Vol 10: Lost

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You awoke in your bed as you went to snuggle into Neo but she didn't hold you at all. You decided to peek and saw Neo wasn't there just a pillow and a note on the nightstand.

Dear Ash,

I'm so sorry but I feel like I need some space to clear some thoughts out of my head. You're always being my hero and saving me from these dire situations, but I just can't seem to return the favor. Please don't blame yourself for me being gone. I needed to do this alone.

                                       Love, Neo 💋

You didn't know what to think, Neo... gone? You know she said not to freak out but you began worrying something you did strained your relationship. You thought you were doing great together, what could you have fucked up?! Were you too clingy? Were you not clingy enough?! So many questions began racing through your mind and breathing becomes harder to control. You hug the pillow tight as your grip on serenity is all but fading.

Glynda burst into the room.

Glynda: Ash honey honey calm. Deep breaths. Breathe with me. In. Out. In.. Out.. In... Out... good girl. Keep going.

Glynda hugged you tightly to help decelerate your state of mind.


Glynda: Oh honey I'm sorry. But at the very least this doesn't sound like a break up.

Ash: It doesn't?

Glynda: Nope. I think she just needs some space. Regardless of how well your relationship is going partners do eventually need time apart. Neo just needs a bit to clear the air.

Ash: A-and if I'm the air?

Glynda: Well let's not focus on what ifs right now alright? C'mon I made breakfast.

Ash: O-okay...


Ash: M-mom...

Glynda: Yes dear?

Ash: What can you tell me about Salem and Ozma?

Glynda nearly choked on her food before regaining composure.

Glynda: A-Ash honey, w-where did you learn those names?

Ash: Salem.... she's been communicating with me through dreams.... she's been painting one story and Ozma another that directly clash. Someone's lying and I don't know who.

You curl into yourself and clutch your hands beside your head. Glynda comes over placing a gentle hand on you.

Glynda: Well... who do you believe is more trustworthy at the current moment?

Ash: W-well... Oz I've known since I was adopted by you so he has reputation, but he also keeps his cards close to his chest.

Glynda: Mhm... go on.

Ash: A-and Salem s-she hasn't been malevolent to me on the slightest. She acts almost like another mother to me, but she can control Grimm to do things they don't wish to... OH OUM!

Your heartbeat rose as you considered the possibility you could be puppeted to attack Glynda or your friends or even Neo.

Glynda: Ash. Eyes on me baby girl. Eyes on me.

You did your best to fight the panic and looked into your mother's eyes.

Glynda: Walk me through what's going on in your head.

Ash: W-what if she controls me against my will against one of you?!

Glynda hugged you tightly.

Glynda: She won't take you away from us. And if she does I will hunt her to the ends of the Remnant to destroy her and save you. You are my daughter and I will risk everything to see you happy.


You were walking around the local pond with your mother trying to clear your head. Despite the chaos of the recent events the stillness of the pond calmed you. You took deep breaths of the surroundings as you felt ready to begin understanding what Salem did.

Ash: So... how's Beacon?

Glynda: Gone I'm afraid...

Ash: W-what?! Then w-wait what about-

Glynda: Don't worry, all teachers were guarenteed transferral to another academy when the time is right. You don't have to worry about me.

Even with her saying that Cinder's words lingered through your mind.

Cinder: Just let it be known that the fall of Beacon will be on your shoulders for all of eternity.

Ash: Am... I to blame for all of this...?

Glynda: Ash? What's wrong?

Ash: N-nothing.

Glynda: Mhm. C'mon I raised you and know your habits. What's troubling you?

Ash: It's nothing. I'm fine.

Glynda: Ash... you can talk to me.

Ash: ... I need some time alone.

You walked off as Glynda called for you. You didn't turn back as you paced off into a field. You eventually stopped and screamed at the sky before falling to your knees crying.


Salem: Had you just come to me before those events at Beacon none of this would've happened hon. You would still have Neo. Everyone would still be happy together.

Ash: W-why are you here...?

Salem: To help make it all stop child. Just take my hand and I'll stop this whole war. Give you a happy life you have never imagined. Come with me, let's be a family.

You stood up looking Salem in the eyes through your tears. Her face was gentle. Sympathetic. Inviting. You looked back towards the direction of Glynda who saw you wide eyed before she began running towards you.

Ash: No more pain?

Salem: Not for anyone.

You took her hand as she warped the both of you away. The last sound you heard were the chirping of birds and Glynda crying out for you.

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