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People get in their own way. They fail and rise if that's what they please but it's only bothersome when they're in my way. It's quite irritating to have to work around the fools who think they're great; they use pride as blades I'm willing to skin them with.

Pushing myself to do something productive, I lifted myself out of bed and drowned my thoughts with boiling water, the hot steam blurred the bathroom mirror as I calmly watered my skin down with hot droplets of water mixed in with soap. I had a serene shower, the sound of water slapping the tiled floor rushed away my discomfort and filled my emotions with refreshment.

Eventually, I stepped out of the water, greeting myself with cool air before covering myself with a towel, a shiver dragging up my spine. I quickly put on a fresh pair of clothes and wasted no time to continue my morning routine.

Once I had my thoroughly tidied up I exited my dormitory, walking out to one of my classmates. A pale-haired boy with dark purple eyes seemed to light up at my presence, he gave off a friendly vibe that elicit his value of kindness. He lifted his hand to wave at me, a kind greeting that was followed by a light, "Kelp" expressing something I couldn't translate.

"Good morning." I simply responded ignoring his words that I didn't understand anyway. My smile was polite and clear, showing how today was really going to be good despite the ominous message I had sent Gojo previously.

"Tuna tuna?" The boy suddenly said, I looked to him with a questioning gaze before he instantly finches and reached for his phone. I assumed he was going to explain what he had meant by typing it out and patiently waited for him to elaborate after a multitude of vigorous taps against his phone screen. When he turned the phone around to me abruptly I leaned closer as if to get a better look, my hands behind my back neatly.

'Have you already looked to see what mission you'll be sent on for practice?' I pursed my lips together and looked off as if to recall a thought. "No... I don't think I have." I calmly said looking up to him, he nodded to me and went to type his thoughts again.

'If you want we can partner up today :>' My lips parted slightly and a tranquil breath passed through, I looked to him with a smile that slowly grew. "I'd like that... Inumaki, if it's not a bother." He shook his head quickly, denying my words before sending me a innocent smile, the corners of his eyes wrinkled faintly and his eyes closed to show gratitude.

"This is it... Kawasaki city apart of the Kanagawa Prefecture..." A man with black hair cast his eyes down towards a small tablet, the light on the screen creating a tint against his face. His glasses shined as he read from the script he was stuck to, a nervousness in his tone truthfully revealing his reasons for becoming a window. "Today you two are subject to exorcise a group of grade three cursed spirits." He continued adjusting the glasses before looking up at us two. "The job should be simple for strong students like you but if you have any struggle..."

I shook my head when he trailed off, my hand neatly clasped around my opposite wrist just below my stomach. "There isn't any need for assistance, I'm sure this job will be easy." I said glancing to my current partner who nodded in return. "Oh — okay..." He anxiously spoke, shutting off the device in his hand to tuck it under his non-dominant arm.

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure..." The window said raising his hand to conduct the jujutsu, I watched him with patience before gazing up above with interest. As if the sky had been torn apart, black ink pile waves of the curtain dripped down as a barrier between worlds. The darkness settling down between us students and the window, his eyes casted towards the ground nervously.

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