chapter 13 a ride on buck beak

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" I already apologized to all of your mates! Who else do I have to apologize to?", Draco asks.

Harry smiles and replies,"let's just say you've a hippogriff to meet".
Harry drags draco out to the pumpkin patch behind hagrid's hut and points to a greyish blue hippogriff.
Draco's eyes widen in recognition and he backs away, shaking his head.

" Nope! Nu uh! That thing nearly killed me!".
The hippogriff stomps it's hoof at draco in defiance.
Harry frowns and points out," To be fair you did insult him and nearly had him executed! The least you can do is give him a proper greeting and bow".
Draco huffs but bows to the hippogriff.
He looks at draco before kneeling down and clicks it's beak.
Draco walks towards the hippogriff and slowly pets his long beak.
The hippogriff closes it's eyes and  coos softly.

Draco whispers," I'm sorry for being a prat and insulting you in the third year ".
The hippogriff ruffles his feathers and looks expectantly between Harry and draco.
Harry grins.

" He wants us to ride him!".
He drags draco over and helps him up onto the hippogriff's back.
Harry then climbs on and wraps his arms around Draco's waist.
The hippogriff spreads it's wings and takes off into the night sky.
Harry spreads his arms out and woops as the wind blows his robes out behind him.

"Are you crazy?", Draco hisses.
Harry just laughs and continues as if he didn't have a care in the world.
Draco copies him and their whoops echo from the trees as the hippogriff swoops up and down gliding through the air.

Buck beak click his beak happily and dives.
A loose feather flys into Draco's mouth making him gag.
Harry roars with laughter at the look of disgust on Draco's face.

" Gah! That was bloody horrible! No offense buck beak bit you taste awful".
Hippogriff shrieks with birdlike laughter.

" Are mocking me? Ooh! Harry he's mocking me!".

Harry laughs pulls himself into Draco's lap and pulls draco down into a kiss.
Draco grabs Harry's waist and Harry wraps his arms around his neck and bites Draco's lip.
Draco darts his tongue in and they fight for dominance.
Harry moans as draco sucks on his tongue.
He tugs on Draco's hair to make him moan in turn.
Buck beak glares at them and shrieks in displeasure.

" Sorry buck beak! We got carried away!", Harry apologizes.
Buck beak snaps his beak and looks away.

" I love you draco", Harry whispers.

"And I love you no denying about that".

Harry nods and rests his head against his shoulder.
Nothing could make this moment any more perfect for the two boys.
Definitely no denying about that.

A/N : yay! You've reached the end of my story! I'm sorry if this book isn't long enough but I wanted it short and sweet!

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