chapter 11 without a doubt

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Draco walks back to the room of requirement and stops in front of the cabinet.
He casts a spell that disconnects this cabinet from the one in Florish and bots.
He then takes down the protection spells he had previously cast.
With a flick of a wrist the cabinet suddenly explodes into several splinters.
Draco ducks behind couch to shield himself from harm's way.

It's done, he can't get through.
He can't hurt Harry.
Draco jumps up and down with his fists in the air, whooping for joy.

" Levicorpsus".
Draco then is having suspended in the air.
"Caught you Malfoy", Harry says with a stoned look.

"Why do you always follow me potter?", Draco groans.

" I was searching for my heart but now I see I don't have to look no further".

Draco stares shocked at Harry.
Is he flirting with me?
No, he can't be.
Harry smirks and winks at him.

Draco sneers and asks," why must you always turn my world upside down?".

"Me? You're the one who turns my world upside down, you obnoxious prat!", Harry playfully snaps.
Draco rolls his eyes.

" Can you let me down now?".

"No, you'll fall on your head. Although I'm sure you're used to it since you fell for me".

"Don't be absurd po-".

" Don't deny it. I heard everything you said".
Draco looks into Harry's eyes yo see mistrust and doubt in his eyes.

" Do you mean it though? Will you actually stand by my side? Defy Voldemort? Defy your father?", Harry asks.

Draco whispers softly," I mean everything I said. I don't care about upholding the Malfoy name any more, not if it means losing you".

A tear rolls down Harry's cheek at these words.
Draco reaches out and wipes the tear away, thumb trailing his cheek.

" Now will you let me down before I get a bloody, blood rush".
Harry smiles as he sets draco down gently onto the floor.
Draco cups Harry's cheek and then leans down kissing him softly, lovingly.
Harry wraps one arm around his waist and intertwines their fingers with the other.
Draco weaves his fingers through Harry's black hair and whispers his name against his lips.

After they pull away to breathe draco asks," do you trust me?".
Harry places his hand on Draco's chest and whispers," without a doubt.
They look into each other's eyes unaware of the golden threads of light coming from Harry's fingertips ,spreading out all around them.

They kiss again and the threads of light shine brighter and brighter, casting a heavenly glow on them.
The lights fade as they pull away.

" I love you draco".
Harry trails a finger down his forearm and traces the dark mark.
" All of you".

Nagini heard everything through the dark mark on Draco's arm.
She slithers away to relay this new bit of information to her master.

The next day Harry receives a letter from Hagrid, stating that arragog passed away the previous night.
He wants the trio to come help him give him a proper burial.

" Well what do you think ? Should we go?", Harry asks Ron and Hermione.

" It's too dangerous, with the tight security Dumbledore has set up and don't forget that nasty filch!", Hermonie points out.

" Blimey Harry! Arragog very nearly had us killed! Why should we go?", Cries Ron.
Harry looks at the big fat tears on the letter.

" Well it would mean a lot to Hagrid. I mean we are his friends after all. Shouldn't we give him our condolences?".
Hermonie and Ron look at each other and reluctantly agrees to go.

" Oh! Wait here, I'll be back in a mo".
Harry gets up from the griffindors table and walks towards the slitherins.
Harry taps draco on the shoulder.
Draco turns e and raises his eyebrows in question.

" Hagrid is burying a giant spider and he invited me and my mates.
You want to come?".

Draco furrows his brow and asks," Am I welcome? I mean I'm not exactly on good terms with your friends,".

" Well this could be a great opportunity to make up for it".

" Do I have to apologize to all of them?".

" We'll just start with Hagrid, then we'll start from there".
Draco agrees to come and resumes his conversation with pansy.

Harry walks back to his friend and sits in between them.

Pass me the salt, will you Ron?".
Ron just stares at him open mouthed.

" Ron the salt?".

Ron says slowly," you talked to Malfoy".

" Naw, I talked to a boggart. Pass me the salt please?".
Hermonie rolls her eyes and hands Harry the salt.
Ron just stares at e like he's crazy.

" Ron don't give him that look! Haven't you noticed that Malfoy hasn't insulted us for a while now?", Hermonie says.

Harry pipes up ," he's also been trying to be nice lately. Which is why I gave him the opportunity to apologize to Hagrid".

Hermoynie smiles.
"Well I think he deserves a second chance. Right ron?".

" Bloody hell, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'll give that slimey git a chance".

" Good cause I want my best mates and my boyfriend to get along".
Ron falls out of his seat milk coming out of his nose and hermonie squeals, " I knew it!".

Harry gives the invisibility cloak to hermonie and Ron and casts a illusion spell over him and draco.
As they arrive at hagrid's hut they hear his loud sobs of grief.
Harry knocks three times and Hagrid answers the door wearing black trousers, a white button up , his tie undone and his eyes are red and puffy from crying.

" Jus the two of yer?".

"Actually four", Harry corrects as he lifts the illusion.
"What's he doin here? ", Hagrid growls motioning towards draco
Draco lifts both hands up to his face.

" I'm just here to pay my condolences, I'm not here to cause any trouble".
Hagrid gives a look Harry a look of question and he nods in confirmation.
When they had buried arragog ( which took three hours) draco pulls Hagrid to the side.

" Wha ya needin Malfoy?", He asks.
Draco shifts nervously from foot to foot.

" Um ,I just wanted to apologize for how I acted in third year, for trying to get you fired and insulting you and the subject you taught", draco mutters apologetically.
Hagrid looks down at him as if he just said he ate a cursed gold coin.

"Are ya feelin well Malfoy?".

" Just fine sir wh-".

Hagrid picks him up and squeezes him into a bone crushing hug.

" Blimey Hagrid, you're gonna squeeze the life out of me!", Draco gasps.

" And here I'd thought yer nothin but a snobin git!" , Hagrid booms loudly.

" Well that's not the worst insult I've heard".

" So our dear draco Malfoy has decided to turn against us you say nagini", Voldemort hisses in question.
Nagini flicks her forked tongue in answer.
Voldemort stand up from his throne made up of children's bones, with his blood red eyes blazing.
" Time for plan b dear nagini", Voldemort chuckles.
" Time to pay our dear ex- member and the chosen one a visit!".

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