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"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Seething out a breath of hate, Maki stepped forward with a fuming expression. Anger boiled her patience to the brim and spilled over with insulted unhappiness. "You can't go on about how you hate liars but you yourself have no room to talk!" She crossed her arms together tightly, a grimace on her face as she stood opposite of me with a heated face. "I never trusted you and this just proves why!"

"You're a cruel manipulator..." She mumbled out, finally letting her anger fade and turn into a silent hate, her glares and sternness still crossing over to me. "Maki, you can insult me all you want but I've never once talked about myself, not like that." I said slowly, her eyes tugging wide for a split second before she shook her head with a huff. "I never lied, I just never mentioned there was a truth..."

"That's close to the same thing! You're too secretive to be trustful." She answered as her temper rose at me, my eyes narrowing at her slightly. "You can't expect respect for you options because you hid them..." She spoke strongly, her voice unfaltering and strict as if she wanted me to crack under its pressure.

"Maki maybe we should just let that go for now... the next time she's gonna be yelled at it could end with her life." Panda said earning a nod from the boys beside him. "What?" She turned to them briefly before glancing back at me, my head resting on my chin as I sat carelessly at a desk.

"You're right that it was wrong for her to keep that a secret... so she has a hearing with the higher-ups in a few days..." Panda explained to the green-haired girl, her face molding into confusion and shock before returning to its strictness. "She'll most likely not survive... sorry (Y/N)." Panda continued in a guilty tone I hummed to his words with a smile drawing across my face. "It's alright, I tend to be underestimated a lot."

Maki shook her head and removed herself from the room, deciding it's best to leave the topic alone for now. I watched her distance herself until she shut a door behind her where I let out a sigh.

"What are they gonna do to you...?" Okkotsu asked reluctantly, his hesitation wasn't out of fear of me but of what was going to happen to me. I made bonds with them, even if they were short moments it was enough to make them care. I had them wrapped around my finger... "A trial, and then I'll be forced to comply with whatever they say." I knew it was the other way around, they would listen to me because those cowards would do anything for their lives. They would end the world if it meant they lived, they were filthiest part of the jujutsu world just because of their privileges.

"Even if..." Okkotsu began quietly looking at me warily. "You're considered bad... you haven't done anything to hurt another human, have you?" He asked with a small exhale, I looked to him with a tilted head, my palm against my face allowing me to look bored. "Of course not... what Geto had claimed was strictly to get into your heads, you know that right?" I said, lying through my teeth with ease, they listened in as I spoke unnerved. I was able to pass as completely calm and relaxed as if I weren't caught, this was the most deceitful thing I've done at the school and it was going well...

"He managed to observe all of you and spoke with the intention to cause chaos." I reasoned with a gaze strictly on them, I kept a blank look showing no sign of falter as my words e angered their minds. I could see them thinking about what I had said, they were intently trying to connect the dots aiming for realization. "That's true... with what he said to Maki..." Panda started earning a nod from Inumaki.

I let out a sigh before icing my gaze to the window where a multitude of people flooded the landscape. "He's a despicable man and uses his murder as justification for his power, he's not strong he's arrogant and witty."

The existence of curses tended to always repulsive, my undefined length on this planet gave me the ability to say that strongly. I couldn't stand those filthy creatures and had killed whichever one I came across, splattering their dark blood across the ground as it's body whimpered and seeped under my power. I wasn't remorseful of it, and my intentions were just to make this world free. I wanted the same thing Geto was after, and I wouldn't be stopped.

I've spent a while deceiving and hurting just so I can get closer to my goal, I know the honest way to end this loop but I've barely stepped foot on the path of murder. I haven't, but the spirit within me did.

"You can do better than this..." I moved around my arms, the thick rope around my wrists scratching into my skin like tiny needles clawing my flesh. I glanced at the restraints with a stern glare and sighed, lifting my head to stare darkly ahead. "You're recognized for your greatness but the best you can do is rope?"

"Those ropes are imbued with energy that prevents yours from acting, Devil." A stern voice spoke darkly, their deep tone would naturally make people fear, but all it had done was make me want to mock their foolishness. "I find that hard to believe, but we'll see."

They were hiding, so I doubted their power. Behind each neatly distant shoji was a discontented individual blinded by titles. Their names gave them power but it had nothing to do with the jujutsu within, easily they could be slaughtered, I wonder why no one's made such an attempt yet. The world doesn't need tyrants or injustice, it needs me.

"The trial is starting whether you consent to it or not, failure to comply is an immediate execution but cooperation offers a possibility..." A lighter tone suggested, much different than the dark and stern one from before, obviously I assumed it came from a different person based off the light flow of words. "Though you are the Devil of Curses you have hidden under the name (Y/N) and despite being well-known for your ruthlessness, you've been disguised as a much calmer young woman." My lips remained flatly against one another, listening hurry not confirming or denying any of their words.

"You've killed countless as a spirit and who knows how many more in the body of this human." I let out a discontent sigh and let my head fall to the side in noticeable boredom. "This trial is a decision for the both of us, you will listen." The statement was threatening, the hateful darkness in the tone of the elder would naturally frighten people.

"I'll listen to what's important." I said calmly, sending a grin to no one in specific. The shoji doors disrupting the space held the identities of the elders away from public, it was evident this was a minor sign of their fear. "That's not a request it's a demand." The same person said with tone that wavered due to age. "You don't have the power to order me around."

"What are you going to do against it? You're the one tied up..." The statement made my eyes drop to the restraints on my wrists, my eyes narrowed at them slightly with an overwhelming amount of negativity forming around me like a evil aura.

"I'm perfectly capable of freeing myself... I'm much stronger than you think."

天上天下 唯我独尊

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天上天下 唯我独尊

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