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I am super fucking sorry for the massive delay, the whole time I was super caught up with work and didn't have any time to work on this. but I made this chapter long as a sorry. 

Apex season 16!? I'm hyped!

"Listen! You don't know what she -- capable of? I'll show you" - Ash

You were scribbling nonsense into your journal, not words, just- . . . Lines.

You weren't sure what you were doing anymore, with the thought of Revenant actually liking you back? You were all in a mess of thoughts flowing in and out of your mind.

You dropped your pencil and laid down on your bed, you were just. . . Thinking

You sighed and reached for your book, you looked at what you scribbled on the page and through the messy pencil strokes you see a face. Not just any face, his face (pic up top ↑ :)

you grinned

You ripped the page from your book, folded it, and put it in your pocket.

You got up and walked out of your room to the bar area. You sat down in one of the booths and a MRVN came up to you, handing you a menu. You pointed out what you wanted to eat for lunch and the MRVN walked off.

You sat there in silence and occasionally looked through your phone, your social media was flooded with so many different things about the games. sometimes about the previous games, sometimes it's about a new event coming up, and occasionally you see something about you, and you smiled, there are so many people that love you, sure the new legends are super cool, but you. you were almost at the center of attention when it comes to the media. you scrolled down a bit and saw a familiar sighting, you knocking Octavio over with the scythe. Everyone already knew that scythe was Revenants but you didn't at the time.

The MRVN came back with your food and left, you ate a couple of bites of it and returned to your phone. You clicked on the comments section for that post and saw a bunch of conspiracy theories about what's going on. Some were saying that you were the new grim reaper and you were now super dangerous and a complete threat to everyone else in the games, and then there it was, the comments about why Revenant would lend you his scythe and what was going on between the two of you.

you closed the app and put your phone away, you began to blush again about earlier when Revenant confessed to you. you opened your pocket hole to see the two folded-up papers, the one you just drew and the one from a few days ago, the one Revenant gave you.

you heard the front door open to a couple of familiar faces,

Elliot and Ramaya

Elliot beamed at the sight of you and ran over, dragging Ramaya behind him. He sat down in the booth and scooted all the way next to you, Ramaya sat down across from you, glaring a bit.

"Ramaya, you know Y/n right? Right? Can you believe we're related? like just look at them, how could they look any less charming if we weren't related?"

He just kept going on and on about how great it is that you two are related, you gave Ramaya a bored and slightly annoyed face.

"Help me" you mouthed to her, she just grinned at you slightly shaking her head 'No'

"Also did you know that Caustic, The Caustic, OUR CAUSTIC, Is actually our Dad?"

Ramaya looked at him with wide eyes, now it was your turn to grin.

The MRVN came back with two menus this time, handing one to Elliot and the other to Ramya, they ordered their lunch and the MRVN walked off.

The beautiful stench of fear instantly lets you know that one specific legend has entered the room.

In Love with Death (Revenant x reader)Where stories live. Discover now