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I let out sigh staring up at the bright blue sky above, a blank look on my face and a sign of nothing good broke the peacefulness of the morning. I watched as the sky turned solemn with my eyes falling down soon after. "Damn this place." I mumbled kicking at a pebble on the ground. The words slipped from my mouth with a distaste that lingered in the thick atmosphere for a little longer than I was pleased with.

"Sharp tongue." Suddenly commenting beside me, a man in a dark uniform that was neatly sprawled across his long and thin body. His head was facing the same direction as mine was except for the slight tilt in his head hinting at his innocent curiosity. Vanilla strands of hair sprawled across his head in no meticulous fashion, the golden day made his ivory hair glisten with a reflected brightness, his pale "You already hate it here?" A smirk was well evident on his face, clearly made by the tone he used.

"It's better than being across the country..." I muttered unbothered. He lifted his hands and sent me a joyful thumbs up, a grin displayed proudly across his confidence. "You're welcome for that." A cool wind brushed pass us making me shiver a little from its coldness.

I hummed with simple acknowledgment, my back pressed against a firm wooden bench that hadn't held much comfort to my body. "You're early," He began with a hand on his chin a small smile revealed by his town and displayed across his lips. "It's unusual." His observation made a small smile draw across my face. "It's proper etiquette not to be late on your first day." I responded giving him my attention with a side-glance, my body still facing forwards.

"You're not a naturally well-mannered individual," He observed with a blunt phrasing, my brows furrowed in offense and I looked at him with a playful glare. "Every word you say is usually something insulting." He listed lifting his hand up to literally point out what he was remarking carelessly. "You're not even wearing the school uniform." He pointed at me and swirled his finger around, a gesticulation to my entire body, specifically aimed at my clothes.

"Where are you getting with this...?" I kept the same glare on him with a little bit more irritation in my tone. He wasted no time to explain himself a simple statement with no emotions behind it. "You don't care." He shrugged and leaned back in the bench his head tilted up to the sky. "But here you are putting effort into something." He grinned with his head lolling to the side, gazing at my side profile with a smirk.

"You act like I had an option." I retorted narrowing my eyes to appear more annoyed with his presence. "True, but I was sure you wouldn't let a few old guys tell you what to do." He sighed as if dismayed by my compliance. Slightly rolling my eyes I began with a steady tone, "I wasn't," I let out a breath of air, "Until they threatened my life."

He chuckled softly at my response, his laugh was half-hearted but amused by my straightforward words. He suddenly pushed himself up from the bench his action catching my attention when he turned to me.

"Since you're so eager to have a first impression..." He forced his hands into his pockets, slipping into his natural posture that slightly hovered with a curve in his spine. I wasn't sure how he still managed to be tall even with his bad posture. Despite his noticeable oddness I still turned my nose up slightly at his remark, as the moment passed he seemed to only be more irking. "Let's introduce you to the others..."

"(Y/N), I'm a special-grade jujutsu student." I made my introduction short and sweet, my eyes skeptically navigating through the students with different formulating opinions. Even with my sharp stare, I held a polite smile that introduced the students to a more well-mannered and considerate version of me. Though I had no clue what they thought of me, I still believed they had no sign of negative intentions towards me and all their judgment had dissipated at my calm tone.

"You know... I think we were just about to assign missions," Gojo tapped his chin as if to recall a previous thought, my eyes moved aside from the other students sitting in their seats quietly. The man smiled turning his attention to the four sat in seats, all of the students held unique values, it was something I noticed instantly. A girl with purple glasses and no possession of cursed energy, a vanilla-haired boy with his collar adjusted fairly high, a cursed corpse taking the form of a giant panda, and finally a navy-eyes boy with an incredible amount of cursed energy.

"I suppose you can buddy-up with one of them and get to know each other. However there is an odd number so..." He explained with an unconcerned lightness that lingered in the air for a few seconds just before he followed it up with a more reasonable point. "You're smart, you can figure this out, right?" He reasoned logically, his smiled widening at the sight of my curt nod.

"Simple," I placed a hand on my chin with a faux bemusement. My eyes fell from the ceiling to the students eyeing each one of the individually. "I'll go alone."

There was a brief moment of silence before a small chuckle elicit from the tall sorcerer. "That kind of defeats the purpose of getting to know each other..." He smiled dryly and I simply returned a blank gaze. "But going alone isn't something above you." He sent me a thumbs up, another wry expression of careless gratitude. "I know you know what you're doing so I have no problem with it."

He clapped his hands together with a firm slap the attention was once again on him. "Well, as usual, you'll have to wait for a window to pick you up," He stated with his hands falling back to his pockets, the bandages around his eyes made him a character hard to read. "Socialize while you have the chance." He smiled with a incautious positivity, he was usually smug and uncaring.

"I haven't had a tour yet..." I spoke up with a collected composure, a smile making its way across my face to politely make a subtle request. "I haven't had a chance to try out hojicha chiffon cake from Yokohama... I heard there's a annual addition to it." My brows fell downwards and there was an evident look of irritation starting to bubble in my expression. My arms crossed and I let out a disappointed sigh, "I see..."

"I'm sure someone else will show you around."

天上天下 唯我独尊

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天上天下 唯我独尊

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