Chapter XI: Revolution

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Royland lay awake at night, eyes upright toward the dimly lit shadows on the ceiling above, the night slowly inching its way towards morning. It felt as if a century had passed within the previous minute. Time was so slow that even amidst the blackened gallows's of which he was trapped in felt as if the atmosphere was nothing more than stagnant. It felt hard to breathe, as if the pressure from the night filled his lungs in place of oxygen. The room shook like a wooden sailing boat in a hurricane. On the ship, he could only grasp the basic outlines of a shadowy figure in the distance... His thoughts were the waves; sleepless. As he steered the ship in a directionless frenzy, he could see the shadows surrounding him. There it was; the horse. His pale, void eyes cry for Roy's aid, beaming at Royland with every waking moment of perilous screaming. No matter where Roy steer, he remained dormant; nothing more than the waves and the screaming horse. The titan's arms burst upwards, finally collapsing. With the collapse, tremendous force creating tides of water to surround the vessel.

It was clear Royland was not going to get any sleep tonight. Instead, lighting a candle using the depleted fire place, barely diminished from the night prior. Roy struggled to emit a blaze on a half worn out wick atop of his worn wax candle. After a brief struggle, Royland succeeded and left his chambers to get a sip of fresh water.

On his way out of his chambers, he looked down the dark narrow corridor. Not a mere inch could be seen in front of him. Erie, though Royland didn't believe in spirits that place hexes on mortals. Despite his judgement, Royland felt urged to tread carefully in the dark.

Eventually Royland made it to the end of the Corridor. There appeared to be a blue yet dim light emitting rays from the kitchen, thus he devised a detour to see what was going on this early in the morning.

As he stepped foot in that direction, the wicks flame dimmed until it was nothing more than lingering smoke. Now Royland had no choice but to head towards the dim blue light. Walking closer, it felt as if he was having difficulty breathing, as the temperature shifted. Was he in the middle of a forest? No, it was a dream. He remembers where he is now.

Versutus: This way, come come.

Versutus approached Royland, as to guide him through the darkened forest.

Versutus: You know, outlander, this forest has a calming aura. They say blue emits a soothing energy.

The atmosphere suddenly became much more peaceful, allowing Royland to breath at ease, making it easier to sleep.

Versutus: What did I tell you, Boy?

Royland: Why did you call me here, Versutus?

Versutus: There is value in your presence, I assure you.

Royland: There has to be some underlying reason, though.

Versutus: In time.

Royland and Versutus made their way through the dense forest until Versutus stopped. As Versutus stopped, Royland was distracted by the many tree sized mushrooms surrounding him, and stumbled as he bumped into Versutus's still standing. Raising his cane, Versutus pointed. A great mushroom stood above the forest, beneath him as a waterfall of great strength that merged into a river, which led into the remaining forest for miles and miles.

Versutus: Much is that of the heart.

Royland: Pardon?

Versutus: We truly are all connected, my boy. Allow yourself a moment of peace and calm.

Royland taking a seat: Elder, what role have the?

Versutus: Thy have the role of a guide, as you are the fool. Speaking truth and ideals when many oppose, yet somehow, your beliefs suffice. You are the one true hero.

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