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"Reports of your violence have been recorded throughout hundreds of years, (Y/N), and with no name given to the cursed spirit possessing you." The bitterness of his voice repulsed me. Ignorance was clear in their filthy confidence and I could only stare blankly at their annoying incomprehension of reality. "You've just been recognized as one thing throughout time..." They trailed off, hidden behind screens as if it presented them even stronger.

"The Devil." The resentment of their voice was enough to make my head tilt up mockingly. It was almost as if I was looking down on them, figuratively and literally. "A spirit with no consistency, one day you work alongside The King of Curses but the next your plotting his exorcism..." The same man murmured, clearing his throat directly after as if tripping over his words in faint surprise. "It's a devilish quality and provides the reasoning behind your well-known title."

"You can't avoid the sentence of death, it's practically fate after you entered this side of jujutsu."

I let out a sigh, momentarily letting them sit in my clear disappointment. "I don't see why..." I began, glancing around the room with obvious disgust. "I've been inactive for several long years... what's the rush of trying to kill me?" My head fell to the side in pity, a brow raising on my face as a smirk tugged my lips along with it. "Is it because you're scared?" I asked innocently, faux interest in my voice. Despite my uncaring nature I still held a faint curiosity for their reasoning, of course, I wouldn't

"We have nothing to fear, not when you're restrained from action." The man stated, unrelenting force in their tone as if their words would keep me in line, striking me bluntly when I moved against their will. I had paid no mind to the threatening undertone of the man, I didn't know his identity and I'm sure the at wouldn't make me care any more. "I'm well aware of your unjust treatment because of your cowardly beliefs... you do not know how to respect people higher than you either." My own voice copied the sedulous sound of his sternly weaved words.

"You have every right to be scared of me, especially presenting yourself so foolishly." My bitter stone stabbed into their confidence, it had shattered and burned their credence unconcernedly. "I'm not here to listen to your nonsense, we are here to decide your fate. You aren't in control here." Their harshness hadn't shut me up, I instead looked fixedly at them with a naturally manipulative innocence. My gaze made the atmosphere thicken and tense, like the strength of a diamond my eyes that bored into them remained unbreakable.

"I was expectant of your stubbornness but it's excruciating to listen to." I exaggerated heartlessly, leaning my body forward. "Must I put you in your place?"

"Silence!" A loud echo followed my words, even overlapping them with hasty impatience the deep and croaky voice from an older man reverberated across the room. "A few months ago a rise in cursed energy had revealed itself around the same time a cursed boy had revealed himself to the world." He rolled out his words quickly, speaking hurriedly with a noticeable frustration. "As rightfully presumed it was his energy that was detected... but as further research was conducted and your own appearance was confirmed to existence..."

He cleared his throat with exasperation. "It's of our knowledge to assume that you had merged with the body of a human in an area nearby Tokyo." He concluded firmly, intolerableness in his tone revealed he was tired of my presence, yet still hadn't done anything about it.

"This can go two ways." He started earning my nod of affirmation to cut him off. "I'm aware." I said calmly, continuing with much protest in between the men. "You die or you don't." My statement caused the following silence and I was given the full attention of each of the elders. "I'm sure you'd like the latter option, but I'm making no promises with what comes after..."

"What are you talking about?" One voiced, a newer tone revealing itself to me. They sounded much like the others, pitiful, stubborn, and frustrated. "If you kill me do you know how much rage with come from my acquaintances?" The tone of my voice provided room for a threat to break through. "I've met thousands in my lifetime, imagine that many hunting for you." I smiled mildly as the silence between us changed, something much more scared and unsettled. It was cold and breathless, almost like the oxygen was sucked out of the room and left us in a box of shuddering hate.

"We don't have anything to fear." Speaking up with blunt pride the man clothed with cowardly lies grinned behind the shoji.

The ropes on my hand became an unnecessary addition to my clothes, the style was never something I enjoyed and with enough incompetence from others as my encouragement, I let them fall down to the ground. Thick discoloured ropes landed with a echoed thud gassing the concrete ground, the resounding noise broke the silence and a unhappy sigh passed my lips as I glanced to the floor.

"I don't really like your tone of voice with me."

"Out without a scratch? Now that's suspicious." He smiled widely, a hint of mockery and offense in his features that was unrecognizable at first. Gojo kept his hands in his pockets, his usual posture greeting me as I exited a old building recently modernized to have a stronger structure. "Ah... if only it concerned you." His caution returned before my eyes and posture straightened quickly, protectively.

"It kind of does..." He mumbled with a simple shrug, hinting at his own subtle interest in my personal motives. They still were untouched by him and his curiosity only grew. "I mean lying was never supposed to get anyone far but you've... done something creative." He said scratching the nape of his neck as if to put his thoughts into words it was a struggle. I was a struggle, he could never understand me.

"I never said there was a truth, I never had to." I simply stated earning a undetermined expression on his face, lips pursed into a firm line. "There's no need in hiding..." He trailed off with hope lingering in his voice. "I gave you my acquaintance, there's no need for a further bargain." I took my calm strides away, letting my back face him entirely with not a ounce of hesitation.

"You really are the devil aren't you!" There wasn't any meanness behind it, his tone light and calm using the name as a simple jest.

"You really are the devil aren't you!" There wasn't any meanness behind it, his tone light and calm using the name as a simple jest

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