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December was the coldest month. And that was for a numerous amount of reasons. It could be the general chilly nature, the suns rays a little far from warming the country. Or maybe just the stress of the holiday season, the nervousness that curses thrived upon when the idea of displeasing a single person would overcome the joy. The holidays were much looked forward to, a break from schooling, but not from the overwhelming stress.

However, as a student in a world where left in right you are confronted with danger and death, there isn't a break. At least, not when a war is right around the corner.

I was to be stationed in Shinjuku, not the school. Despite the community fearing me and my strength, they were also aware of the good it could bring them, thus placing me on the front lines. Not only would it provide them with a strong asset but also a forming trust, something I needed if I wanted to get by in this harsh world. Unfortunately, I was terribly scary to humanity and that meant if I wanted trust, I needed to put in the most effort I could. I wasn't viewed as a human like the rest. And quite honestly I wasn't mad about it.

I was, however, mad at their stubbornness; their indecisiveness and their lack of intelligence. Attempts to push me away from existence had only drawn rage into me. It was disappointing to see the world of jujutsu work the way it did; all driven around fear and distrust.

It's no surprise their foolishness handed them a war.

It was well-deserved, in my eyes. Despite the fact I don't often take sides, I believe it is what they truly needed. If they weren't going to find their place themselves, they'd be put there by another force. I gave myself that option when speaking with the higher-ups, I didn't need anyone to tell me what to do or where to be because I made decisions for myself, by myself. I lacked hesitance, and they found that dangerous. They were aware of my power (and all the good it would do them), so compliance was likely — at least among the people I'm familiar with.

I do find many types of contracts pointless. But that's mostly because I, myself, am usually a factor in the equation. Oftentimes I have the upper hand in that case and it makes things undoubtedly easier. Many times, contracts are a special and well respected bond — each side would deliver both trust and accomplishment to satisfy one another. I didn't consider contracts, until it was absolutely necessary, and only then.

Naturally, being confined to ideals was something I opposed — I didn't care what other people thought of me, as long as they recognized I was their superior and respected that, I never had a problem with anyone. But I've seen many determined individuals testing my lengths of authority.

One of those individuals went by the name Suguru Geto... a man of incredible capabilities and knowledge. He was smart, witty, and disgustingly bold.

The very thought of him made me bitter. He should know his place and recognize that I don't have a limit of authority. I had strength and fear, enough to get me by and with valuable accomplishments.

The day the war was meant to go down I had taken very little time to care and a lot more time to think. He had a goal in mind, Suguru Geto, that is, and he was not willing to push aside his foolish arrogance.

War meant I had to be involved — and I wanted nothing of the such, in honesty. My goal was to earn trust, that was step one, and that's all I needed. I don't care about the people around me — nor the civilians of Tokyo, they aren't my concern, I could crush them within a blink. But I know this war is me at a for me, in some type of way. It's as if he's trying to control me; like he's trying to isolate me and cut me down.

But he is an insolent man that I was more than willing to tear down. And I wasn't alone in that, his ideals had persuaded many to turn against him... the other students, they found his beliefs despicable. I simply found him disrespectful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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