Surrounded by boys

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~Naruto POV~

(This is after second and third period btw!!)

It's now lunch time and I try to look for Kiba since he invited me to lunch with him and his friends. I really didn't want to be around a lot of people. It annoys me a little bit when I first meet people. It just takes time for me to get used to people, then I am extremely loud with people I know.

All of a sudden a hand lands on my shoulder and someone whispers in my ear, "hey Narutoooo."

It scared me so I jumped a bit and I guess the person noticed it because he took his hand off my shoulder. I turn around and luckily it was just Kiba.

We get our lunches and he leads me to where his friends are. I only recognize one of them, Neji. I smiled a bit and kept walking behind Kiba towards the table.

Kiba introduced me to his friends, "Hey guys! This is Naruto, he's new here!" I say a small hello and the boys introduced themselves.

A boy with raven black hair with deathly cold black eyes said, "Hey, I'm Sasuke."

A guy with a bowl cut hair and bushy eyebrows said his name was Lee and he's excited to know more about me. I smiled at him.

"I'm Shino," said a guy with brown hair and sunglasses on.

Some guy with black hair tied in a hair tie making his hair look like a pineapple said, "My name is Shikamaru." After he said that I could hear him whisper under his breathe "introductions are such a drag." I quietly laughed at that.

A pretty tall guy with pretty brown hair said, "Hey! I'm Kankuro! Nice to meet ya Naruto!" And then he winked. Wait- he WINKED!? I brush it off with a smile.

'it's probably just how he greets people,' I think to myself.

Another guy with black hair that was a bit long introduced himself next, "Hello Naruto, I am Sai." I smiled at him then I looked at a guy with red hair and asked who he was.

He responded saying, "I'm Gaara."

"nice to meet you Gaara!" He smiled slightly.

There was a guy eating the entire time and so I asked his name. "Oh, my name is Choji!" He said with a mouthful of food. I smiled at him.

The boys then looked at Neji with a questioning look. I'm guessing they're wondering why he didn't say his name so I said, "and I already know Neji, he's in my first period class." They all looked at me and then understood and stopped looking at Neji.

After eating and talking a bit, I started to get a little claustrophobic since I was between two of the guys and it was starting to get a little loud. I had to think of something to say to get out.

Thankfully I found where the restrooms were so I said, "I'm going to use the restroom real quick."

Some of them nodded and the others said "okay." So I got up and started walking towards the bathroom. I get in, go to a stall and sit against the wall for a bit. Being around so many people is really stressful sometimes, but they all seemed really cool. I hope we can be friends all through highschool.

~Shikamaru POV~

It's been 5 minutes and Naruto hasn't come back from the bathroom. I stand up without saying anything to the others and head to the bathroom.

I walk in and I see Naruto's shoes through the bottom of the stall door. I speak up and say, "Hey Naruto, you good? It's been like 5 minutes." I hear shuffling on the other side of the door and the door opens. He smiles at me with such a beautiful smile that could outshine the sun no matter how bright outside it is.

I then hear him say, "yeah I'm alright, just needed a small break from people, sorry if I worried you."

I tell him, "It's alright. Anyways, lunch is almost over, wanna get going?" To which he responds with a nod.

We walk out of the bathroom and he seems a little quiet but I don't mind. It's better than being loud like the other guys. However, it was too quiet for my liking so I decided to ask him what his next class was. "What's your 4th period since it's next class. I can take you there if you want." He rummages in his pocket and pulls out his schedule. He looks at it for a few seconds and says he has Mr. Guy for Gym. I realized it's on the other side of the school from my class but Lee has that class next. I tell Naruto that and he smiles and said he'll have Lee take him to class.

~Naruto POV~

We arrive back at the table and the bell rings almost instantly. I ask Lee to take me to class and he responds with a thumbs up and a big smile, "OF COURSE!" He said that really loudly but I'm okay with that. We then leave the others and start walking towards the gym room.

As we enter the Gym, I instantly smelt exactly what a gym smells like. An adult who I'm guessing is Mr. Guy walks over to us. Honestly he looks a lot like Lee but his eyebrows are even bushier! Maybe they're father and son?

Lee spoke to him saying I'm the new student. Mr. Guy looks at me and says, "well hello there! I'm Might Guy, but you can call me Mr. Guy! You can be my son's Gym partner if you want!"

I smile and say, "okay! Nice to meet you Mr. Guy." He then walks to the others and Lee and I follow him.

He explains that today is just an exercising day and tells Lee to go easy on me since I'm new. I see a few students whisper amongst each other.

I hear a few things like, "oh great, another person to partner with Lee."

"I feel bad for the guy."

"Lee is like a monster." and a few other things.

I noticed that Lee could hear these things but completely ignored them. I get a little upset and say in a low toned voice but me sure they all heard me, "Leave Lee alone. He's not a monster. He's my friend. Stop talking about him like that!" I glare at all the students in the class with a deathly cold stare.

Lee looks at me and smiles. He thanks me for standing up for him and I tell him it's no problem. Then he looked shocked like he realized something and practically yells, "WAIT YOU SEE ME AS A FRIEND!?!?"

I cover my ears as he yells and say, "of course I do." I then give him a big smile as he hugs me and I hug back.

Mr. Guy then exclaimed that we needed to start exercising. Lee takes me to where he exercises all the time. We do a few stretches and start exercising. The entire time we talked and had fun. We didn't even know class was over until Mr. Guy came over and said class was over. Lee and I looked at each other and laughed. We got up, put our exercising materials away and left class still talking about anything and everything we had on our minds.

This is already a really great first day. I'm glad I moved here to Konoha.

IM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER! This took a while to think of things but it turned out great! Please let me know if I made any mistakes! I'll see you all in the next chapter!!!



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