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The lack of light sent chills down my spine. High in the sky, the moon held a steady brightness, hovering over the vast land filled with late night life and the serene breaths of weary souls. The pale light peered through the antique windows, specks of dust scattered across the dark wooden floor that creaked under pressure.

The old wood was tainted with great age, within the long standing home lasting for many decades. Deteriorating scaffold and peeling wallpaper hung around where I stood, small specks of debris from uncared remains crowded the floor.

I was all alone in the late night, a circle of ash below my feet and spread out along the floor, dusting every surface with dark and reminiscing soot. I looked around with a shake in my breath, the exhale I let out turning into a faint puff of smoke. My hands trembled as I listened to my racing heart, a small smile pulling back my lips as I looked around the silent home.

Tattered books and messy papers with dried substances and unknown stains waved around on the floor eventually coming to a pause as the wind came to a calm. I kept my head held slightly lower with my shoulders relaxing, warm, crimson liquid fell from my face in small drips that crashed against the solemn, forgotten flooring.

The place was empty except for a few items left behind, forgotten wooden chairs and plastic toys with an unnerving stare. I looked back down at my feet and a smile broke out across my lips, I felt so cold but a rush of amusement fled through my veins as I lifted my hand to rub at my chilly nose — red from the frigid air and the crimson that fell from it. Amused, I let out a soft chuckle. The more confidence that reined across my skin, goosebumps scattered and my hairs raised.

The lights on the ceiling flickered slightly as I laughed with great triumph, a grin spread across my face. I lifted my hand and ran it through my hair turning around as I looked at the abandoned property.

"This is..." I breathed myself away from my internal cheering, my head falling back to my hand, dark red fluid falling from my nose and down my chin. "Fuck... they're gonna be pissed." I held back another laugh of joy and looked around the dim place with flickering lights, acting out of my presence — affected by immense energy flowing through my body that I refused to suppress. "They're gonna be so fucking pissed..." I repeated with more of a seriousness, the realization making me look around once more, turning with a rush of anticipation. The more the realization set in the less happiness I felt.

"They're gonna want to kill me now..."

天上天下 唯我独尊

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天上天下 唯我独尊

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