Just an fyi, I'm not really planning on making this story super long. this was just an idea that popped into my head and was super short, but for you guys I'm having to add in so much as i go on to make it fairly long. 

Sorry for the delay, If you didn't look at my most recent announcement. It's definitely  harder to write now that I'm back in school and thought it would be easier to work on it in class, especially being a sophomore with 7 classes. And, I have been cheated on and broken up with very recently and I just needed time to collect myself. I mean now i have Rev to keep me company, Right?

Ayo 200 Reads, Thanks Guys


"Prowlers have 5 stomachs, Lets try and not end up in one" - Vantage


You woke up feeling very sore. You fell asleep in a pretty uncomfortable position which hurt your neck a bit. You struggle to stand up, useing the crate next to you for balance, and you walk over to the main room. You sit down on a booth close to the drop room, resting your head in your arms. 

You sat there for a good five minutes in silence.

You perked up at the ship landing. you heard the door to the ship open, and leaned back waiting for Loba to walk in. What you weren't expecting is that a totally different person came through. You watched as a young girl dressed in winter gear walked into the room with you, 'Shes a Kid'. You felt as her eyes darted directly towards you, giving her a half smile when you two made eye contact. She made her way over to you, sitting across from you. 

"hey, I'm Xiomara Contreras, but my legend name is Vantage." she greeted, 'Vantage' you noted to yourself

"I'm Y/N Nox, But you could just call me Y/N." You both started talking about the games until she shifted the conversation to you, mainly your prowler. You two hung out for a while till you felt the ship land and the door opened again, letting in Loba. Her eyes darted to you and Vantage, heading over instantly. 

"Oh so your the other new face we've been hearing about." she said, this confused you. "There haven't been two new legends since Octane and Watson from what I've heard . But, Y/n you were actually supposed to show up today, but-" She trailed  off a bit, like she was thinking about what to say next. "You seem to be a lot early." she finished, trying to make it seem like she doesn't know I sleep on the ship. You nodded a 'Thank you' at her, she returned it. 

"Well, after tonight I won't be as early anymore." Now it's Loba's turn to be confused, you grinned. "I'm moving back in with my father tonight-" You trailed off at the end due to the familiar feeling of being watched. You already know who was watching. You drowned in sorrow, not wanting to leave him alone with the other two robots all night. "I'm sorry if that brings you back memories darling." Loba cut off your train of thought, you smiled. "It's fine, I'm just on the list of legends with fucked up backstories." You quoted to Loba, knowing her story. "True. And one day, I'm going to be the one to take everything that 'Demon' loves away. And then, I'll kill him." 

You Grind awkwardly, Hating every single word that fell out of her mouth, "Is that too much?" she asked, questioning your look. You just shrugged. "Then again he probably doesn't even love anything-" "Everyone has to love something" You cut her off, seeing the red tint in your vision, letting you know that your eyes are red. She just looked at you with a 'Wtf' look on her face. You then remembered that vantage was still there. You took a deep breath, calming your nerves. "What i meant was, Everyone has to at least like something, You know, like Lifeline and her drone or Octane and his stims, Or Da- C- Caustic and his gas. You know."  You tried to sound as convincing as possible, not trying to give away your secret. 

"Ok well What about 'Him?' What Does he love?" You looked at her as if it wasn't obvious that the only thing he loves is-


Your ears perked up as you heard a voice quietly wispier, you looked towards the hall way leading to the back but nothing was there, you were also no longer being watched.  you were distracted from your thoughts when the dropship door opened letting in 3 more legends, Bangalore, Newcastle and Wattson. Newcastle and Bangalore seem to be arguing about something, you didn't mind it but they smell the same to you, not odor wise but blood wise. 'Their probably related' that would probably make more sense. 

"So, Is there any food? I'm starving" Vantage really wanted this tension between you and Loba to lighten. "Of course beautiful, c'mon." Loba and Vantage stood up and walked to the back, you followed them feeling hungry yourself. You looked at the door to the ship as it started opening but you looked to the hallway to see Revenant walking out of the hall, looking at you. Your mind instantly wandered over to last night, Causing you to blush a deep shade of blue. You looked down and quickly walked into the kitchen. Revenant chuckled but quickly turned around to see Seer at the entrance staring at what he just witnessed. "Do not worry, I saw nothing my friend." he put his hands up in surrender as he walked past Revenant to the bar.

Your hands covered your face making you unsure of where you were going until you crashed into Vantage and Loba. Loba caught you before you fell down causing you to look up at her, your face was still blue with blush. They both started awe-ing and teasing you, asking who it is. You kept trying to ignore it, grabbing your breakfast and leaving the kitchen. They seemed to stop as they got back into the bar area of the ship eating their breakfast. You glance over to the bar where Revenant's at. 

You see him talking to Bangalore. 

You can't help but feel a little jealous at the sight. You clenched your fist around the bottle in your hand, your vision tinted red, But you quickly forced yourself to calm down once you felt eyes on you, but it was weird, Revenant wasn't looking at you, noone at your table was looking at you, 'So who-' 


You look up to the screen and see Vantage was on a team with Horizon and Fuse. You walk around to see if you are on a team. You saw that you were teamed up with Revenant and Bloodhound. 

"This is going to be fun" you muttered.


9/2/2022 11:03 am

If you watched the season 14 trailer, You already know where this is going. 

(Edited: I realized I put season 13 on accident, I fixed it now)

Im so very sorry for the large delay, chapters are going to take longer to make because school is in session and its a pain in the ass to get this done. 

And i haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately bc of my ex gf, but imma get over it, already have. 

Anyways thank you for waiting once again im sorry for the wait 


1244 words 

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