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"Zen'in Maki. But just call me Maki... and this is Inumaki Toge." The most noticeable student out of them all began after my own introduction, her reasons for speaking for the boy beside her were unknown but I nodded to confirm I had heard her. "Pleasure to meet you two." I said calmly in response they each nodded back as I had also done. "I still don't have any way of navigating through the property, if it isn't any hindrance I'd like at least an idea as to where the dormitories are..."

"It's no problem... I still can't believe that dumbass wouldn't give you at least a walk around the property." Maki leaned her face against her hand with a unimpressed sigh to express her dismay. The pale blonde student standing beside her nodded at her words and then looked back at me.

"Tuna tuna." He spoke with a simple tone, his repeated words making my brows crease faintly, but eyes widening more noticeably. That was new...

"Toge is a cursed speech user, he narrows his vocabulary down to onigiri ingredients in order to not harm anyone." The large bear made his way to us three, his explanation held my attention and a calm demeanor washed away my surprise. "I'm Panda, it kind of explains itself." He grinned a white and toothy smile at me and I returned it with a soft one of my own. Beside him a boy lifted his eyes up, the navy hues settling on me with an unknown shine in the deep blue. "I'm Okkotsu Yuuta."

With a kind smile sent his way I continued the conversation, "The introductions are nice but I still have no general idea of where things are in the school." I said bluntly with a tinge of depleting patience as I had been turned down twice for a tour of the property.

"Oh, it's no issue..." Panda started placing a gaze on one of his classmates. "I'm sure Maki wouldn't mind showing you around." The female looked to him with an unamused expression before she looked away with a sigh. "Sure, I was only planning on going on a mission and practicing with Yuuta's sword skills," She began with a dry tongue, the boy she mentioned shook from his thought and looked at her with a questioning expression.

"But pay no mind, my duties do not matter." She huffed pushing herself out of the chair she was originally comfortable in. "That's wonderful I'm sure (Y/N) will enjoy this experience with your enthusiasm." Panda smiled at her and Maki returned a glare as if his words were wry.

"Stupid blindfolded moron." She hissed walking with a naturally self-assured and calm posture. She seemed the most strict out of all the students, she had her priorities organized and her mind set on accomplishing her goals. She seemed well-mannered and neatly set-out for what she wants in the future... she is quite unique even with the lack of jujutsu.

"It seems as if it's a custom to insult the man we call our teacher." I lightly snickered at her display of disgust towards the man. He seemed to have only the most irritating impressions on people and had kept that reputation up for quite some time. It's hard to believe the 'strongest shaman' is also the most annoying teacher that countlessly instigates his students.

"In honesty, he deserves it with his careless behavior." She spoke with a harsh undertone, she seemed rather short tempered towards people who didn't take the world of jujutsu seriously. Her reasoning was honest but I wasn't interested in that, rather why she had wanted this route when she could not conjure her own jujutsu.

"Say, Maki..." I began without a carefulness in my actions. "You're apart of the Zen'in clan, right?" I began with an inquisitive expression, my hands tucked behind my back as I leaned out to her attention in her peripherals. "What about it?" She glanced at me but kept her head straight forwards, a slight venom laced her words giving me the idea that she had not been too fond of her own family. My opinion wasn't much different, they are the reason I am here, after all.

"I just find it interesting that you have no cursed energy even though you are blood of a big clan..." She turned her head to me, a surprise displayed itself with her abruptness, shock pulling her eyes wide. I held a faint smile and kept my eyes off of her, a rush in my blood telling me to continue. "Of course, I have nothing against you becoming a shaman it's an admirable expression of perseverance." I said with a tone of sultry kindness, the sweetness making her shoulders relax.

"But I am more interested in the reason as to why you chose this route." I looked to her and I stared directly in her eyes, a deep and long gaze between us both that slowed us to a halt. I waited in a thick silence for her response staring into her dark eyes for more of an answer, she seemed unnerved by that fact I was able to read her so quickly.

She suddenly blinked and turned her head away with a click of her tongue. "It doesn't have anything to do with you... you don't have any right to know my personal life when we've only just met." She responded pushing her glasses further up her face before crossing her arms.

"Knowing someone's goals isn't going to do any harm..." I leaned towards her a little, a encouraging smile, one that asked for more irritation than patience. My gaze was strictly on her a strength in them had showed my unwillingness to falter. The grin on my face widened slightly as I began again speaking with  sweet honey, "In fact I could offer my assistance." My voice fell softer and I inched closer, the girl shaking her head in response.

"I don't need help." She stated looking down telling me even though she was strong looking she had a nervousness creeping up on her. "Hm... of course not, you've made it this far without anyone caring, why had it only changed just now?" I asked sweetly, my voice urging for her to tell me more. "What?" Her words turned cold and her gaze held a perturbed agitation, her head slowly turning back to me. "I have no bad intentions... it's just curiosity."

"Be curious elsewhere." She huffed taking a large step away from me. I leaned back and straightened my posture with my eyes following her, my expression faltering into something innocent. I watched her distance herself, her back firmly turned away from me.

"The dorms are just at the end of this hall... if that's all you needed I'll be on my way."

天上天下 唯我独尊

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天上天下 唯我独尊

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