The Verdict

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Eagle Union Territory.

Florida peninsular coast time 2:41 PM Azur Lane emergency meeting recording start.

A camera is heard activating in a long room with a stand in the middle of it as Fleet Admiral Samuel Anderson is seen standing behind a mic sprouting from the wooden stand and a Manilla folder laying on the stand with a red [CLASSIFIED] imprinted onto it.

Across the room on both sides were ship girls from Eagle Union and Royal Navy as well as Commander Adrien Kingston.

Fleet Admiral Anderson raises his hand to signal silence in the room that was once previously filled with murmurs of concerned ship girls the room similar to that of a courtroom as Anderson speaks.

"Commander Kingston and USS Baltimore CA-68 please stand up."

Adrien glances at Baltimore who was sitting next to him on the left side of the room as they stand up from their chairs.

"Commander Kingston from what I have heard the logistics division of Eagle Unions navy sent you a prototype wisdom cube much larger and wider than previous versions allowing it to contain more data. The goal of the prototype cube was to allow ships that have much more firepower to be reconstructed correct?"

"Yes sir. We were given it last week and told to get to one of the many USS Zumwalt wrecks. Ones that were sunk by the Sirens before we developed Wisdom Cubes and recreate one of them using the prototype making an extremely powerful ship girl."

The Fleet Admiral lifts his hand signaling for Kingston to stop talking. As after hearing this the room starts buzzing to life again in hushed whispers.

"And as your Command Log showed you were successful in recreating the ship after nearly an entire hour but shortly after it's recreation a massive Siren fleet appeared from a Mirror sea. At the time you stated that Zumwalt was asleep on the main deck sleeping on a bench however when you were attacked he woke up and asked you if he could engage the enemy?"

"Yes sir."

"Good had to make sure we were on the same page there. Anyways he then in your own words. Decimated the entire fleet in less than a minute before falling unconscious his Railguns overheated as well as his revolvers with his sword perfectly fine. After that, you left his riggings to cool off on Wales as you feared his riggings warping if exposed to cold water."

"That is correct yes we feared due to thermodynamics the cool ocean water would warp his riggings not only making him unseaworthy but also unable to perform basic combat."

Fleet Admiral Anderson nods his head in understanding.

"And so after his riggings cooled down you sent him to the infirmary where he retained a Comatose state for the next 4 days before awakening shortly after leaving the infirmary you requested him to meet you in your office. When he arrived at your office you gave him his dorm keys but also showed him a folder about Commander Jackson Smith why is that Commander Kingston?"

"The same people who gave me the prototype wisdom cube wanted to see how he would respond to stimuli that may invoke rage and disgust. As he was made from a prototype cube they needed to test his mind's parameters to see if he has his own sense of right and wrong which later was proven devastatingly correct."

"Yes...The attack he launched on a detaining force you sent to bring him back once Belfast told you he was heading to Pearl Harbor to kill Commander Smith after you told him not to from what she has said in her brief lapses of being awake it says that Zumwalt was saying how you were too scared to take matters into your own hands and rid Azur Lane of Smith. Speaking of which Baltimore thank you. For bringing our comrades back alive."

Baltimore seems to blush at the praise a bit as she responds. "It was nothing sir. I'm just glad Zumwalt didn't notice me while he was occupied with the others."

"Baltimore I do have another question for you. Why didn't you bring back Zumwalt as well?"
"He was horribly damaged when I arrived to him worse than when his riggings were overheated I thought he would sink so I just left him, however...I don't know for sure if he sank or not."

"Well, we'll have to take that into account as well. In the meantime, I have determined a Verdict as to what will happen to Zumwalt if he's not at the bottom of the ocean."

The whispers that were previously buzzing around once more between ship girls immediately shut down once more.

"I Fleet Admiral Samuel Anderson hereby declare Zumwalt to be an HVT he is to be tracked down apprehended sent back to your base where he will have his riggings removed and serve a sentence of 3 years for attacking fellow comrades as well as a work detail around your base. If he does not comply with these commands....He will be sentenced to death by firing squad. Do I make myself clear Commander Kingston?"

"Sir yes si-"

Before Commander Kingston could finish Javelin ran into the room panting "S-Sirs! It's the Crimson Axis they're attacking Pearl Harbor! And...Zumwalt is presumed to be with them!"

Adrien glanced at Fleet Admiral Anderson as he nods his head "Alright..Enterprise Baltimore get everyone in the base who is sea-worthy ready to sortie in 10. Make it quick and tell them priority number 1 is to subdue Zumwalt but do not kill him do I make myself clear?"

Enterprise and Baltimore both salute Adrien and respond "Yes sir!" Before dashing out of the room the other ship girls in the room hurriedly follow after them as Adrien looks at Samuel.

"Well, sir. We'll try and bring him back unharmed, however...If he's allied himself with the Crimson Axis what do we do then?"

"Just do as I told you to do regardless or at least try to he's an HVT so they'll most likely have multiple ships near him at all times. This will be a hard task to pull off even for you Adrien."

Adrien nodded his head before straightening his Cap and leaving the room he steps back out into the open with a determined look on his face as he makes his way to the docks. He has a mission to do and he will get it done one way or another.

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