Chapter 3 Levi corpsus

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Harry avoids slughorn as he invites him to another dinner party. Harry didn't like slughorn (not as much as he hated Snape) in fact he believes that he is a big brown noser who sucks up to those with good connections. Hermione won't stop arguing with Harry about the half-blood prince's book. He had learned a spell from the book that made Ron hang  upsidedown in the air. Nevile and ginny laughs but Hermione frowns. She still believes that the spell is more than a harmless prank.
Dean nudges Harry.

" Care to give us a demonstration?".

Harry grins and whispers " levicorpsus ".

Harry however didn't pay attention to where he was pointing his wand and Malfoy was suddenly hanging upsidedown in midair.

" Gah! What's the meaning of this ? You'll hear from my father!".

Harry bursts out laughing along with the rest of the griffindors.

"Potter let me down this instant!", Malfoy demands.

"Nah, I think I like you better upside down". Harry eyes his blushing cheeks, gasping pink lips and the green and silver tie blocking the right side of his face.

" Potter!",Malfoy growls.
Harry Snickers before muttering the spell that lets Malfoy down.

Malfoy stands up with his nose in the air and walks out of the dining hall. Ron holds his stomache , gasping for breath with tears in his eyes.

"That was bloody hysterical!".
Harry nods in agreement and continues to eat breakfast. As breakfast ends the students rush out of the hall to get to Hogsmeade. All of a sudden Harry's bag rips and he sighs before fixing it with a spell. Before Harry could grab his bag he was hanging in the air


" Oh revenge is so sweet", draco drawls as he sees potters green eyes stare up at him with amusement.

"So how long you gonna leave me hanging Malfoy ?".

" Not long, just untill you get it through your head", as he says this he tugs on the back of Harry's black hair making him gasp," not to mess with me again. Clear potter?". 

Potter nods and draco lets potter fall to the ground and walks off with a smirk.
Potter groans behind him making him stop short.

"What the bloody- ngh agh! ". Draco gasps as he feels a sharp tug in the back of his head.

" On second thought I don't think I'm done messing with you Malfoy", potter whispers in his ears as he glides is other hand up his chest.

" Potter what are you doing?", Draco growls.

" Messing with you", he replies, " what did you smell that day in potions mhm?".

"You" draco thinks.

Draco pulls himself away and pins potter up against the wall. He trails his finger along his jawline down to his collar bone.

" Don't do anything you'll regret potter, you don't know what you're getting into", and with that said draco walks away. Not looking back to see potter sliding down the wall gasping.


Oh my god! That was bloody fantastic! Who knew malfoy's hands could do that ?

I've got to have him touch me again!

No you don't, get ahold of yourself Harry!

Later in Hogsmeade.

Harry follows Ron and Hermione still pissed at mundungus for stealing Sirius's silver goblets. Suddenly Katie Bell's and Leanne's shouting increase as they seem to be fighting over a package.
Suddenly Katie bell floats into the air ,hair rising and arms spread out majesticly then a blood curdling scream erupts from her throat.
Harry grabs Hagrid and recognizes the green opal necklace as the cursed one Malfoy was staring at in flourish and bots.

Malfoy has something to do with this I'm sure.

How do I catch him in the act though?

Hermione will just assume I'm demented and Ron will side with her knowing him.

Harry decides to take it up professor McGonagall but she insists Malfoy wasn't at Hogsmeade because he was serving detention with her. Harry growls in frustration.
It had to be Malfoy, it has to be!

Although a small voice whispers a hope that his Draco wasn't part of this evil act ,hoping he wouldn't have to hate draco more than he already does.

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