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I let out a sigh letting my eyes wander with a careless sharpness, there was a intensity in my strict gaze that often gave people the impression I was a rude person. My lips pressed together into a thin line, it was firm and keen while my cheek rested in the palm of my hand. Ire marine still for a decent time, letting the world live around me as a soft breeze brushed through my hair.

The late afternoon sun was slowly falling from the sky and planning to rest elsewhere while the moon confronted the darkness with a pale shine. I kept my mind elsewhere, thinking back to the previous mission I had handled with simplicity. The cursed spirit had only been a grade three, it left a lot of room for my ability to make do without hesitation. Naturally, I had been strong since I was young — mere grade threes wouldn't even exhaust my energy.

I had only been thinking back to it because of the difference in spirits. They have motives, some of them, but they drive themselves towards violence to get there. The world would be so much easier without them but the two options provided to go along with that are... inherently belittled. The decision of violence or not was decided by the cowardly old men using all shamans as bodyguards, and instinctively it's repulsive.

Letting my eyes fall to the wooden table I leaned against I leta string of curses fill my mind in a suppressed anger. I had only stopped damning the jujutsu world when I felt a pressure drag across my skin in uncontrollable goosebumps. My eyes narrowed slightly as the moment of sublime relief dissipated with ever longing second.

"You can sit down," A small smile lifted my lips and I leaned off of my palm, my back still towards the newcomer as I adjusted my posture. "I don't bite."

"Right..." A nervousness haunted the tone of voice as well as the speaker, my smile slowly fading as he sat down and it formed into a thin line of content. Beside me, a boy of the same age took the other end of the wooden bench his navy eyes making their way to me after a few seconds of silence. "So... are you a transfer student? It's pretty late in the year..." He finally spoke up drumming his fingers across the table.

I looked to him, his eyes were slightly downcast the dark hues were a neat ombré of dim blue. There was a thin layer of sweat remaining from a previous mission that darkened his hair and tinted his skin with a clear shine of gold, reflected by the sun. "No, are you?" I continued, speaking with a unflustered steadiness. "Yeah... I was." He responded dryly, a harsh swallow following his mumbled words.

His shyness didn't go unnoticed and a brief grin tugged at my lips, my eyes gazing off into a mindless void. The silence was a satisfaction, I often thought best in the moments of serenity; a clear head having the ability to make my thoughts simple and easily understood. I was able to make better observations in the quietness, one example was the tenseness in the boys shoulders I had noticed upon first glance.

He held a nervous posture that was practically instinctive, he appeared like he was expecting insults or some form of criticism like he'd done wrong with everything. "You seem timid." I commented from beside him, he lightly flinched at my sudden perception, his head turning to look at me but instead of meeting my eyes he met my side profile and nervously averted his gaze. "I — " He began but was interrupted smoothly by my saccharine melody, a sugary grin across my face as I leaned his way.

"Do I make you nervous?"

The cloying whisper made him tense up a little more, the nervousness on his face a little more apparent when he met eyes with me. His lips parted as if to say something but interrupting him yet again was the rush of cool air from the breeze. The suns light was lessening and the atmosphere had already started to cool, it felt like a shivery winter would be making its way to Tokyo.

"It's not that. I'm not scared of you..." He said quietly earning my attention once more, I leaned away from him and straightened my posture with an unknown expression. "I don't really have an opinion on you, I believe you're a nice person though! You also seemed to have adjusted well to the new environment — even if it is your first day." He observed with a soft expression above the solemness he exhibited often. "And you're pretty — calm. It's not something you see a lot around here, but you have a neat composure."

I let a soft silence pass between us before gazing at him fondly. "That's a nice observation, Okkotsu, at first glance I could tell you were perceptive; one of a kind, even."

"Thank you..." He emit a soft laugh before continuing after raising my curiosity briefly. "The way you speak makes me want to think of you as a superior..." He hadn't meant anything more than a compliment he was yet to realize my importance so it was almost foreshadowing, and that made me smirk slightly. "Like I should call you 'ma'am'." Another light chuckle followed his words and I shrugged simply.

"Feel free to refer to me however you wish, I just hope it's nothing offensive." I politely looked at him and innocently tilted my head to the side, something almost urging for his compliance to trust me. A brightness lit up on his face, he appeared much more trusting and a sense of kindness more often exhibited towards friends revealed itself to me. "Yes ma'am!"

"You're fitting in at a quick pace." Gojo commented as I walked down the long hall of the school, I assumed he only joined me to hand off a mission but he'd surprised me with the conversation starter. "I am." I affirmed bluntly, the obvious truth hadn't a need to be stated but it wasn't an issue to confirm my easygoing day further. "Is it everything you imagined?" He questioned with a grin as if mocking my previous condescension of the school.

"Everything but the students." I hummed not bothering to look his way, the stubbornness lingered in my voice but he only continued unbothered. "Oh? Have you already made firm opinions of everyone?" He leaned a little towards my face, trying to gain more of my attention by making an appearance in my peripherals.

I shook my head and glanced sideways. "Not like that... I've only really had a conversation with two of them, I've gotten to know them a little..." I explained simply his smile flattering a little as mine did the same, forming something quietly content.

"You're looking for their motives, am I right?" He suddenly spoke up, again I only looked at him from the side, keeping my head straight and my face exhibiting no emotion except a faint smile. "You wanna know what's driving them so you can really make an opinion on them." He added emphasis to a words to show off its significance, the subtle hint towards my strictness to people's ideals. He knew me too well.

There was a brief silence before I lifted my hands in defeat my head lowering in faux shame. "You've got me..." I mumbled out with a disappointed sigh, my hands fell to my sides once more and I looked to him with a fake innocence. "But it's not going to hurt anyone so I don't see why I'm not able to push them to reveal their goals." I shrugged silently looking forwards carelessly.

"I know you better than you think, (Y/N), once you have a visual of what someone believes you don't have hesitation to use it for your own good." I didn't look at the tall man, his eyes strictly on me, even if I couldn't see them directly. I let his words set in before responding, pausing my steps as I neared my dorm room. "I'm not evil... you make me sound like I'm the enemy." I chuckled lightheartedly, a subtle attempt to avoid the seriousness of that topic.

"You're just hard to understand." He shrugged stooping beside me, he stared at the side of my face while I avoided his hidden gaze. "You fight for power no matter what, the only reason there aren't any complaints because what you're killing is jujutsu's ideal of evil."

"Goodnight, Gojo, I presume tomorrow will be a long day... rest will be important." I entered my room with subtle haste, locking the door behind me with a firm click. My lips tugged back to reveal a pleased grin, it had a unkind undertone that was usually unnoticed. The people here are much more observant... it's almost amusing how much they keep to themselves.

They're all scared.

They're all scared

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