Vol 8: Fight

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You awoke with Neo to the sound of scratching at your door. You shared a look before barely opening it to see a Beowulf.

Beowulf: Matriarch! Thank Oum we found you. Can we talk?

You opened the door and let her inside before closing it.

You: Speak your peace.

Beowulf: It's your mother... she has started forcing Grimm to do her bidding. I know you probably ran away to be free from it all but... your pack is about to be forced to fight a large group of hunters and huntresses if you don't stop her.

You: Woah woah hold on girl. What do you mean "control"?

Beowulf: Because we're her creations she can locate and command us to do stuff even if we don't want to. Not all Grimm want this war but she's forcing us to march toward it!

You knelt down and placed a hand on her head.

You: Thank you for seeking me out. I know it won't be easy but you all made me Matriarch for a reason. I won't let you down.

The Beowulf ran out happy as could be. The Isolated Duo's next stop was Beacon.


The duo arrived at a coliseum of sorts as cheering could be heard from inside.

You: Our mission is simple. Find the mole, get them gone.

Neo nodded to you as you both walk inside. You began to use your abilities to scan through the crowd for anyone trying to stir chaos. You saw a dark skinned girl with green hair waving her hands around towards Yang and a guy with dark grey hair. The effect went around Yang's head. You pointed your hand like a finger gun and fired a needle at her shoulder. You hit your mark causing her to look at your cloaked figure along with Neo. She picked up her scroll and began calling someone as the fight finished. The guy looked towards the exit as did Yang. They both saw you and Neo and Yang came running toward you smiling.

Yang: Is that who I think it is?!

You: Hello Yang, unfortunately Neo and I are here on business. Not to return fully.

As you chatted you heard a hoard of Grimm approaching from the forest.

You: Yang. Inside. Now.

Yang: Wha-

You: GO

Worried she dashes back to her team as you walk outside. You hear the screens in the stadium changing as a woman's voice booms over the speakers.

???: Well well well, little Princess of the Grimm finally came out of her hidey hole. That's wonderful, Salem is expecting you y'know. And I plan on delivering you to her.

You: Not on your life.

???: Go along with me and no one gets hurt. It's a simple deal really.

Neo: Nothing is ever that simple Ash.

You see the Grimm start peeking out of the forest.

???: Nooo? What a shame. Just let it be known that the fall of Beacon will be on your shoulders for all of eternity.

You stiffened a bit before feeling your rage boiling over.

You: That bitch has no idea who she's messing with.

As the Grimm approached you realized there had to be thousands so you activated a screech ability before shouting-


Almost instantly the wave stopped and revered her power.

You: Go back whence you came. You do not serve anyone. You're free to make your own decisions. Don't listen to Salem, she's starting a war she doesn't even know if she'll win. Turn away from here and live to see another day of light. Charge forward and accept that your princess will end every last one of you.

Your speech was heard but not one Grimm listened as they all got up and started charging again.

You: Suit yourself. Neo, let's rock!

Neo nodded as the two of you began to fight the massive horde of Grimm. Due to some of your newfound abilities you and Neo were actually able to handle the crowd with relative ease. However the numbers started to double...then triple...then quadruple...there wasn't an end in sight. And the crowd was getting bigger. You both were fighting as hard as you could when you saw Neo start to get overrun. Panicking you no longer cared about crowd control, just Neo. You dashed towards her using your fastest abilties.


You threw all of them off of heras you turned to see her unconcious. You warped to a part untainted by Grimm and layed her down. Your rage was building beyond what you had ever imagined. You warped back to the stadium which was now beginning to fall to ruin. Hunters and Huntresses either fighting or dying. You knew what you had to do, find whoever the voice belonged to. You look around and spot a woman dressed in crimson garb on top of the tower, she had to be it. You warped up top behind her.

???: So nice of you to join me Ash.

You: Who. The hell. Do you think you are?

???: Cinder Fall, loyal to your moth- ack!

You squeezed a clenched fist around her throat.

You: Salem may have altered my DNA to that of a Grimm. That by no means makes her my mother. My mother is a kind human woman who showed me love when my family wanted me dead.

Cinder: Th-then did all those Grimm who call you princess address you wrong?

You: I accepted that title because I may not agree with everything that has happened so far with her but I am a Grimm now. That means I am a controller of Grimm. Being born a faunus and all means I keep my humanity despite this blackened iquor that runs through my veins.

Pyrrha: Ash?!

You regret ever coming here as things were getting worse and worse. Pyrrha pulled you off of Cinder leaving her coughing to regain her breath.

Cinder: Thank you honey. Always my knight in shining armor. I'm sure you've met my partner Pyrrha Nikkos~. Gorgeous thing she is.

Pyrrha: Ohohooo stop it Cindie.

You: Now I get it. You were with Salem and Blake with Oz. You were trying to keep me on either side despite my reluctance toward either. Well now this ends.

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