Chapter 1 The accident

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Harry opens his potions annoyed to find that the previous owner had scribbled notes all in it. Harry decides to take the previous owner's advice and flattens the bean with flat side of the silver dagger and scoops the juice into the cauldron. Harry continues to follow the instructions step by step untill he notices how poorly the rest of the class is doing. Harry smirks as he sees Malfoy pulling his own blonde hair in frustration.

Serves him right for breaking my nose.

Suddenly pansy Parkinson's cauldron let out pink fumes and the potion inside was a deep ruby red. Pansy's pug face looks
even more like a pug as she pouts realizing she made a mistake. Professor slughorn scratches his bald head and frowns at the result. Harry's own potion was a very pale shade of pink. Out of nowhere a slam fills Harry's ears. Harry looks up to find professor slughorn leaning against the door with his eyes wide in fright.

" Mrs. Parkinson" , he says slowly " what did you put into your cauldron ?".

Pansy stammers," I uh I added your liquid luck because I figured it'd help me cheat".

Professor slughorn shakes his head and asks, " which cauldron?".

Pansy points to the third cauldron.

"You daft girl! You added amortentia the most powerful love potion in the world!", He exclaims.

"love potion, does that mean we're exposed?",asks Hermione.

Slughorn nods and replies ," you will at first smell the aroma of the person you're most attracted to, then by luck you'll run into them and you'll have the urge to make a move it them. Alas, the potion's effects won't wear off till you make a move". The class falls silent at this news. After a couple of minutes of waiting a smell of mint, lavender, cinnamon, and sweet'n'spicy Colone invades Harry's nose.

Colone? What girl wears Colone?

The whole entire class looks confused except for Malfoy whose eyes were wide with shock and he has his hand over his nose.

I wonder what he smells.

Slughorn claps hands together and announces that he will look at their potions. Slughorn tsks and points out mistakes the students made till he comes to a stop at Harry's cauldron.

" Why Harry ma, boy you've done a brilliant job just brilliant! I'd say you've won the prize!". Slughorn beams at Harry and hand him the vial of liquid luck. Hermione huffs with annoyance knowing that Harry didn't follow the instructions and Ron mutters ," like he needs luck". Harry packs his things as slughorn dismisses class. Harry ignores the twitch in his nose as the smell gets stronger


Why did bloody potter have to win Felix Felicis?

How did potter do it exactly?

Draco knows he didn't use the book because the instructions were absolute rubbish. Draco grabs his bag and stalks over to potter ignoring the smell of pine needles, rainwater, wood polish and candle wax.

"How did you do it potter?",draco growls.

" I just followed instructions",potter replies pushing up his glasses.

He looks kinda cu- snap out of it draco!

" Would you mind moving out of my way Malfoy you're blocking the door way".

Draco walks out of the classroom bristling with rage.

I will find out how potter done it if it's the last thing I do!

Draco stops short as he realizes he couldn't smell that sweet aroma anymore. Draco shakes his head.

Did pansy have to put that love potion in her cauldron? Of course it was an accident but now I can't get that smell out of my head. I can't afford any distractions! I have to carry out my mission no matter what the cost.

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