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"Welcome back, I hope the mission wasn't too tough." Panda sent a thumbs up to the two of us, Inumaki right by my side as I entered the grassy field. "Salmon." He hummed with a nod and I crossed my arms calmly. "Nothing I couldn't handle." I said simply a playfulness in my tone as I smiled at the bear and the boy taking a seat on the grass.

"You must be quite strong." Okkotsu uncapped a water bottle, settling contently on the grass with a unsheathed cursed tool beside him. He took a sip of the cool beverage and I turned to focus my attention on him with a generous smile. "I know my limits well so I know when a mission will actually be an issue." I said calmly making eye contact with the boy. He took his mouth off the bottle and looked down at the lid as he capped it, avoiding my stare.

I turned my head towards a tree where it shaded the grass slightly, my eyes wandered across the dark strands of green that resembled the hair of the girl who sat quietly under the leaves. "Anything new for you, Maki?" I asked to female, tilting my head in innocent curiosity. She looked to me with a unamused expression before responding side-eyeing me. "Nothing you should be worried of." She stated with no further mumbling.

"Oh, well, I'm here for assistance with whatever you need." She started to rise, pushing herself up from the ground she grabbed her cursed tool and turned her back to the rest of the students. "I don't need anything from you." She walked off, heading to the direction of the main building with quiet steps, she was still discontented with the memories of our first encounter.

"Don't worry about her, she tends to be like that with all students." Panda said with a shake of the head, he brushed off the serious atmosphere as the female distance herself with no looking back. "Yeah..." Okkotsu chimed in pulling a knee up to comfortably sit on the grass. "It's nerve-wracking at first but she'll get used to you... and won't hit you as hard when you're training." He looked down earning a sweat drop from the other two students. "Yeah..." Panda mumbled unable to thoroughly process his words without feeling concerned for his well-being.

"I thank you for the optimism but in honesty I do not care what she thinks of me." I simply stated brushing off their concerns with a quick and simple remark. "Oh — "

"(Y/N)!" Loudly calling my name I turned my attention towards the white-haired teacher who wore a wide grin. Okkotsu light flinched at the abruptness and turned his head to see who was beckoning for my attention. "I didn't think I'd be able to get your attention that quick." Gojo said as he stopped near Okkotsu, who still wore a surprised face. "Oh, hey, Yuuta."

"Hey, Gojo." He muttered out to the man with his head lowered. "Well — (Y/N)!" The man switched his focus back to me, a happy look displayed on his face as he neared me. "What's the issue?" I questioned, with a dismayed sigh — his urgency was obnoxious and naturally, I wasn't pleased with it. "On the contrary! It's actually good news." He alerted with a bright smile shaking his head at my dismay in hopes I'd share his enthusiasm.

"Does it have anything to do with the annual hojicha chiffon cake?" I asked playfully, my hands neatly tucked behind me as I politely joked with the man. "I have leftovers if you really wanna try some!"

"What's the original matter, Gojo?" I sighed hoping to move on and actually tell me why he had so abruptly interrupted my school day. "There's a special grade that's been spotted Saitama prefecture, the higher-ups wanted me to go but I know how much you like an actual challenge." He smirked with a simple shrug, I stopped to think about the offer, my eyes briefly gazing at the students who gazed in great wonder.

"(Y/N) you take special-grade missions!?"


"That's cool!"

Gojo continued unbothered, a hand on his chin as if surveying my expression. "Kiyotaka's up for a drive, and if not... well he probably wouldn't want to know how that ends." He chuckled to himself a small smile appearing on my own face. "I don't mind." I finally said after a moment of their shocked voices.

"It's because of you that I despise this planet." Cowering in front of me a cursed spirits remained quivering with murmurs of pain. I glared hatefully at the pathetic being feeling only a sense of revulsion to its existence. It's weakness made me disgusted, something labeled so powerful had lost so easily and that made me contempt. "You're repulsive existence makes me want to go all out..." I stood up fully, moving away from its damaged face.

Dark blood fell from its disoriented skin, scratched and bruised from torture. I looked down on it way my head slightly tilted. "It's so incredibly foolish to act like you can kill me." I lifted my foot to step in its shaking limb, the spirit was continuously trying to replenish its lost energy. I pressed my foot further into its dying skin, it's body quivering and grumbling as it tried to remove itself from my pressure. "I want to pity you but I'd be much more entertained torturing you." I sneered with a tone laced fully in venom.

With one more stomp I finished the job, the spirits body shriveling up before bursting into small pieces of flesh and guts. Dark blood ran across the ground in warm pools of despair, the guts seeped form the broken body that had gone completely unmoving and silent.

"Do you act like this with curse users as well?" I lifted my head, my shoulders slightly tensed from a surprise voice. I wasn't normally shocked by the presence of another person making this moment odd to me. "If that's the case I wouldn't have a problem avoiding you." His low tone of voice crossed my ears with a sweet calmness, he had stood in my peripherals with a content smile, dark hair falling across his shoulders and traditional clothes dressing his body.

I turned my body to face him, my head tilted in a playful instigation "That's not a very good first impression." I commented narrowing my eyes at him with a malicious grin. He returned the grin with a malevolence that hadn't gone unnoticed, my eyes wandering his form skeptically. "Who says I was trying to make it good?" He smirked with a smugness that was evident in his tone and expression, he held a confidence that remarked his boldness clearly.

"Hm... it's just an instinct, I'd believe." I said lifting my head higher and looking aside plainly. "Then let's restart, shall we?" He grinned and I turned my gaze to him, keeping my head turned away. "I'm Geto Suguru." He silently requested for me to my respond and complying I stared him down with a intimidating glint in my eyes. "(Y/N)..." I responded calmly, a curious look in my eyes.

"That's certainly nicer than 'Devil of Curses' isn't it?"

My lips parted at his words and my eyes widened a little. My shock had slowly dissipated and a small displeased smile crossed my face, dissatisfied with his observation I sighed. "I hate to say it but confirming my identity isn't going to be beneficial for you, Geto."

天上天下 唯我独尊

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天上天下 唯我独尊

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