chapter 4 quidditch + more

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Draco slams his fist into the wall, wincing slightly at the sudden pain.
Why did my plan have to fail just because of two incompetent girls!

The bloody package didn't even fall into the lap of bloody Dumbledore!

Draco suddenly feels an unwelcome feeling seep through.
He didn't mean to hurt Katie bell, she was just an innocent bystander. Now she's at St. Mungo's recovering from the curse.
Draco shakes his head and lets a practiced sneer creep it's way onto his face.
A Malfoy doesn't feel over a measley mistake. A Malfoy does what it takes to get things done.
No matter how many times draco repeats his father's words, the feeling of guilt doesn't fade.


Now that Katie bell was at st.mungo's ,Harry had to appoint dean as a substitute for the game against Slytherin.
Harry's main concern was Ron's nerves.
Harry hopes Hermione and Ron will forgive him for deceiving them into believing Harry gave Ron liquid luck.
Harry keeps in a laugh as Ron struts out to the quidditch pitch.
Madame hooche makes the captains shake hands then starts the game at the blow of her whistle. 
Harry kicks off the ground and flys twenty feet into the air. He hears Malfoy close in behind him.

Harry shouts back at Malfoy ",Hoping I'd find the snitch for ya?".

"I'd still catch it first". Draco snorts.

Ron is swirling and kicking the balls away from the hoops. He gets more and more confident as the slytherins boo.


Draco had planned to pretend to be sick but thought better of it , knowing it would make potter suspicious.
The Weasley (although he hated to admit it) is actually a bloody good keeper.
Draco scowls as the Weasley easily prevented the slytherins from scoring.

"He's pretty brilliant eh, Malfoy?".

Draco scowls and spots the snitch  up thirty feet in the air. Taking advantage of potter being distracted he zooms after the snitch.
Draco almost has the snitch when he hears potter shout.

"Did'n ya hear about Katie bell?".

Draco comes to an arrupt halt and misses the snitch.

"Fuck you potter!",draco growls and they both chase after the snitch.

"Did you have something to do with the cursed necklace?", Harry asks glaring at Malfoy.

Shit potter's onto me Draco snarls and slams his broom into the side of Harry's  trying to knock him over.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!", Draco snaps.
Harry and draco both notice the snitch zip over towards the Weasley girl's head.
Draco tries to get the snitch but Harry hurtles towards the Weasley girl's head and snatches the snitch.

Harry raises it in victory over his head. Draco couldn't help but smile untill Harry catches him looking. He quickly changed his smile into a scowl.


After explaining to Ron and Hermione that he didn't actually give Ron liquid luck,Harry helped the griffindors hoist Ron on their shoulders.

" Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron !", They chant.

Dean and Seamus calls out, "Party time!" And pops two champagne bottles open.

The bubbly liquid wets everybody's hair and robes.
After Ron is set down in the corridors, hermonie rushes over and kisses him feverishly.
Harry looks away and downs a glass of butter beer, instantly feeling warm.

Seamus and Neville play a game of butter beer pong , his friends were still snogging, ginny and dean went to get some privacy , and the rest of the griffindors make crude jokes.

After thirty minutes or so, Harry couldn't stand the rowdy crowd and decides to leave.
He grabs his broom and walks to the quidditch pitch. 
Harry mounts his broom and soars into the sky, then tips backwards. He dives bombs upside down , zooming to the ground.
Harry stops the broom from moving just in the nick of time. His heart beats erratically in his ears and adrenalin pumps through his veins.

"What a rush!", He exclaims.

As Harry mounts his broom properly , he notices Malfoy stumbling along the edge of the woods with a half empty bottle of fire whiskey.

Is he drunk?

Harry flys over to Malfoy and taps his shoulders.
Malfoy spins around and squints at Harry in confusion.

"Potter! Why do you have three heads?".

Harry sighs.

Yep he's drunk.

Harry takes malfoy's bottle and helps him onto the broom.

"I'll take you back to Hogwarts", Harry offers.
Draco shakes his head, and crosses his arms.

"I'm not going back till I finish my whiskey".

" Well you're not finishing it so what are you gonna do ride my broom all night ?".

Draco blinks slowly then smirks.
" Actually potter I'd rather you ride mine ".

Harry splutters in shock and blushes furiously.
Malfoy wraps his arms around Harry's waist and leans his head onto his shoulder.

" Can you keep flying around? I don't want to go back to my common room right now. Please, Harry ?".

"Harry ?".

" No my name is draco. Your's is Harry," draco slurs.

Harry shocks himself by agreeing . 

After a couple of laps around the line trees, draco whispers, " You smell like pine needles, rainwater,wood polish and candle wax. Smells good".

"Um, thanks? ".

Harry's blush deepens even more as draco hugs Harry closer to him, pressing his chest against his back.
Draco kisses Harry's neck and collarbone making him shiver.

Harry clears his throat and says " I think that's enough for tonight yeah?".

It wasn't that Harry didn't enjoy it, it's the fact he knows draco is drunk and doesn't actually mean anything behind his actions.

Fifteen minutes later

After dropping draco at the Slytherin's common room, he walks back to his.

Harry groans as he realizes tomorrow all he'll be thinking about is draco kissing him.

Harry then remembers the fire whiskey in his hand.

" What I don't know won't kill me".

And with that Harry tips his head back and drains the rest of the fire whiskey.
A burning sensation floods Harry throat, and leaves a bitter after taste in his mouth.

Harry knew he was gonna have a major hangover in the morning.

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