chapter 8 the perfect's bathroom

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After potions class Harry stays behind asking slughorn what he knew about horcuxes.

" Dumbledore sent you didn't he? I know nothing! Now scram boy before you're late to class!", Slughorn roars.
Later he tells this to Hermione, who was seething in anger because Harry ( once again) outshined her in potions.

" Well you can't straight up ask him! He's keeping this from Dumbledore himself ! It's not like he'll just tell you," she points out.

" I know that! But how can I convince him to give up the memories ?".
Hermione just shrugs.

" I dunno Harry but Dumbledore seems to think you'll make him come around,".

" Did you have any luck in the library?".

" No, I even looked in the restricted section! Nothing at all about horcuxes!", Hermione grumbles clearly upset that the library didn't have the answers this time.

February arrives and the snow melts all around the school.
The sixth years buzz with excitement, for today a member of the ministry will be teaching them to apparate.
He begins by to telling them to be prepared for the apparation test and warns them about how when a wizard incorrectly apparates his body will be in two different places.
Harry shivers as he imagines losing his leg in the forbidden forest or his head rolling down a muggle highway.
Harry spots Malfoy having a heated conversation with his lackeys.
Harry swiftly walks around the students and stands behind Malfoy.

" Look I don't have to tell you what I'm up to, it's just taking longer than I expected", draco hisses in frustration.

Goyle sighs in disappointment and hurt but immediately perks up when he sees romilda just fifteen feet away. Crabbe spots her too and they both walk up to her.

Harry steps up to draco and growls in his ear," I know you're up to something Malfoy and I'm going to find out what. So watch your back".

Malfoy snarls and reaches for his wand but professor Snape and professor McGonagall snap at them to pay attention.
The students are assigned to apparate into a hoop.
Harry fixates on the hoop five feet from him and pictures himself in it.
Nothing happens.
Suddenly a shriek fills the hall and all heads turn to see romilda pointing at the arm of goyle headlocking the head of Crabbe.
The rest of their bodies are in the hoop.
The professors carry them to the infirmity and the rest of the students return to the task at hand.
After two hours of this no one succeeds.
Harry spots Malfoy hurrying out of the hall.
Harry goes to the empty common room and pulls out the marauders map.

" I solemnly swear I'm up to no good", he whispers and taps his wand on the parchment.
Suddenly ink lines and hundreds of tiny dots with names above them appear on the map of Hogwarts.
Harry looks for draco Malfoy and finds his dot in the perfect's bathroom.

" What's he doing there?".

Draco had a hard ever since harry growled in his ear.
Draco shudders as he remembers  his hot breath on his neck.
Draco had successfully hidden his bulge and now needs to take care of it.
Draco takes off his pants and boxers throwing them into a pile.
The overpowering heat consumes his body and draco pumps his hard member squeezing slightly as he went faster.
Draco pants from the pleasure being so loud he doesn't hear the opening and closing of the door or the gasp of shock.
Draco imagines Harry moaning and moving his hips to meet his while grabbing his hair to bring draco closer.
Draco pumps his cock even faster.
His eyes roll into the back of his head and he comes into his hands.
Once he cleans his member he turns around to get his clothes but knocks into an invisible force. As draco falls he hears an " oof " beneath him.

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