Vol 2: Reunion

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???: A-Ash?

You all turn to see the same girl dressed in white and black. You feel as though you've met them before but no name has immediately popped into your head.

You: I-I know you. We've met before.

???: Ash, it's me... Blake.

Immediately some tucked away memories came rushing back as you recall all the fun you had with her and Ilia. You felt tears start streaming down your face as you almost tackled her into a tight hug. You did your best to keep your voice down but you couldn't help but cry from the joy you felt after finally getting to meet one of your best friends again.

Blake: Wha- I- Where have you been?!

You: Away... at least that's the short version.

Blake: Care to tell the long version?

You: In private, sure. It's kinda difficult to revisit. And confusing.

Blake: W-wait Ash where's your other horn?

You: It'll tie in. Promise.

Glynda appeared as a hologram delivering a welcoming message to all first years before the hellicarrier landed. You said your farewells to Ruby and Yang before leaving with Blake.

The two of you began telling each other about your lives over the past decade and how everything had changed. Eventually you both made it to the auditorium and sat down in an isolated part of the room.

Blake: So that just brings us to the night you disappeared.

You: R-right...

Blake put a gentle hand on your shoulder causing you to look at her reassuring smile.

Blake: If you don't feel like telling me then you don't have to Ash. It clearly was something that created some sort of trauma.

You: Thanks for understanding Blake.

You both share a hug before Glynda and Ozpin deliver their welcome speeches. Following this, all first years went to the ballroom for the night so that dorms could be set up. You and Blake found an isolated spot where you got your things out as you prepared to retire for the night. You looked over at the book she was reading and instantly recognized it.

You: Glad someone I know enjoys my book series.

Blake: W-what?! No way! The author is-

You: Speckle Dust? It was an embarrassing pen name I was using at the time but people liked it so I kept it.

Blake: So one of my favorite book series ever was written by my childhood friend?!

You nod proud that your book found someone so dear to you.

Blake: D-do you plan on releasing any more volumes?

You: Maybe. Gotta get inspiration first.

Blake: What if I run some ideas by you and then you use them?

You: I mean you can go ahead, dunno how much time classes will give me though.

Blake ran through ideas until the both of you were ready to go to sleep. You instinctively cuddled into Blake not thinking anything of it since you had a giant comfort plushie you typically slept with at home. Blake was furiously blushing but didn't move you and just accepted it.


You awoke to a crimson foggy sky decorated with dark twisting branches. You quickly got up and began frantically looking for anyone.

You: Blake?! Ruby?! Glynda?!

???: They're not here hon.

You heard a voice but there wasn't a soul to see.

You: What do you mean? Where am I?!

???: Calm down dear, your sound asleep. I brought you to this dream to talk to you.

You: I don't even know who you are!

???: Yes you do. You've merely forgotten me.

You activated your Semblance to try and scare them off.

???: Ohohoho my. Your powers finally blossomed, wonderful.

You: Powers? You mean Semblance?

???: No my sweet, Semblances are for humans and faunus. You are neither.

You: W-what? N-no... I'm a bull faunus!

???: You were a bull faunus.

You: H-huh?

???: My dear sweet Ash, they hid your true identity from you.

The voice was crystal clear now. You quickly whipped around and were met with a woman. Tall, pale, red eyes with black sclera, an intimidating form for sure but she had such a calming presence to her. She seemed oddly familiar.

???: My name is Salem dear. And I'm your true mother.

You: True mother? Then why have I never heard of that name?

Salem: I'm afraid I'm forced to hide on account of my ex, Ozma.

You: Don't know an Ozma, just an Ozpin.

Salem: So that is the name he goes by now... he's gone through so many I've lost track.

You: The more you talk, the more questions come up.

Salem chuckled at your remark. Her laugh was warm and inviting, the inverse of her appearance.

Salem: My child I am the mother of the Grimm. Their Queen so to speak. You are very special to me Ash. You're the first of your kind.

You: Wait what does that mean?

The fog began to get thicker as Salem started to fade from view.

Salem: It appears our talk will have to be cut short. We will talk soon my dear for now... wake up.

You jolted up wide eyed. Your breathing was heavy, but you were back in the ballroom. It was dead quiet with nothing but the shattered moon illuminating the room. You quickly got up and headed outside. This all was a terrible lot to think about. You got dressed and began to wander the streets trying to rationalize everything just told to you. Salem, whoever she is, had just claimed that you were her child.

You: But if that's the case then- oof!

You had bumped into someone after carelessly not watching your path. You hear a quiet sob as you look up to see a girl with pink and brown hair look solemnly down at her now ruined cone of ice cream.

You: Oh no- I-I'm sorry! I'll buy you another one as an apology I just have a lot on my mind.

She turns to you with her eyes matching her hair. She begins using sign language asking if you understand it.

You: S-signing? Yeah a-a little.

???: If you would buy a new cone that would be a life saver.

You: O-of course, it's only right since I caused it to fall.

The girl jumped for joy as the two of you headed towards the parlor.

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