going on a date? With two guys? What about the others?

"Naru, are you okay in there?" My mom asked me since I've been in the bathroom for a while now.

I told my parents about the date and they were happy for me, Kurama was more mad about it and we all had a laugh of him being like that. Geez yesterday he came at me with a knife threatening me to not go on the date. Scared me crazy.

"Yeah, just nervous," I say quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

She walks in the bathroom and smiles. She compliments my outfit I put on. We're going back to the mall we all went to a while ago so I put on more casual clothes. Just a T-shirt and some deep blue jeans with a jacket tied around my waist.

"I don't know if I can do this mom," I admit.

"Why not sweetie?"

"What if I mess up? I don't talk much so I don't know what to say. I've never been on a date with two guys at once, what if I do something wrong and they never speak to me again?" I'm on the verge of tears at this point.

My mom hugs me tightly, "it's okay Naruto, I believe you'll be amazing. Just be yourself, don't act like it's a first impression because they already know you. Let them know more about you, point out your favorite stores and talk about the things you like. When they have a comment or want to speak, you already know how to listen. You look amazing so you'll be amazing."

I smile and look at her one more time before hugging her again. I hear a knock on the front door and I can hear my dad opening it. Mom and I walk out and I see Shika and Shino there. They're also both in casual clothing, I'm glad they aren't overdressed for this.

I walk up to them and greet them.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Naruto," they say in unison.

I look back at my parents and say my goodbyes. The three of us walk out the door and into the car. Shika is driving us there. It's a nice car honestly not expensive but not cheap looking either. I tried to sit in the back seat but Shino opened the passenger door and requested I sit up front. I didn't want to be mean so I sat in. I've never been treated so nicely.

As we're driving it's more of a quiet ride with music quietly playing. It's not uncomfortable but I feel like it's weird to not talk to the people I'm going on a date with. I shift slightly now uncomfortable from the silence.

"Everything okay Naru?" Shika looks over at me as we stop at a red light.

I look at him and nervously smile, "yeah it's just.. I've never actually been on a date." I admit to them.

"Really? But how? I thought you would've had people asking you out left and right at your old school or something." Shino says.

At the mention of my old school, I can't help but frown. I don't want to keep secrets from them, but it hurts to say something about it.

"Naru?" I hear Shika say in a questioning way.

"Hm? Oh, I'm fine. But it wasn't really like that at my old school, it was actually quite the opposite."

The two give each other a look then look at me concerned. The light turns green so Shika has to put his eyes back on the road. We turn into the mall parking lot and find a spot that's not too far from the entrance of the mall.

We all walked in and just like last time, I smiled. There's not as many people since there isn't an event going on. We all walk together in silence, but it's not uncomfortable. We head to a café to grab some food. As we're waiting for our drinks, Shika is the first to speak.

"Hey Naruto?" He asks me. 

"Yeah?" I respond. 

" You don't have to, but could you tell us about your previous school? Obviously something happened and I want to understand. It's okay if you don't want to say anything, I just want to know if we can help." Both Shika and Shino look at me with concern in their eyes. 

Our drinks come by as I sit in silence debating if I should tell them and how I should tell them. I take a drink of the smoothie before I answer.

"I've actually transfered a lot of schools before coming to this one." I pause for a second before resuming. "I was horribly bullied for random reasons, most of it for being gay but other reasons too. I've had people become my friends and I dated a few people but all they wanted was personal information to spread around the school. I use to have really bad depression and I've tried therapy but nothing worked." I look down starting to tear up a bit, "I've even tried to end my life a few times before. It's been about 6 months and I promised my mom I would never do it again."

I then start to smile a bit, "when I came to this school, I saw a lot of gay and lesbian couples and I felt safe. Then when I met all of you, I couldn't have been happier. Mom and dad told me after my first day that I looked a lot happier talking about the school. You all mean a lot to me." I finish saying the last few words and look up at both of them with a smile.

They look at me with a bit of shock but then smile back. They get up from their seats and hug me. I hug them back. I'm glad I finally told someone about it. I just hope everyone has the same reaction they did.

They kiss me on both my cheeks and I can feel the heat rush to my ears.

"I'm glad you told us Naru," Shika tells me.

"We'll be here for you no matter what," Shino adds.

I look at them still smiling. I pull both of them in and kiss them both on their cheek. I can tell they're slightly blushing.

They sit back in their seat and we wait for our food. When it comes we all eat. We talk a bit but not much. I feel safe with them so much. Im glad I said yes to the date.

We finish eating and head to other areas of the mall. We stopped by an arcade. We get a card and head to the games. Although we didn't talk much, we all had so much fun.

Before we knew it, it was 5pm.

~Shikamaru POV~

I asked Naruto if he wanted to stay at my house tonight to play games. He called his mom to ask her.

"Hey mom," he said, "can I stay at Shikamaru's house tonight?"

After a few seconds his face turns red and he nervously spoke back, "it's nothing like t-that. We're- we're going to play video games and stuff."

I can only guess what his mom said and I smirked at it. I look at Shino with a look and he gives the same look back. Naruto ended the call and said he could stay. We all got in my car again and headed to my place. My parents are gone tonight, I'm glad this all worked out.

I can't wait to see the look on his face for what's going to happen tonight.



Sorry this is later than I said it would be. But it's finally done.

Don't forget to eat a meal and drink water!

And don't forget to smile!!!!!

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