chapter 7 another potions accident

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After Christmas break Harry walks to the griffindor common room to find Neville wearing a golden necklace with the words my sweetheart.

"Nice necklace Neville ", he teases.

Neville sighs and mutters," lav gave it to me for Christmas".
Harry smirks and walks towards his dorms.
He loosens the red and gold tie and runs his hands through his hair.
He looks in the mirror and notices his hair looks dull, his face is pale and his green eyes look weary.
Throughout Christmas break all Harry could think about was the kiss with draco and the mysterious assignment he had to do.

Harry growls in frustration.
Somehow he has to figure out what Malfoy is up to and warn Dumbledore before he loses his mind.

I know he's up to something and I'm going to find out.

Later in charms.

Everyone is buzzing with excitement, talking about taking apparation lessons.
Harry remembers apparating  with Dumbledore and shakes his head.

It was certainly better than using floo powder but I'd prefer the broom.

After coming out of Dumbledore's office later that day, Harry ponders ways to get slughorn to give up the memory of telling tom riddle about horcuxes.
Harry rubs his temples feeling a headache coming on.

As Harry enters potions class he is shocked to see none other than Fred and George Weasley grinning identically in front of the classroom.
Turns out professor slughorn is sick and they were picked to teach the subject for today

" Don't you have to take an exam and be experienced to teach in Hogwarts?", Inquires Hermione.
Fred gives her a wounded look and dramatically clutches his chest.

" Why dear Hermione , are you accusing us of being inexperienced? A quarter of our shop is filled with potions of our own creation!".

" Today you'll be making one of 
Our own potions with an assigned partner", declares George.

" Ron and Blaise, pansy and Hermione, Neville and Crabbe, goyle and ginny and draco with Harry".
The class roars with outrage and demands another partner.

" Now , now this is a control potion, whoever drinks it will be controlled by the other", George explains.

" George and I reckoned this would help you get back at each other in the least violent way", adds Fred.

The griffindors grumble but stands up and gathers ingredients.
Harry glances at the instructions on the board and cuts up beetroot, crushes the pearls and puts in the moth wings while draco adds the lavender petals, mermen tears, and veela hair.

" So Malfoy what have you been doing? Carrying out a mission perhaps?".

" I have no clue what you're talking about potter", draco replies coldly.

" Wait a minute George, you gave them the wrong instructions! They're not supposed to be making a lust potion!", Fred exclaims.

The class becomes silent.

Fred quickly tells them, " don't worry it only work if you're around the person you're attracted to".

" The effects should wear off in a week", George adds.

Oh shit, not good!

Harry carries the cauldron and dumps it into the flower pot out in the hall.

" I don't think professor spout would approve of that Harry, mate", points out fred.

Harry just shrugs, puts the cauldron back on Draco's desk and scurries away from him as fast as he could.

"Ron you better consider yourself lucky Hermione won't punch you in the face if you even look at her the wrong way", Harry grumbles.

" You fancy someone mate?", Ron asks bewildered.

" Naw, I fancy  buckbeak ", Harry says sarcastically.

" Who is it?".
" I'd rather not say".

Harry blushes as he suddenly remembers Ron didn't know he fancies a certain blonde headed Slytherin.
Suddenly Harry grows hot so he takes off his robes and tie.
He sighs with relief and runs his fingers through his hair.

Professor McGonagall enters the room stiffly and anounces that they were allowed to relieve their urges whenever they needed and will have their own room.
She grabs both of the twins by the ears and they stumble along whining," ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!".

A paper appears on the wall with their names,vroom numbers, and passwords.
Draco appears beside Harry to look for his name.
Harry eyes Draco's tight pants, displaying his very muscular legs.

Harry bolts out of the room goes into to the newly added room beside the room of requirement and locks the door.
Harry quickly takes off his trousers ,pulls out his hardened member and gently strokes it to release the tension. Harry squeezes it and pumps it but it does nothing to satisfy him.
Harry spots his hair brush, grabs it and lays it beside him on the red quilt covered bed.

Harry coats his fingers in saliva and slowly sticks two fingers in his hole.
He gasps as he feels a burning sensation down there and heat rises to his cheeks.
He spreads his fingers a little before putting the third one in.
As Harry slides his fingers in and out ,he imagines draco doing this sneering down ai him.
Harry picks up the pace and whimpers as he hits his prostate.
Harry pulls out and shoves his brush in.

"Ugh! Ngh! Oh, oh yes! Right there ! Fuck!".
Harry moans and pulls at his own hair, imaging draco was  doing it. Harry arches his back and slams into his prostate coming all over himself.

Unknown to Harry, draco was in the other room listening.
Draco casts a silencing charm and pulls out his hard member.
Draco immediately squeezes his member and pumps it at an inhumane pace.
He imagines thrusting into potter's throat, making him gag and suck on his cock.
He then imagines thrusting into Harry's hole and bucks his hips, imagining Harry moaning and gasping his name.
Draco then comes into his hands panting and feeling satisfied.
Draco smirks as he ponders ways to get potter alone.

The next day.

Harry was given detention by Snape and just came out when he feels two hands grab him and pin him against the wall.
Harry looks up to see draco sneering at him.

" What do you want Malfoy?".
" It's obvious what I want, potter",draco drawls.

He leans down and kisses Harry's throat and trails his finger over his chest. Harry shivers as draco whispers in his ears.

" I'm gonna make you scream my name, beg for my cock, and I'm going to ravage those lips of yours potter".

Harry places his hands on Draco's chest ,swallows and pushes him away.

"N-no I don't want to- ugh!".
Draco placed his hands on Harry's bulging cock and grabs it.

" That's not what this says".
Harry punches him in the nose and runs away.

Draco grabs his nose and hisses in pain.
Potter is going to pay ,dearly.

" Just you wait potter".


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