chapter2 Encounters

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After the lesson with Dumbledore Harry resumes his classes. Classes are more complicated. Good thing Harry had the half blood prince on his side in potions. Studying had become so intense, Ron was complaing more than usual. Harry excuses himself to the library. When Harry walks in the girls start giggling and blushing. Harry sighs and dashes behind the book shelves not watching where he was going. Harry collides and falls on top of someone. Harry groans and pushes himself up.

The smell of mint, lavender, cinnamon and hot'n'spicy Colone assails his nose. Harry looks down to find none other than Malfoy blinking up at him in confusion. Harry's breathing hitches as he stares at Malfoy with his blonde hair fanned out like a pillow, silver eyes wide in shock and pale pink lips open in a gasp.

Malfoy suddenly shakes his head and growls ", would you mind getting off me potter?".

Harry pins Malfoy down and says ( solely just to get a rise out of him) " nope I rather like this position ".

" Well I don't " , draco growls, flips Harry on his back,pins him down and whispers, " watch where you're going next time potter". Harry realizes the scent fades as draco walks away.

That was hot- wait no it wasn't, what the bloody hell am I thinking!

Harry gets up and dusts off his robes and heads over to the griffindor common room. When Harry walks in he sees Ron and Hermione snogging each other on the love seat.


Harry silently passes them and walks towards his four poster bed and flops down and begins to mull over what happened in the library.
What was that scent he was smelling? Was it Malfoy? Naw, it can't be right?  Harry smacks his forehead and groans.

Yep, who else could it be?

But I can't be in love with Malfoy he's a bloody git !

Well he does have magnificent hair , attractive silver eyes , his arse is bloody fantastic and- " of all people it had to be him!" He whispers out loud. Thankfully no one heard him.


Why did bloody potter have to be in my way!

Potter just can't stay within his own personal space!

Well it's not like you didn't enjoy it.

A voice inside draco whispers. Draco shrugs it off and finds a book called," potions and poisons of enemie's demise ". Draco's lips curled at the sight of blood at the corner of the book.

Oh well this will do untill I find the right moment to poison the old coot. This is just a backup plan anyways ,just in case the cursed necklace doesn't work.

Draco didn't have any doubts that his plan would work. He was a Malfoy after all. Draco grins as he ponders about the look on his father's face as he realizes that draco helped redeem the malfoy's name in the dark lord's eyes.
I will follow in my father's footsteps.
Draco lightly traces the tattoo of a skull with a snake Slythering out of it's mouth. It is an honor to be among the ranks of death eaters draco tells himself.


After a long morning of quidditch tryouts he got
3 chasers: Katie bell, Demelza robins and ginny Weasley

2 beaters: Jimmy peakes and Ritchie coote
And finally his best friend Ron as keeper.
After that Harry went to visit Hagrid with Ron and Hermione to tell Hagrid they didn't have time for his class and comforted him when he cried about arragog dying.
After that Harry had to carry out his time in detention( for arriving in muggle clothes and arriving late) and separate good flobberworms from the bad. Now Harry is in the quidditch field flying around to clear his mind.
The cool night air weaves it's way through Harry's black hair and makes his robes fan out behind him.
Harry decides to practice some moves. He swoops down to the ground and swoops upwards spinning around the broom on one foot.
When Harry settles in a sitting position he notices draco walking along the edge of the woods. What's he doing?


Draco is lost in thought about how to carry out his plan when the smell of pine needles, rainwater,wood polish and candle wax engulfs his senses.

" What in the bloody hell-" draco looks up to find potter hanging upside down glaring at him suspiciously.

" What are you doing this late at night Malfoy?".

" I could ask you the same thing potter!".

" I'm just here for a midnight ride".

"And I'm out for a midnight stroll".
Potter gets closer to Draco's face.

" I don't believe you ,you're up to something Malfoy".

" If I didn't know better potter I'd say you're stalking me".

Draco smirks and eyes Potter's lips .
How soft are they?

Draco leans forward but then snaps out of it and instead flicks potter's lightning shaped scar.

" Right yourself potter or you'll pass out".

Potter snorts," since when do you care".

Draco walks away and smirks.

" I don't , see you around pottah" .

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