Chapter 24

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Emily's POV
"Can you call my mom and tell her to take me home. I've spent way too much time in this place." I asked Noelle

"Sure! She's going to be SO happy" she said

After Noelle finished calling my mom, and she took me home, I went straight to bed. And I had the strangest dream. It was the voice again. The same one.

'Your mission isn't complete. The future is still set, and will still happen.' It said

"But I-" I started

'Some of your friends are not going to believe you' it said and then I woke up, and it was time for school. I grabbed my crutches, and I'm actually supposed to have a wheel chair, but I don't want it.
I grabbed my bag and was driven by my mom to school, because I can't get on the bus, and I can't drive with my foot. I walked into the school and went to my first class, Science, with Amy and Netty. I wish I recorded their faces when they walked in. They sat next to me, as usual.

"You're acting like this is just another day of school!!" Amy said

"Emily, you just came out of a coma, I don't think you should be in school" Netty said

I gave her a 'I missed you too' face.

"Oh come on I was worried sick, why didn't you text me when you woke up, I was waiting to look at your empty seat again!!" Netty said whispering.

"How do you think Sky will react?" Amy said grinning.

"Oh..." I said looking down

"What's wrong?" Netty asked

"Oh I can't wait to see the look on his face!" I said tricking them

"That's the Emily I know" I said

Soon science was over and then was math with Mitch, Noelle, and Sky.

I walked in not too early, not too late. And Mitch practically passed out when I walked in. I saw Noelle chuckle. And then there was Sky, who looked like he was going to turn into a tomato. I almost laughed.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Sky asked.

"Yes" the teacher said, and went on with his lesson.

He looked at me and mouthed a 'come'

I wasn't going, at least that was until I remembered my dream. And I thought maybe I could confront him, and make him realize his actions. After a little while I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom, and he said yes.

I walked out the door cautiously, as if Sky could jump at me at any moment. My ribs hurt from not using the wheel chair but I would look like someone who needed attention. I walked towards the boys bathroom, not going in of course, but he wasn't there. I walked toward the girls bathroom, and BAM there he was.
"What?" I asked

"What were in a coma...and" he said

"You're supposed to be dead." He said looking at me angrily.

"And you're supposed to not act like I killed your family. What did I ever do to you?"

"You're with..squid..." He said

"Are you kidding me?! This is school Adam, not World War 3."

"You don't understand! When we were 10, me and Squid were best friends, and I had to move. And he got to stay in New York. I loved it there." He said

"But he moved here too didn't he?" I asked

"But he's different, he's going to ruin my popularity. He's going to be better than me in everything. Running, gaming, football, basketball, everything! And I'm going to be a loser. " He said angrily

"So? Why would that make you want to kill him?" I said

He grunted. "You wouldn't don't understand" he said

"Well I guess I will never will cause you're not speaking. You used to be such a nice guy. What happened to that guy I used to know?" I asked sadly

"I-I" he stuttered.

"Save it" I said. And with that, i started walking away.

"Help me" I whipped around. And looked around, but there was only Sky, so who said that? It was faint almost like a whisper.

"W-What?" I asked out.

"Help" I looked directly at Sky. There was no mistake. He said that.

"What do you mean?" I said

"What?" He spat. Well I guess old sky is back. But what was that? Maybe I'm hallucinating. I turned around again and started to walk but again I was interrupted.

"Emily please" it said again. I looked at Sky. His eyes flickered with warm and kindness. Then they returned to his normal eyes. Is he possessed or something?

"Are you ok?" I asked him

"N-no" he said. With the same hushed tone.

"What's the matter?" I asked

"T-the transformations. He's coming back, go now!" He said. Motioning for me to leave. That was...strange. He almost seemed normal for a second. I must be dreaming. When I got back to class, Sky followed shortly after. He glared at me. Well, I guess angry, selfish sky is back in town.  I ignored the teacher and got lost in my thoughts.

What happened? Why is he like that? I don't understand. Maybe he's being possessed by some murderer ghost. I don't know. Maybe he's not in control, and the Sky I know is in there. Somewhere. I have to get him out. Our lives may be on the line from out own best friend, but I'm willing to risk my life to get my friend back.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing. I took my crutches and got out of there. I needed to tell the others this.

Since Noelle, Mitch, and Amy are in my History class, I guess I'll just tell them first. Noelle carried my books to the class and I sat down next to them all.

"I've got big news" I said. As the teacher gave us a lecture about studying for ANOTHER test.

"What's on your mind?" Amy asked.

"So remember how Sky practically morphed into another person when he saw Squid?" I asked

They nodded

*after explanation*

"So you think that Sky is being possessed or something?" Mitch asked

I nodded.

"It makes sense, since we all know that Sky is not what he used to be. There is something most definitely wrong with him" Amy said.

Alright guys I'm so sorry. I'm sosososososososososososososososo sorry. Noelle hasn't been in touch with me since the last update and I guess she is just fading away from me. She never answered my messages. And I guess I just kind of moved on. But today I decided to continue it, for you, yes you! You can kind of see how my writing style has changed for the summer and I like it. But I understand if a lot of you abandoned this book, cause you felt like it would never be updated. But for all of you who stayed, welcome back to Young MagicAnimalClub VS Young TeamCrafted, and I plan on keeping up with the updating (hopefully) and I thank you SO much for staying with me, even when you had your doubts!

Best wishes,

Emily (MagicTeamCrafted) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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