(End of MLP Saga)Discord Part 2

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BlueTorpedo91: Hello everyone Sorry for the wait, this took a little longer than expected but hope you enjoy the final installment of Sonic's adventure in Equestria. thanks for reading this short message.

Previously Sonic and the Mane Six encounter Discord and are forced to go into a maze to find the elements of Harmony, and most of Twilight's friends started behaving in a suspicious manner when they found each other and here we are where Sonic and the others lost the challenge due to Rainbow Dash flying away with her wings what will happen next? Who knows only one way to find out.

We then see Discord laughing and falling all over himself before a confounded Twilight. Who her were ears drooping and her face ready to hit the floor; Pinkie pops up in front to address the Discord very sourly.

Pinkie Pie: And what are you laughing at?

Discord: Oh, you ponies are just the most fun I've had in eons!

Pinkie Pie: Well, quit it! You'd better think before you laugh at the Pink...ie Pie!

Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity who was still guarding the boulder she thinks is a diamond, were behind her.

Fluttershy: Oh, yeah? Well, ha, ha!

Pinkie Pie : Quit it!

Fluttershy: No. Ha, ha!

Pinkie Pie: QUIT IT!!

Fluttershy: No. Ha-ha-ha, ha, ha!

Applejack: Uh, Rarity? This here diamond of yours? Twilight said we should split it six ways since we, uh, found it together.

Rarity then kicks the dishonest pony.

Rarity: Hai-yah! Try it, punk! He's mine! All mine!

We then see Twilight right next to Sonic who was getting irritated.

Twilight: Girls, why are you all acting like this? We need to stick together!

Pinkie Pie: Quit it!

Fluttershy: Ha.

Pinkie Pie: Would you just STOP IT! 

Fluttershy: Ha, ha, ha. Hah.

Sonic then approaches the two ponies and push them away from each other and said.

Sonic: You two better cut it out cause this ain't gonna benefit either one of you. If this happens again I won't show as much mercy as i did just now.

He said in a serious tone. The two ponies were intimidated for a few seconds. Until Fluttershy spoke up.

Fluttershy: Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Pinkie Pie: I said cut it !!!OUT!!!

She said as they both got into a brawl. And Sonic stared with a deadpanned expression.

Sonic: (sigh) Why did I even try?

Discord: It's just too entertaining.

Twilight: Stop it, Discord! You're not playing fair!

Discord: I'm not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord. Spirit of chaos and disharmony? Hel-looo?

Twilight: How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you took away the labyrinth before we could get to the end?!?

Discord: Oh, wait. Did you... How funny! You thought the Elements were in the labyrinth?

He then snaps his fingers and starts playing a flashback.

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