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I wasn't going to end it there lmao, I'm no asshole. (I actually am but just not here on Wattpad :)

This text is a memory, smth that happened in the past

"*Sniff sniff* Spent gunpowder, smells like victory", -Bangalore.

You opened your eyes, staring blankly at the dark room around you. It was almost 3:00 a.m. and you couldn't sleep. You couldn't sleep after what happened earlier, it just keeps lingering around your mind. When you try and close your eyes to fall asleep, you see that moment. It plays in your head on repeat, over and over again.

Once the party ended, you left the dropship. You two were talking, trying to pretend like none of that ever happened, due to the both of you wanting to keep your relationship a secret.

"I've been meaning to ask you- . . . " You trailed off, regaining his attention. You two were sitting near the dropship doors. He was leaning up on the wall, arms crossed. You were sitting on the edge of the booth, your tail dropping over onto the seat. "What actually led you to wanting join the games?"

He laughed, like what you said was a complete joke. you just looked at him confused. "I didn't want to join the games. Hammond robotics actually made me join the games, just so the syndicate can keep an eye on me. Y'know, just to make sure I'm not some rogue simulacrum murderer on the loose." He laughed, you joined in.

You open your eyes again staring back into the same boring room you were just the moment before. You rolled over onto your side groaning, you curled up your body into a ball and snuggled into the blankets.

"what seems to be troubling you?"

You yelped, nearly falling off your bed. Bloodhound chucked from next to you.
"My apologies, I did not mean to startle you. You just seem to be having a little trouble falling asleep"

You took a second to regain yourself. You sat up on your bed, tuck your knees to your chest and hug your legs. "I just can't sleep. . .  Tonight, something happened and I- I can't stop thinking about it."

Bloodhound looked at you with a questioning look, you felt it. They were going to ask you about it.

"May I ask what happened? If you are comfortable with sharing."

'Yep, knew it'

"I kissed him" you mumbled under your breath.

"I apologize but I did not get that-"

"I kissed him." You said louder, loud enough for them to hear. They got quiet. "We were just- sitting there and- ju- just talking and he just- . . . I kinda- we. . . kissed." You stumbled over your words a few times just trying to figure out what to say without giving away everything.

They just sat there, quiet. They weren't sure what to say, but they really didn't want to push you anymore. You covered your face with your hands.

"What is wrong with me?"

"Why does this feel so-. . ..  weird?"

"Is this how 'love' is supposed to feel?"

Bloodhound stayed quiet. You weren't even sure if they were awake or asleep anymore.

"I understand how that feels," They spoke suddenly. You looked over to them, they were looking at the wall ahead of them. "Y/n. . . There are different beasts out there, too strong and untamable. It is wild and-"

'I don't get it. . . Where are you going with this?' you though to yourself.

"One night, very recently-"

'great, a whole other story'

"-I went out hunting with. . . a friend. and he kept wanting to talk to me about how we both feel for each other, just because one heimskr child brought it up. I keep trying to push the conversation along to something different, but he kept bringing it back. And he-"

Bloodhound's voice begins to fade out as you felt another presence though when you looked around and couldn't see anything, but you already knew who was and were they were.

'I kinda don't wanna be here anymore. . .' Revenant spoke into your mind. You nodded in agreement.

'gosh they just won't shut up will they?' you shook your head no.

'Besides I'm surprised at the fact that you're even awake right now. How come?' You blushed. He was caring about you.

'I just couldn't sleep' you thought to him, 'too much on my mind.'

He laughed at that, you smiled.

You faught back a yawn, Revenant felt it.

'sounds like someone's tired' he said chuckling a bit, you rubbed your eyes.

'do you need help falling asleep?' you gave him a questioning look. Though when you looked around, there was nothing there.

'you can do that?' you asked him.

'yeah- when we have a connected mind I can do whatever I want to you' he said that with a deeper tone in his voice, it sent little chills down your spine.

Before you can respond you were already feeling a wave of heat rush through your body. You felt exhausted. You laid down and soon as your head hit the pillow you were fast asleep.



Y'all I'm so sorry that you had to wait that long, I just put the pressure on myself to write two other stories, so now I have like three stories in my drafts AND I'm working on this story.

This chapter was more of a filler, don't worry we'll get the team deathmatch game in the next chapter and then a real game in the chapter after that. I promise.

Anyways, thank you all for sticking around and actually reading my story.

I want to give a special thanks to _MyaSiA__, NoSleepReader1011 and AThreeLeggedCat for being there when the chapters come out and just being my most votes and comments. I honestly love talking to you guys and I love all of the funny ass comments you guys leave me in each chapter, I really enjoy reading through them. So, thank you.

Anyways, now that I've gotten this chapter done, I'm going to try and work on the other chapters for my other THREE stories I'm also working on, and who knows, what if I love them enough to publish them. You'll definitely want to stay tuned for that. So please, follow my account if you're not already following . . . please, I want more followers ;-;


1060 Words

In Love with Death (Revenant x reader)Where stories live. Discover now