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"The Devil..." The words passed the boys smooth lips in disbelief, Okkotsu looking to me with an unreadable shock. "You don't mean — "

I let out a sigh and raised the hatred in my glare, staring at the man clad in traditional clothes with a strong disliking. "I thought I told you not to interfere with me or the other students, Geto..." I spoke over Okkotsu looking at him hatefully, I could only hate his disobedience more than my exposure. "You know him?" Panda spoke in between, but still remained ignored like everyone else. My business was with the man before me.

"Yes, but I couldn't help myself, not after I had heard of him." Geto wrapped an arm around Okktosu, showing off the boy with a prideful smile. I could only return a look of my own confidence which laced with noticeable hate.

"Hold on (Y/N)... you're a devil?" Okkotsu slowly let the fact sink in and looked at me with nervous interest. Geto grinned wider at my silence before leaning towards the boy with pride. "The Devil of Curses, the ruler of despair and chaos... she's deceitful and merciless, as if cruelty was personified." At that Okkotsu's eyes widened and he looked at the man with shock and fear.

"Surely he's not serious." Panda reasoned looking at me as everyone else did. I breathed out discontented with the way this day had been going but failed to hide the small smile on my face. "So what if he was?"

Maki filled the large space between Geto and I, grabbing my collar with one hand and holding her staff in the other. "I knew something was wrong with you all along!" She stated harshly tugging at my shirt with a frustrated glare. "Maki we don't know the situation that well — for now let's leave her be!"

"Are you serious!?" She turned her head to look at the bear with disbelief, she was shocked by their defensive attitude and very much disliked their decision. I lifted my hand, settling on her cold wrist with a hard stiffness, I trapped her arm in my hold and looked to her with a threatening expression. Malevolence pooled in my eyes and expressed my disliking towards her actions, her head moving to meet my eyes.

"This isn't about you, Maki." I stated calmly, tightening my grip as a warning, I looked away from her gaze and to the man a little distance away. "This is about betrayal..." I began darkly, a benign glint in my eyes as I looked at the man with a violent tone. "I hate liars." I said sternly watching as he straightened his posture almost nervously. This was just as unexpected as his visit, my sinister expression of hate. Maki let go of my collar reluctantly but I could see the fear boiling her anger and knew she wanted distance between her and I.

"Uh..." Okkotsu pushed away from the man, leaving his grip with a nervous avert in his gaze. "I can't tell if you're lying or not, and I'm not too sure how bad this situation is — but I don't want you treating me like a friend!" He argued stepping back towards his classmates. "Your a complete stranger and (Y/N) doesn't seem too trusting of you." Okkotsu looked down slightly and kept his gaze away anxiously.

"You're going off of what she says!? All she did was compliment you and you're practically her pet!" Maki raised her voice in agitation, her hand lifting to motion in my direction. I didn't give the pair my attention and instead ignored the comments with my eyes forward and strong. "Are you gonna trust him?"

"...No." She let out hesitantly, her eyes narrowing as their voices lowered. "Then our best option is to listen to her!"

"I hope you know, I never meant for you to be uncomfortable... in fact I wanted to praise you for your power..." Geto began speaking to Okkotsu with a light serenity that made him turn his eyes back to him. "You could do great things if you wanted." He grinned highly, his smile showing off his confidence himself.

"For some reason your idea of great things seems more like something evil to me." Panda said as Maki crossed her arms in disliking. "As long as you're compliant, it won't be complicated." He said collectedly, his relaxed posture contradicting the stiffness of the students excluding me.

"I say that the best way to have a world is one that docile and free." He started, a strong posture and voice carrying his confidence with his monologue. "Certain people will get their recognition of power and others will be rightfully forgotten." He continued placing a hand on his chin to watch each of the students before him skeptically. "Ideally a world is free when it's without a corrupting negativity..."

"The best way to do that is to get rid of all non-shamans, don't you think?" A sinister smile spread across his pride, taunting his words crimson red as if the blood he spilled wasn't satisfactory and he strives for more. "That's just genocide!" Maki spoke up with a furrowed brow, the comment that was half-directed to her made her body tense and blood boil, bothered. "I don't want to hear anything from you, you disgraceful Zen'in." He spoke harshly to the girl, earning shock from all the students and only added anger to Maki.

"You've taken a strange approach to this..." I let out a sigh taking a step towards the man. "Strange? How so?" He watched me approach with a raised brow. "It's totally evil!" Panda spoke up as if the answer was obvious, in which it was.

"It's the necessary evil." He responded glaring at the bear before I finally stood before him, close to his body with a daring expression. "The necessary evil you speak of, is just an excuse to justify the evil things you do. Society has no need for that excuse." I stated bluntly, my eyes hues with a sinister shade telling him I was aggravated. "Yet you've earned yourself the title of the cruelest." He answered confidently, leaning forward boldly, my lips parted and eyes darkened as I went to make another remark.

"Get away from my students, Suguru."

The dark haired male looked aside, still before me but with a lightness in his expression. "Oh! Satoru! Glad you could join us." He waved to the man who neared the both of us with a serious expression drawn across his usually careless face. "Step away from them." He stated once more, Gojo's expression was strict and unmoving, he was confident in his demand and wanted nothing more than compliance.

"So pushy..." Geto sighed before moving away, my body entirely still as I monitored his movements with my eyes. He wasn't retreating, not yet. "You've got quite a interesting bunch of kids." He commented as his back faced me."What are you here for?" Gojo asked sternly, his hands loosely in his pockets as he let the man distance himself. "It was simple, at first..." He hummed calmly, his smiled widening as his hand laid against his chin.

"But now I've come to declare war."

天上天下 唯我独尊

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天上天下 唯我独尊

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