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"Oh? Is that a threat?" He tainted with a playful grin, I crossed my arms as I watched him stand still with a lingering confidence. "Take it how you will, it's not my decision to make, but dare to use it against me and there are sure to be unpleasant consequences." I tilted my head down but gazed upwards at him with a growing disliking.

"Really?" He smirked as if unbothered. He was only finding my strength amusing, he was unaware and uncertain. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, I can warn you now."

He grinned and took a threatening step towards me, his action was fueled by arrogance and I could only look down in him, he was immature for that. "What is there to fear...? Aren't you above hurting humans? You have a single ideal you are after... there's no telling that you'd actually hurt someone." He spoke with a faux grin of politeness, his grin wasn't genuine more pressured with venom and hate, to whom that disgust belonged to I had no clue.

"Getting my way isn't above me." I said bluntly, my eyes narrowing slightly as a small smirk faintly drew across my face. "What makes you think you can confront me and then talk down to me?" An innocence lingered in my expression and posture, my head tilted in a fake curiosity as my eyes were pools of feigned purity. "You are in the body of a human." He stood in front of me when he spoke this time, his height was the only thing intimidating about him, but even then I didn't feel frightened. "Do you really think that will stop me from doing what I please?"

His head shook calmly and he looked off as if I thought. "Absolutely not," He began with a faint laugh. "And that's why I came to make an offer." He grinned looking back down at me.

With a menacing grin to reciprocate his I began with a subtle harshness, "You're first impression was quite bad... I don't think your contract will be much better, but go ahead... amuse me." My tone tainted him with sweetness, the lightness of my tone contradicted the condescending words I used against him.

"As you wish..." He continued with a slight nod, he stood proudly before me, and my arms fell behind my back as I waited for him to speak. "You and I both have our views of this world, they may be different but I know you have a list for destruction, you aren't human, after all." He turned his body but kept his face towards me, I watched as he moved with arrogance and a sourness built up in my tongue. He was just like every other human, foolish and prideful.

"And because of that, you kill with a fierceness that's hard to find amongst the cowards in the jujutsu world." I stared sharply and waited for him to continue silently, the words processing as they ran off his tongue. "Now, there's nothing wrong with that except for the fact that you are getting no where with what you're doing." He shrugged turning his back to me, an overwhelming pressure had started to grew but I still stood as if unfazed. "You kill cursed spirits, but realistically, they aren't the problem..."

As he trailed off I began with a steadiness that shocked him, "It's the humans that live obliviously." I stated earning his full attention once again. "It's the most obvious answer, has it not been?" I chuckled with a malicious undertone, my hand tapping my chin as I looked to the side. "You'd have to be incredibly stupid not to see it." I glanced back to him with a gaze full of menacing energy, my tongue poking at him with sharp words finally requited.

"So, what's your offer?"

There was a calmness in my pace that had usually stayed for most of my life. I had let my conversation from earlier take over my thoughts and began to think of all the things a world without non-shamans would effect.

For starters, there would be no cursed spirits — the enemy shamans have fought against for thousands of years and still can't manage to kill them off. The idea of making this world cleaner wasn't exactly despised, and Geto was only one of the few to think of it. With the lack of non-shamans population would most definitely be under control and no one would have to worry about a threat that wasn't themselves.

Naturally, it should be the better option. Except the only reason shamans exist were to protect non-shamans — and without recognition. It was stupid to believe that their everyday lives went without even being able to notice their superior. Repulsive, almost.

Of course, the offer to kill all non-shamans wasn't a big deal in my eyes, it would eventually be done either by me or Geto, and it would surely cause chaos. And I wasn't against any of that...

"Hey (Y/N)! How was your special-grade mission?" I gave my attention to the navy eyes boy walking towards me. He sent a smile my way and I reciprocated the polite gesture with a grin of my own. My hands, like usual, went to tuck themselves behind my back in a proper posture that revealed my firm attention. "It went well, Okkotsu, how about you own training?" I asked him calmly, a faux generousness in my tone and smile that kept him oblivious.

"There wasn't any way I could have improved in the two hours you were gone... but I still had a good practice with Maki."

"That's fair..." I hummed towards the boy with a pleased expression. "Say... do you know why Maki wants to be a shaman?" I asked calmly, a tilt in my head to further request with no ill intention. Okkotsu sent a questioning gaze towards me, a brow was lifted and his lips were pursed together. "Well... no." He finally said with a hand on his chin as if he'd get a better answer with it there.

"I think it was something about proving to her family she's not weak." Panda said in a matter-of-fact tone, a curious expression on his face as he looked down at me. His random appearance hasn't left me shocked but instead interested as to how he managed the sudden advent. "Why?" He followed up with a calm inquiry, in exchange I let out a content sigh.

"Is it not okay to simply be curious?" I asked him with a unnoticed smirk, a sign of amusement on my face after I had gotten what I needed. Of course Maki didn't like her family, there wasn't any surprise to that... they were all fools anyway.

"I have nothing against it... it just seemed out of the blue." Panda put his paws up in defense, his shoulders shrugging as if he was in defeat.
"Ah... I see." I nodded to the bear in understanding. "Well, I better be on my way, there's either another mission I'll have to take up or basic training." I stated with a comforting sigh, my legs already helping my body distance myself from my other classmates.

"Don't overwork yourself...!"

"Tuna and mayo."

天上天下 唯我独尊

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天上天下 唯我独尊

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