(End of EG Rainbow Rocks saga)Taking down the Dazzlings

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Bluetorpedo91: Hi guys it's been a while Huh? Anyways it has been a very busy couple of weeks for me(again), school has compromised my schedule quite a lot and of course I have to put my priorities first, that doesn't mean I'm discontinuing this series, I really want to complete this story like I said multiple times before, but I have to also dedicate a lot of my time to what's important in my life. Anyways enough with that, enjoy this chapter of Sonic and the Multiverse.

The Battle Of The Bands continued as bands started being eliminated one by one. Competitors started to argue and fueled the sirens' necklaces. While this happened, Twilight tried to create the counter-spell and The Rainbooms pointlessly argued. Sonic couldn't stop thinking about his encounter with Infinite and Sunset Shimmer silently watched the band argue and sighed. Soon, it was down to the semifinals. The Dazzlings defeated Flash's band, Flash Drive, and meant they had advanced to the final. Flash angrily stormed off as Sunset Shimmer happily turned to The Rainbooms.

Sunset Shimmer: This is it! If you win this round, you'll make it to the finals. Unless Twilight thinks the counter-spell is ready now?

Twilight looked nervous at Sunset's question but Sonic put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Sonic: If it isn't, you shouldn't be worried.

Applejack: Precisely. Finals ain't til tonight. We'll get in a little more practice before we're supposed to hit the stage. We won't let ya down Twilight.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Twilight Sparkle: You won't let me down...

She muttered sadly.

Sunset Shimmer: So Twi-

Fluttershy: Um, I was wondering. We haven't played any of my songs yet and-.

Rainbow Dash: It's the semi-finals. We gotta do "Awesome As I Wanna Be"

Fluttershy: Don't even know why i even asked...

Sonic: Ya sure about that Dash? Cause it seems you always let your ego take control and show off. It can't be just focused on you, you need to be in sync with the others or the most probable result is all of you getting knocked out and bottling the opportunity to finish all of this off for good.

Rainbow Dash: Don't worry it's gonna be fine.

Sonic: 'And I thought the other Rainbow Dash was cocky'. He thought.

As they were talking Trixie and her band were done performing and the Rainbooms were up next. Principal Celestia and Vice principal Luna aplauded them.

Trixie and her band mates which consisted of Lavender Lace and Fuchsia Blush left the stage as Trixie decided to taunt the rainbooms.

Trixie: Hmph. You're never gonna top that performance, "Rain-goons". You shouldn't be allowed to when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us.

Rainbow Dash: My superior guitar playing and off-the-charts awesome singing voice?

She bragged proudly which made Trixie roll her eyes.

Trixie: Oh, don't be ridiculous, I mean her.

She said while pointing to Twilight .

Trixie: If you were really all that, Rainbow Dash, you wouldn't have needed to bring in a magical ringer to have half a chance. Everyone's talking about it.

Rainbow Dash: Ha! Puh-leeze! I could win this thing as a solo act and everybody knows it!

She said arrogantly while Sonic and the others were annoyed by her attitude as Sonic was facepalming while shaking his head. Trixie scoffed at this.

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