chapter 5 denying

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Harry groans in pain, feeling like his head was hit with a thousand rocks.
Harry takes the hangover potion Hermione made the night before and heads to the dining hall. Harry widens his eyes at the scene before him.
Lavender brown and Neville are snogging, Blaise and pansy flirting and Crabbe and goyle fight over a ravenclaw.
Harry raises an eyebrow in question at Hermione.

"The potion has finally affected the rest of the class",Hermione explains.

Oh, well that explains it.
Harry notices professor slughorn having a conversation with madame pomfrey.

"Oh Harry! Don't forget slughorn's dinner party is tomorrow",Hermione reminds him.

Harry groans."But I have no one to go with!".

"Well you better pick someone quickly because Romilda vane is planning to give you a love potion".

Harry snorts.

Like I need another love potion to meddle with my thoughts.

Harry glances over to the Slytherin's seeing Malfoy reading a big brown book, which looked suspiciously like it had blood on the corner of it.

Draco runs his fingers through his hair absent mindedly and bites his lip.
Harry heats up and a moan escapes his mouth before he could cover it. Although no one heard him he bolts out and heads to the bathroom.

Draco watches as potter runs out of the dining hall with his hand over his mouth.

Is he sick?

He looks over to where potter was sitting to find that he hasn't eaten a single thing on his plate.

Maybe I should go check on him.

Draco shakes his head furiously.

No! I don't give a damn about har-potter!

Draco clenches his jaw and storms out, clenching the book in one hand.
I already have the ingredients and instructions for the poison, now all I have to do is wait for the perfect moment.

What if I fail again?

What if another obstacle interferes with my mission?

"Malfoys do whatever it takes, no matter how costly", his father's voice whispers in his head.

Draco's shoulders sag as he feels the heavy burden of being a Malfoy.
Hide behind a mask, make yourself superior, and never show vulnerability.
Draco straightens his back and heads towards his dormitory.

"I will not fail again", he whispers  in determination. " For father".

Harry meanwhile is having a hard time trying to conjure hateful feelings towards draco.

He's a git! An insufferable snob!A bloody prat! Harry glances into the mirror and blinks back tears. 

It does no good to have these feelings especially when the one you love despises you. 

Classes bore Harry out of his mind but he throws himself into his work to keep his mind from wandering about draco.
When classes ends Harry walks into the common room.
Romilda vane walks up and shoves a box of chocolate cauldrons into his arms.

" My grandmother gave them to me but I don't want them", she says sweetly while batting her lashes.

Remembering what Hermione said that morning Harry stuffs them into his bag.
Later On the trio are doing their homework.

"Eleven inch essay on transfiguring a pumpkin into a toad! How cruel can professor McGonagall get?", Ron complains.
Harry sighs and glances between his two friends.

" You know if you two wanted to be alone you could've just asked instead of annoying me to death with your complaining", he says.

Ron's blush reaches all the way to his ears and Hermione hides behind her book.

" I'll leave you two love birds alone".

Harry smirks and heads towards the library. When Harry walks in he spots draco with Crabbe and goyle.

" What are you keeping from us draco? We're your friends, you can trust us*, Crabbe hisses.

Draco sighs and says, " I just want to be alone is that too much to ask?".

Harry pulls out the box of chocolate cauldrons and walks up to them.

" Does this belong to one of you? I found it on a nearby table".

Before you can even say " Acid pops" goyle snatches the box and runs out the door with Crabbe trailing behind him.
Harry Snickers behind his hand glances at draco who seems to be trying to fight off a smile.
Draco catches him looking and frowns at him.

" Okay potter you're not one to randomly give out chocolates so explain".

Harry tells him how Romilda put a love potion in them and how he  figured draco wanted to be left alone.

Draco crosses his arms, keeps a neutral expression on his face and asks,"  so, who are you taking to slughorn's party?".

"No one, why are you asking?".

" Just curious".

" You know you could just ask if  you really want to go".

" Who says I wanted to go?".
Harry shrugs and walks away.

Draco grabs his wrist and mutters", wait ,I do want to go".

" Five -o-clock?".

Draco tries to walk past Harry but trips on his robes accidentally falling on Harry. They both feel a pain in their forehead as their heads collide.

"Ow Merlin's beard potter! I always figured you were hard headed but not In literal sense". Harry glances up to see draco staring down at him with emotion in his eyes.

" Um, Malfoy are you okay?".

Draco suddenly feels the urge to close the distance between them and kiss the raven haired boy. 

Draco shakes his head and moves to get off of Harry , accidentally brushing Harry's area.

" Agh!",  Harry moans and arches his back.

Draco stares in shock and imagines running his hand over his stomache to his chest, and wounding it in Harry's hair to kiss him.

Snap out of it!

Draco gets up and offers his hand to Harry.
Harry's words from the past fills his ears.

" I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks".

Harry hadn't took his hand then but did so now.
Draco pulls him up then drops his hand as though it burned him.
Draco swiftly walks out of the library using all of his will to fight the urge to pin Harry against the wall and ravage those lips.

" Stupid, stupid , stupid! Why must you taint yourself with undesired want?
You don't need it or potter! ", Draco hisses to himself.

Even though draco is denying it he knew for one split second Harry was all he desired in the world.

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