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Ok so at this point in the story Catalyst comes into the games, so that's fun.


"I am the grim trans witch your parents warned you about."-Catalyst.


You were sitting on the floor outside of one of the dorms with your hood on and your arms wrapped around your legs. MRVNs were rushing in and out of the room bringing medical supplies.

Lifeline was in the room tending Caustics' wounds. 

New legends bring in new abilities that the organization is not used to, so our 'Dyeing in the games and not out in the real world is not used to this either. The new girl, Pheonix, her abilities that are fire related so you knew that Caustic has burns all over him.

Lifeline walked out of the room and sat on the floor next to you. just to make it clear it's like 11 pm and you've been sitting there since idk 5, you were worried, and your father's life is technically on the line. 

"soo-. . . . " she started, you looked up at her with red puffy eyes, you'd been crying. "His wounds are treated and he is getting better, but he just needs rest-" you sighed, relieved that he was going to be ok. "and so do you. Hon, you've been sitting here for 5 hours you need to rest too, right now I'm more worried about you than I am about your father." 

she was right, you needed to get up, and you also really needed to piss. 

You stood up, your legs were a bit wobbly but you were able to walk. you cracked your back, your fingers, wrists, neck, and tail, and you chuckled at the millions of pops you got from it. You thanked and hugged lifeline and walked down the hall to your dorm, luckily for you it wasn't too far from where you were.

you looked through your keycard a few times to make sure you got the right number and finally made it to your door. you were about to slide your card through the door and then it hit you, 

'I still don't know who my roommate is'

You kept thinking what one of your fellow legends could you be sharing a room with, defiantly not caustic, not Wattson, not crypto, hopefully, not the new girl, or shit would be super awkward between you 2, lifeline? octane? you cringed at the thought. Revenant?

You slid the card through and opened the door. the room itself was very modernized, there were a couple of chairs and a couch in the middle of the room, there was a few bookshelves in the back, there was a window on the wall in front of you. to your left had a stand with a tv on it and a remote. to your left was an open wall leading to what should be the bedroom. 

you walked over to the beds due to you wanting some sleep. the lights were still on and you could see that one of the beds is occupied, you took a deep breath in and looked to see somebody you didn't recognize.

their hair was a nice ginger color, their face had some smudged red paint on them, their eyes left the markings of goggles after wearing them for a long, around their eyes has a darker, more blackish color with cracks around them. you looked around at the articles of clothing scattered around the floor. some greenish fabric was tucked out of sight from you on the other side of the bed, you created over and saw what appears to be their legendary outfit. 

all you had to see was that and you instantly know who it is, 


This surprised you a lot, bloodhound looks more feminine than you'd imagine them to look. but then again you didn't know what you expected them to look like.

You walked over and turned off the lights in the room and left to your bed, the unoccupied bed that is now yours due to the bloodhound not taking it. once you lay down you instantly fell asleep in the comfort of the soft blankets and comfy mattress.


12/2/2022 3:40 am

a bit of a shorter one but it's just kind of a filler chapter, nice to know a bit more of what I see bloodhound like so that's always nice. 

Anyways to be completely honest I haven't been working on the story for a while, y pulled this together in like 2 hours. This is because I am so busy with school and I'm having such a hard time keeping up with my stories, even now that I'm writing another story on the silly hope you all had a happy thanksgiving and ill try to get back to writing often, it might be late uploads like this but it's getting done and my sleep schedule is going to hate me for it. I'll only have to keep it up for like a couple of weeks because it's coming to the end of the semester and finals are coming up and that's always great, NOT. shark week is never fun, am I, right ladies?

But I have 2 questions for yall

1. who are the 8% of people older than 45 reading my story? I'm not judging I'm just curious it's a bit unexpected for me.

2. I want yall to guess what my other story is,(NOT YOU @phlegm_shady ) I've been working on it on the side and I gave been giving a few hints here and there, but I wanna see what you guys got. It's a character x reader x another character, all I need is the 2 characters and the game, and that's it. once I see the right answer in the comments ill publish it. deal? Anywhereore, have a good night/day/evening/morning,  I don't fucking know. Stay hydrated, eat some food, get some sleep, and have a good one.

see ya next time 


983 words

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