Chapter Five - Lancelot

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Ember walks towards Gaius' chambers, knocking on the door "Enter

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Ember walks towards Gaius' chambers, knocking on the door "Enter." Gaius calls from inside. Opening the door, Ember walks in and find Gaius and Merlin with a young man with brown hair "Ember!" Merlin smiles. "Merlin, I just wanted to return this book." Ember smiles. "Shouldn't be surprised you've already finished it." Gaius chuckles, taking the book. "Ember, this is Lancelot. He saved my life earlier this morning. Lancelot, this is Ember. She one of the King's Wards." Merlin introduces. "My Lady." Lancelot bows. "Enough of that Lancelot, just call me Ember. Any friend of Merlin's is a friend of mine." Ember tells him. "I need to go talk to Arthur, I'll be back later." Merlin says, heading out. "See you later Merlin." Ember smiles. Gaius hands Ember a book "Here's the next one, as promised." he tells her with a smile. "Thanks Gaius." Ember responds, smiling.

Soon enough Merlin walks back into the room "Well? Did you speak to him?" Lancelot asks. "Yeah, I spoke to him." he nods. "And?" She asks. "And..." Merlin feigns disappointment. "No." Lancelot sighs,  shaking his head in disappointment. "He said he would like to meet you." Merlin smiles. "Yes! Thank you. Thank you!" Lancelot smiles. "Hey, really, it was no problem, really. It's nothing. Um. You're not a nobleman, by any chance, are you?" Merlin asks. "A nobleman? No. Good lord, no. Why do you ask?" Lancelot asks. "It's just that there's this..." Merlin starts. Ember closes her book "The First Code of Camelot states that only those of noble blood can serve as a knight. Uther created the knights to protect this kingdom from those who wished to destroy it. He knew he would have to trust each of his knights with his life. So he chose them from the families that had sworn allegiance to him." she explains. "The nobility." Merlin adds. "And thus the First Code of Camelot was born, and ever since that day, only the sons of noble families have served as knights." Ember sighs. "But that is not fair." Merlin complains. "Fair or unfair, that's the way it is. I'm sorry, Lancelot. Truly, I am." Ember tells her new friend.

The next morning Ember watches Arthur train the knights when Merlin, Gwen and Lancelot turn up, Lancelot in a Knight outfit "One

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The next morning Ember watches Arthur train the knights when Merlin, Gwen and Lancelot turn up, Lancelot in a Knight outfit "One. Two. Three. Four. One. Two. Three. Four." Arthur tells the knights, running drills. Smiling Ember walks over to the three friends " certainly look the part." Merlin tells Lancelot. "Doesn't he just?" Gwen smiles. "I don't feel it." Lancelot tells them. "Act it and you will." Ember tells them. "Ember." Merlin smiles sheepishly. "I won't tell anyone." she tells them. "Thank you." Lancelot tells her. "If Merlin trusts that you're good enough to be a a Knight then so do I." Ember smiles. "Okay, that'll do for today. Well done." Arthur tells the knights, making them disperse. "Here's your chance. Go for it." Merlin tells Lancelot. Arthur puts a sword in the sword rack as Lancelot walks over "Yes?" Arthur asks. "Lancelot, 5th son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria." Lancelot introduces himself. "Lance...a lot? My servant mentioned you. Got your seal?" Arthur asks him. Lancelot bows as he presents the fake seal to Arthur "Sire." he says. Arthur smacks him making him fall down, Ember wincing "Sluggish reactions. In a battle field you'd be dead by now. Come back when you're ready." Arthur tells him, beginning to walk off.

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