chapter 6 slughorn's party

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Harry rolls his eyes as he sees Ron and Hermione snogging each other in the dining hall for the third time that week.
Harry perks his ears as he hears peeves singing at the top of his lungs.

"Weasel and loony out to potty! Weasel and loony!".
Ginny rolls her eyes and turns to Harry.

" I decided to take Luna, since we haven't had a chance to talk in ages!". Harry looks over at the Raven claw's table to see Luna beaming happily and telling a girl that the minister of magic is a vampire.
Suddenly Crabbe and goyle barge into the hall looking wildly around the room as if in search of someone.

" Where is romilda vane? I must profess my love to her!", Crabbe booms.

" No, I must!", Goyle argues.
They start bickering over who loves her more when romilda walks into the room.
Both Crabbe and goyle break out into goofy grins and charge towards her.
Romilda shrieks and bolts out the door.

" Wait romilda! I have something to confess!", Shouts goyle.

"No, I do!".

As the door shuts behind them Harry couldn't contain his laughter and bursts out laughing.
He laughs so hard his sides hurt and tears come out of his eyes.
He realizes he isn't the only one and looks up to see draco holding his belly and hiccuping between laughs.

Draco Malfoy is laughing!
They meet each other's eyes and laugh even harder.

" Did you see her face ?,"Harry guffaws.

" Priceless",draco wheezes.

" She got ... What.. she deserves!", Harry roars between laughs.

After their laughter dies down Harry realizes everyone is looking at them with confused faces.

Ron nudges Harry and hisses " since when are you on good terms with Malfoy?".

" We're not".

" I couldn't tell! Both of you were laughing like best mates!".

Harry rolls his eyes and replies, " we just found this entire ordeal funny that's all".

Hermione raises her eyebrow in as if she doesn't believe him.
Harry just shrugs it off but couldn't help but smile while eating.
Draco is also smiling to himself, Harry notices.
Hermione pokes Harry in the ribs to get his attention.

" Sorry Hermione I zoned out, what was the question?".

Hermione sighs impatiently and asks," who are you taking to slughorn's party?".

Harry smirks and replies," you'll know when you get there won't you?".

" Well at least you're taking someone.
I can't imagine what I would do if you were giving romilda googly eyes," Hermione states.

" Good thing Crabbe and goyle took that once in a life time opportunity from me", Harry says grinning.

Later that night in slughorn's office.

Green, red, and gold sashes lines the magically expanded office walls.
Mistletoe hangs visibly, a Christmas tree (decorated with silver and green ornaments) stands in the center of the room and silver glowing fairies fly around the room.
House elves scurry around offering goblets of mead.

A floating table passes Harry, almost knocking into him.
Slughorn waves Harry over and introduces him to a writer and a vampire named Sanguini who was staring in hunger at Harry's all too exposed neck.

" If I write your story sales will sky rocket!", Declares the writer.
He rambles on while Harry tunes him out.
For some reason this bloke reminded Harry of professor Lockhart.
Harry excuses himself and heads towards Luna and ginny.
Luna is wearing galaxy like robes with Saturn earrings, and her is hair piled up into a bun.
Ginny wears a simple white dress with black tap shoes and lacey black stockings.

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