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I relished in the sweet hum of sleep, the dreamless melody kept me trapped in an endless darkness awaiting for day to rise in the bright rays of golden yellow. I replenished my energy to the fullest and relaxed my body relieved itself with a long night of rest.

Although, the joy sufficed as the sun peered through the window, strings of gold passed through the window in thin silky lines of warmth. I rose from my slumber with refreshment and got ready for the day with my usual routine, that left me in front of the mirror with a white button up tucked into my black slacks.

My hands occupied themselves with a long black cloth made from fine materials that felt smooth against the pads of my fingers, I knotted it up until it fit my standards and I let the tie go, my eyes flicking elsewhere.

I turned around and slowly walked to the door of my room where my shoes rested waiting use for the next day. As that day rose higher I tugged them onto my feet and stood back up, dusting my hands onto my pants before grabbing my coat and sliding my door aside.

I welcomed the pale luminescent light with a squint before stepping out of my room with only a single goal in mind.

"You know I've been quite interested in what your side of the story is..." Catching up to my green-haired classmate, I wore a subtle smirk undermined by my blank stare. I matched paces with the girl, my eyes trained on the side of her face since she refused to give me her full attention. "What?" She mumbled out, averting her gaze with a coarse voice.

"What makes you despise the Zen'in clan so much?" Her expression turned bothered, her eyes narrowing at me with a ragged hate, a distasteful glint her eyes at the mention of the name. She never liked the topic, yet I kept bringing it up unfazed by her sickened emotions. "Is it their condescending behavior or arrogance? Perhaps their ignorance?" I pressed on with no falter, my eyes kept steady with her own.

"You act like you know everything about them, isn't that enough for you to make your own opinion on it?" She stopped turning to face me, her arms crossing and eyes hardening at all of my attempts to speak with her. Each one went to waste, but I still hadn't backed down, persistent on the answer I wanted to get. "I have a very strong opinion of the Zen'in clan, Maki... I just wanna hear yours." I tucked my hands behind my back to shine a magnanimous expression.

"If I tell you will you leave me alone?" She sighed looking defeated. "There isn't a promise in that, we're classmates." I slightly shrugged, looking to her with a tilted head. A playful smile drew across my face, her persistent disliking was starting to be irritating but I wouldn't vacillate. "Then forget it and stop pestering me about it." She went to walk away but I stepped in front of her, moving close to her.

"What if I open up to you a little more?" I leaned my face towards hers with a blank stare, her eyes widening with a nervousness that usually never took place. A stammer took over her body and she awkwardly lifted her hands finding no way to move back. "What...?"

The menacing undertone of my grin went unnoticed with the proximity being her main focus. "I share a little about me... we'll be closer that way, you'll be more comfortable." I reasoned calmly, my sultry smile and tone making her want to back away but she found herself stuck, her body standing completely still. "So, ask away... what do you wanna know?" I smiled kindly to her, an offer she'd regularly turn down but her lips parted to let a small breath pass.

She hesitated with the lack of space between us making her seem a little more anxious. Even if she tried to hide it with an averted glare, I could still see the red shining across her ears. "How do you affiliate with the Zen'in clan...?" He voice was more of a murmur as I smiled to her finally getting what I wanted: a compliant answer from her.

"I figured you'd ask that." I smiled leaning away from her just enough so that she'd look back to me with interest. "We go way back..." Her brows furrowed slightly at that and my smile drew wider at her captivation, I had her attention and compliance... "You know they've tried to kill me countless times, it's only proven to be futile yet they haven't stopped." My hand had rested on my chin in faux skepticism and I glance to her with a blank look in my stare. "It's quite irritating... they're pests that won't stop their bothersome efforts."

"Why do they want to kill you...?" She spoke warily and the question I was able to calmly avoid a soft grin tugging at my lips. "You're way more curious than I thought." My hands were laced together behind my back to display my calm manner. "It's just about the same for you." She retorted with a shrug, her eyes averted in a subtle irritation.

"In turn of me answering your question... answer mine, that way it's fair." I reasoned lightly, a generous tone hinted at my genuine inquisitiveness and she followed up slowly, "What's your question?" She inquired, letting me take in a small breath to add to the tension of the anticipation. I could tell she doesn't know what to expect from me, I knew she wasn't one to be shocked or nervous — but with me it was much different... she couldn't read me like she did the rest; she couldn't understand me. "What honestly motivates you?"

She was silent, debating on what answer she should choose — which lie or truth she wanted, before she let out a dismayed breath. "I... I want to prove my family wrong," She shrugged speaking in a simple voice, she seemed honest with her answer. "They're against me for stupid reasons and I want to show them how idiotic they are." She elaborated further, her jaw tightening slightly as she was reminded of her days before here. "Why are you see keen on knowing?"

"I judge people that way." I stated without a falter, my smile a little less genuine. "That's kind of unfair..."

"Life isn't fair."

天上天下 唯我独尊

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天上天下 唯我独尊

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