Chapter Twelve

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Noelle's POV

After Emily left I knew we couldn't run for ever.

"We can't run for ever! How about you go to Netty's house. You know her brother right?" I asked

"Yea I'm friends with him but I don't know where he lives!" He said

"I do I used to go over her house loads of times. It's (insert random address here)" I said

I turned around to see that no one was following us anymore. Thank God! I saw squid run away in the direction of the street. I walked forward and climbed a tree. When I got to the top Jerome was waiting there I almost fell out of the tree.

"What?" He said.

"Oh I don't know your friends were chasing me for about 20 minutes I don't know what could possibly want me to run away from you right now" I said sarcastically.

"Me and Mitch ran away from the group." He said

"Where's Mitch?" I asked

"He went after Emily when you split up." He said.

"Where do you think they went?" I asked

Amy's POV

"What do you mean you're at the police station?!" I said, shocked by the phone call. Netty came running out of my room. (Netty is at Amy's house) We were planning on playing some Mario Kart. Emily hung up and I explained what happened.

Emily's POV

"Amy's coming," I tell Mitch.

"Good, I called Jerome, but he didn't pick up," Mitch sighed. "Who knows what he's up too."

"Yeah, I hope Noelle and Squid hid in a good place."

"You're still worried about that squid?"

"Yeah, and if you aren't-"

"I'm not, he's capable of running. Sky even said that."

"Oh," I said. I just couldn't believe my life. All of this bad things happen and to make it worst, I'm stuck at a police station!


I saw Amy and Netty walking towards us and hug me. We left the police station and went back to my house.

Sky's POV

"Mitch left, Jerome left, and now we can't find the squid!" I complained.

"Hmm, where did they go to?" the fish asked.

"Mitch went after Emily and Jerome went after Noelle."

"That's not good," Tyler said. "They have crushes on those girls."

"Good thing Netty wasn't here," Jason smirked.

"Shut up!"

"Weren't you suppose to meet her earlier?" Ty asked. "You probably missed out."

"Guys, stop harassing Tyler and start thinking," I said. "Where would you be if you were a squid?"

"Water," Jason said.

"Yeah, like a swimming pool!"

"Or the aquarium!"

"Okay, Jordan, Ian, Jason, and Tyler, go to the swimming pool! The rest of us will go to the aquarium!" I said. We split up and went to our spots.

Netty's POV (so many POV changes!)

"So what are we going to do?" Mitch asked. (They're at Amy's house)

"Maybe Squid would be at the beach?" Amy suggested. I nodded and smiled.

"Looks like we're going to need some swimsuits," I said, making a fabulous pose. They laughed and we searched for swimsuits.

Stampy's POV

"Hey Stampy! Can I come in?" Squid said, standing outside my door.

"Sure! Come in! I have someone for you to meet!" I grinned. he came in and sat on the couch. "Finnball! Come here!"

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