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"Come by Casa De Octane for a cold one" -Octane (honestly, I hate the fact that I actually like him. My 3rd choice ;-;)

It's not over. We just got to find them. I know there's a way. If all of us could just work together." Lifeline was talking to Maggie as they both walked into the room you were sitting in.

You were writing in your journal again, taking notes on everything that has happened recently, from Revenants New look and the fact that he wanted to die.

That part pissed you off, that whole time you were just pissed off that the one man you love wants to die.

This started to make you overthink, like was your whole relationship fake? Did he not love you the same way? But how could he explain the kiss? All this thinking hurts your head.

But luckily you snapped out of your thoughts when you heated Loba scream 'Get Out' followed by the door slamming, out of the hallway, Valk emerged taking a glance at you before looking away.

You sighed as you just listened in on everyone's plan, and apparently Lifeline was saying something about Octane's rabbit dying and she gave him a rabbit's foot with a tracker in it, so we knew exactly where they were.

Like damn that's fucking messed up, even for you.

But Lifeline ran back into the room to retrieve Loba and Rev so we could go.

Once they walked out, Loba was wiping away tears with Revenant following behind. He stopped to look at you but you didn't even look in his direction, you just walked out.

On the ride there, you heard a faint ringing in your ears. The closer you got the louder it was.

Once you arrive, you were instantly met with guards blocking the way, but you legends easily wiped out everyone in your path.

You smelt the familiar scent of stim which made you scoff, but you were expecting it anyways.

"Yooooo, that was awesome." Octane called over, standing on the top of a flight of stairs. "Wait, how did you find this place?" He asked. Duardo plucked the rabbits foot off his vest and tossed it to the floor, telling him that he was tracked.

Octane jumped off the stairs and landed in front of Lifeline, holding up the foot. "You put a tracker on me? Not cool hermana..."

Loba pointed a wingman at Duardo. "Tell us where the head is, and I may let you walk away." She demanded.

"Always straight to business." He said as he walked down the flight of stairs. "And I see you brought your partner. Kaleb Cross." He motioned towards Revenant, who in response turned into a thick cloud of smoke and dashed towards Duardo, wrapping his hand around his neck.

"The head. Now." He demanded, pissing you off even more. Like damn hes really desperate for death, you scoffed you felt a pair of eyes on you but the ringing in your ear started to bother you so you ignored the gaze.

"By all means." A spotlight shown over the head. "It's been so long since they took your freedom. But this was always rightfully yours."

Revenant released Duardo and walked up to the platform where his head was, he picked it up and studied it before tossing it over to Loba, who wasted no time but to stab at the glass with her staff. You took a deep breath in as you watched the glass crack.

"Ah, before you let her do that... I have a proposal for you, Mr. Cross." Duardo started, but Loba didn't stop stabbing at the glass. "You say you want to die. I respect a man's right to control his dignity. I could give you that control. But what if you had... So much more?"

As soon as Duardo said that, the ringing intensified causing you to wince in pain. You felt a hand in yours, a fingerless gloved hand interlocking fingers with you as reassurance, you instantly assumed that it was Octane holding your hand, but you didn't do anything about it.

"You feel it. Excellent. Your upgrades are working as designed." Duardo continued. "And this is simply the first phase. They will fear you again. All you have to do is live."

You held your breath as you heated that, your grasp tightened around Octane's hand as the ringing got worse.

Every stab Loba takes at the head, the more it feels like it's stabbing you instead. You flinched as the point of her staff got dangerously close to Caleb's eye, but Revenant grabbed her staff and kicked her out of the way.

Next, only something out of your nightmares, or dreams, happened.


So many eyes.

Hundreds of Revenants activated all at once and began to crawl after them. You swallowed hard and looked at the rest of them, you were stuck...

Who to choose?

"Soon we'll have all we ever wanted, control over everything." Duardo's words snapped you out of your thoughts.

"I only wanted control over me."

One of the Revenants drove his hand right through Duardo's chest before dropping him, Octane's hand squeezed your hand so tight you thought he was going to break it. A few other Revenants crawled over and started ripping Duardo apart as his bloodcurdling screams echoed through your mind. You felt a sharp pang in your chest as you looked over at Octane, Duardo was his family, that's absolutely traumatizing...

Everyone ran, but octane, he stayed in place. Holding his hand tightly, you pulled him out of his daze and ran with him. "Pops- No!" He tried, but you just kept pulling him.

'this isn't in the games... this is the real world. Eduardo Silva is dead.'

' Y̵̫̜̼̐̈́͆̄̆̂͘/̴̧͇̗̻̪̫͈́̓̋̐̇n̸̝͓̲̰͓͙̩̳̈́̿͘ '

You cried out in pain, clutching your head with your free hand. You almost stopped but octane pulled you along with him, trying to escape alive and in one piece.

Once outside, Valk shot her missiles at the tunnel but that didn't stop the Revenants. Everyone piled into the ship as Valk took off, Revenants claimed into the ship but it wasn't too much for you legends. Once they were in the sky, you, lifeline, Loba and Maggie looked down upon the Revenant army as you flew off into the distance.

1058 words

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