chapter 9 persuasion

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True to his word draco avoided Harry all week. He didn't sneer, smirk, pick on his mates, or even throw insults at him.
Even though Ron and Hermione considers this a good thing, Harry Hated it.
He missed the insults, witty comebacks and that seducing sneer of his.
Harry would cry himself to sleep every night feeling pain and longing in his heart.

Soon he started having nightmares.
It'd be the same one every night.
Voldemort had Harry tied with his wrists bound to a tree.
Voldemort would slowly torture Harry and the dark hooded death eaters behind him would laugh at his misery.
When Voldemort took a step back everyone disappeared except for a lone death eater.
The hooded figure would lower the hood to reveal Malfoy underneath.
Harry screamed as draco looks up at him with empty sockets where eyes used to be.

Harry wakes up in cold sweat and tears in his eyes.
Harry wipes away the tears, gets dressed, and heads down to breakfast.
As he sits down hermonie gives him a worried look.

"Are you alright Harry?".
Harry nods as he puts a piece of toast and a waffle on his plate, putting syrup on both.
Ron glances at Harry with concern.

" You sure mate? You don't look too good".
" I'm fine, just tired".
Harry takes a swig of pumpkin juice and asks hermonie if she was already studying for the exams.
Hermonie nods and glares at Ron as he groans.

"Do you ever take a break from studying? I swear it's like your addicted!".
Hermonie scowls at him and replies," you should study too! unless you want poor results on your exams!".
While the two argue over when the appropriate time to study is Harry walks to the library.
Harry pulls out the marauders map and points at it saying ,"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good".

Harry has been looking for Draco's dot in between classes and meal times but didn't find him.
He'd always find Crabbe and goyle in a deserted corridor but never at the same time.
What is he up to?
How is he able to suddenly disappear from the map?
He puts the map away as Ron enters the room.

" They cancelled the next hogsmead trip and on my birthday too!".
Harry isn't suprised, considering the fact that Katie bell didn't come back from st.mungo's since the incident at hogsmead.

Later during apparation lessons only hermonie and a few ravenclaws succeeded.

On march first ( Ron's birthday) hermonie whispers in his ear and walks away smirking.
Leaving Ron blushing all the way to his ears.
Harry pulls out his marauders map and finds that draco is not in bed.
Odd, usually he doesn't get up this early.
Ron thanks Harry for the gloves he got him and shows him the watch his parents gave him.
Harry compliments it and considers tailing Malfoy while wearing his cloak but decides against it.
He would be too busy with quidditch practice, school, and homework to follow draco around.
Harry walks with Ron to breakfast but suddenly slughorn stumbles in front of them from around the corner with foam dribbling out of his mouth and eyes popping out of his sockets.
Slughorn gasps for air.
Harry spots a bottle of matured oak mead lying just a few feet away.
Remembering that bezoars cures most poisons, Harry darts into slughorn's office grabs the bezoar and shoves it down his throat.
Slughorn gives a violent shudder and falls unconscious to the floor.

Slughorn wakes up two hours later and is questioned by Dumbledore.
"How are you feeling?".

"For a person who has just been poisoned? Rather marvelous, thank you".

"Do you have any idea as to whom would want to poison you?".
Slughorn frowns and shakes his head.

" I doubt the poison was intended for me, I originally bought it as a Christmas gift for you but I couldn't help myself".

Dumbledore strokes his long silver beard in thought.
" It seems whoever is behind this is also behind the cursed necklace incident".
They both sit in silence for a moment both lost In thought.

" So, how Am i still alive?".

" Dear Harry shoved a bezoar down your throat. You're lucky he was there to help. Be sure to thank him. I'm certain he's worried", Dumbledore whispers.

" I'll be sure to do that".
Slughoern notices Dumbledore's worried look.

" What's on your mind?".

"Oh lots of things. But on the Frontline?
I have a suspicion that Someone inside this school planned both attempts to kill me.
Question is whom?".


Draco bangs his head in the bathroom wall in frustration.
Another attempt to take Dumbledore's life and he failed, yet again.
Part of him felt relief that he didn't manage to kill Dumbledore, another part felt guilty for almost killing professor slughorn and lastly fear.

What if someone figures it out?
Potter is already onto me.
What will master do when he finds out?
Will he kill mother and father?
Draco traces the tattoo on his arm with tears obscuring his vision.

I wish I never became a death eater!
I wish I didn't have to do everything father says.
It seems even in Azkaban his father could persuade him to do the dark lords evil bidding.
' then why let him ?",a voice In
draco head whispers .

He's my father! I can't disobey him, or the dark lord!
Can't or won't?,
Draco stares at the mirror in front of him.
Blonde hair, silver unrevealing eyes, sharp features and a dark mark.
A Malfoy is what he sees.
Draco glances at the tattoo on his forearm and wonders ," Is this what I want?".

After a moment draco clears his head and conceals his tattoo.
"I have no choice".


Hermonie and Ron both wait impatiently to start the apparation test, while Harry kept racking his brains to convince slughorn to give up the memory.
Tricking, and kissing up didn't seem to work so Harry goes for persuasion.
Harry arrives at his office and knocks on the door three times.

"Come in".

" How do you do professor ?".

" Doing well ma ' boy and I meant to thank you but once again I got busy with my lessons".

Harry just shrugs and replies, " I'm just glad you're okay, and I didn't do much really".

" So modest! Just like your mother, brave too".

" She's certainly brave, she saved me from Voldemort when I was just a baby".

Oh ? I'm.. uh sorry Harry ma boy".

" No need to apologies professor but we need to observe that memory of yours to help take down Voldemort".

" No! It's horrible! You'll think less of me!", Slughorn cries out.

" Maybey, but if you won't do it for me do it to honor my mother please".

Harry wipes away the tears in his eyes and slughorn whispers , " of course ma'boy".

Slugehorn taps his temple with his wand and withdraws a silver line and puts it in a glass jar.
He hugs Harry and murmers," i Hope you find this helpful".

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