The beginning of a Multiversal adventure

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Note: The events in this story will take place after the events of Sonic Forces and the Comics. Anyways enjoy.

The multiverse is a concept about which we know...frighteningly little about, its existence still remains a complete mystery and who knows. It might actually be real and we just don't know it, and that's how our story will go as we travel across the mysteries of the multiverse alongside a familiar fellow. We start our story with a sky view of Green hills and we see a familiar blue bler running around and it's none other than Sonic the hedgehog.

Sonic narrating: So I'm assuming you guys know I am, Sonic is the name and speed is my game, I'm pretty sure you know the rest.

He says as he imagines some flashbacks of his best moments.

Sonic narrating: I've been protecting my world and universe from the evil work or my arch nemesis Dr. Eggman for over 30 years, yet it seems that I haven't aged since 1998. But besides that life is great. There has been many highs and lows in my life but I always see it through alongside my friends.

Sonic then stops narrating and stops at a nice hill with a view of all of Green hills and lays down.

Sonic: Man things sure have been quiet, normally Eggman would come up with a plan in less than a month but it's been over 4 months. It just doesn't feel right that Eggman has been this quiet, it feels great to have some peace and quiet but it just doesn't feel right to me. Man I honestly wish that maybe I could have a totally new adventure outside of here, maybe like an entirely different world...

The thought then stuck to Sonic, of course he has traveled outside of mobius to other planets and galaxies but he pretty knows every galaxy and planet in his universe at this point. So maybe going to another universe wouldn't be too bad.

Sonic: ...On second, I'm very much happy here and I don't think I would find it nice being so far away from home.

Sonic definitely hasn't been feeling like himself with the lack of action, after all it's quite common for him to get bored or impatient most of the time where there is no action going on.

Sonic: (stares at the fourth wall) Hey Torpedo, 10 bucks if Tails jumps out of nowhere and says something about detecting fishy activity.

Bluetorpedo91: Bet.

And Sonic did end up jinxing it, Tails shows up out of nowhere carrying his Miles electric.

Tails: !SONIC where were you? something is going on near one of Eggman's abandoned bases!

Sonic: Jinxed it.

Blietorpedo91: Business is business. (Drops a 10 dollar bill).

Sonic: I'll take that thank you very much. Alright what's up Tails?

Sonic could tell that Tails was visibly worried about this event going on on one of Eggman's many abandoned bases.

Tails: The Miles Electric has been sensing a massive amount of energy from one of Eggman's abandoned bases, my main guess at first was that he stole the Master Emerald but when I went to check on knuckles the Master Emerald was still there.

Sonic: Which means that Eggman might have found another source of power that is not chaos energy, finally some action. Tails go get the others, I'll meet up with you guys there.

Tails: What about you Sonic?

Sonic: Don't worry I'm gonna go do something quickly just go and find the others and head to the abandoned base.

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