Prologue: Run

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A/n: Ash is 5 yrs old in this chapter.

Mom: Happy Birthday Ash~!

Dad: Excited to see what your semblance is gonna be?

Adam: I doubt it'll be better than mine but I'm ready to see myself.

You nodded politely as you heard a knock at the door. Adam opens it to reveal Blake and Ilia with wide smiles and presents in hand.

Blake/Ilia: Ash~!

The two girls come up and hug you.

Blake: So what's your Semblance like?!

Adam: She hasn't tried manifesting it yet.

Ilia: Do it now then!

You focused. You didn't know what kinda feeling made a Semblance. You felt a dark power start coursing through you as you began to feel a shift in your horns, your teeth and your eyes. When you open your eyes you look around but don't see impressed faces. Just confused ones.

Dad: T-That's it?!

Adam: Told ya it wasn't gonna beat mine.

Blake: Well I think it's cool! It makes you look more scary which can help in a fight!


After Blake and Ilia left you felt tired so you were headed up to your room when your Dad called for you. You appeared around the corner seeing your Dad swinging down an axe at you. Thinking quickly you dodged back and turned for the stairs where your Mom was attempting the same you weaved the hack again before seeing Adam swing at you with brass knuckles. You dove but part of one of your horns got lopped off. Ignoring the pain you ran out the door as fast as you could.


You were running as fast as your legs could carry you, random twigs and rocks cutting you as they scraped you. As you got to a clearing you collapsed clutching your chest trying to gain back any air into your lungs that you could. A bunch of Grimm suddenly surrounded you, fearing for the end you closed your eyes as you muttered-

You: Worst Birthday Ever...

You waited for any sharp pain to overcome you instead you recieve a gentle touch.

???: Hello? Little one are you well?

You open your eyes to see a blonde woman with office attire crouched down in front of you. You back away panicked as you didn't know who to trust right now.

???: Nonono hey hey I'm not gonna hurt you. See?

She set her riding crop off to the side and opened her stance as a sign of trust.

???: What are you doing out here this late?

You curled up. You didn't wanna recall the fact that you could've just died.

???: W-well do you have a family I can take you back to?

You shook your head.

???: Did they do that to you?

She points to where your horn would've been. You nodded. She went to reach for you but you panicked and slammed a cut into the ground causing the pain to amplify. You let out a small yelp of pain.

???: Oh no hey careful, I wasn't trying to hurt you I just wanted to give you a hug to comfort you. Do you mind if I take a look at your injuries?

You hesitantly scoot closer to her as she looks around your tattered body. It was a sad sight to behold. She hovered her hand over your head causing you to look up.

???: May I?

You curled up and nodded. She began to make slow light head strokes.

???: You're very brave for escaping such a situation. No child should have to endure that. C'mon, we have to get you patched up.

She stands up holding out her hand as your tiny one grabs ahold of it following her.

???: Oh my how rude of me, I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Glynda dear, Glynda Goodwitch. I'm a huntress. Might I know your name?

You: A-Ash...

Glynda: Ash, well now that's quite a fitting name. I would like to request something Ash.

You looked up inquistively.

Glynda: Would you allow me to be your foster mother? To adopt you? You're more than free to say no but I will do everything in my power to make sure you feel safe.

You pondered for a moment before popping a question of your own.

You: No scary axes?

Glynda stiffened a bit at your question.

Glynda: Absolutely not. You don't ever have to worry about something so dangerous with me.

You: O-okay then. I suppose.

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