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"Mav, do you Copy?"

Your head aching and bleeding, vision blurred but your hearing is still very much intact.

"Maverick, this is Ghost, do you copy?"

Maverick, your code name. Very fitting for the type of person you once was, an independent minded person who ran by her own rules. until you met John Mactavish, code name Soap.

9 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒔 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒓

It's winter in London, The cold wind brushed against your cheeks Turing them a slight red shade. Your breath is slow and calm as you look down your scope at your target, Zakhaev. It was a pretty stupid idea to put him in a building where every wall is a window, knowing the target on his back.

"I'm in position."

"Good, take the shot when you're ready soldier." Wilson quietly but assertively spoke .

"Yes Sir." You adjusted your scope to ensure your aim is perfectly on the target

You took a deep breathe in, gently moving your finger to the trigger blowing out the air trapped in your lungs ready to fire when a squad stormed into the room.

"Shit, Wilson we have an issue, seems they have been ambushed by another squad, orders?"

"Find that squad and kill Zakhaev"

"Yes sir." His voice cold and humiliating.

You packed your rifle quickly and noticed the squad run into the alleys, the squad got separated by gunfire and blocked off exists. You slide down the metal roofing and land firmly on the stone floor. You knew you could catch them if you cut off their only exit. You began your journey to their point.

You positioned yourself in a doorway you knew they'd pass to hop over the gate to get to freedom, but not if you had anything to say about it And like clockwork the man appeared. You waited for him to pass and get close to the gate before silently stepping out.

"Let him go." You spoke sternly the man twirled around, hostage still in hand like a human shield.

"Or what." His Scottish accent thick

"Or I'll kill you both." You tilted your head "what will it be."

He chuckled. "What if I killed you first?"

"Look, I have no business with you, but he, is a liability."

"You work for him?" His smile dropped

"Not like it's your business but no, I do not." You lifted your eyebrow at his stupid question.

"If I let him go and you kill him, we lose a lead, so I'll need you, to give me the information he knows, where is the missile?"

You sighed and rolled your eyes. "I don't know where the missile is but I can tell you the location of someone who does, Las Almas, Valeria aka El Si Nombre, she knows where it is, now give me him"

The man pushed Zakhaev to the ground, you quickly pulled out your knife and M1911 to shoot Zakhaev and grab the man before he climbed the gate. You placed the blade close to his neck.

"Now what do you want with this information." You tilted your head

"We need to destroy those missiles before they hurt someone." He spoke, not losing eye contact with you. Completely transfixed on his eyes you fail to notice a sly hand reach for the knife, twisting you around and placing your knife to your neck, you roll your eyes ,ironic huh?

"Now, my turn for questions, why did you kill him." He smirked at you

"Because I was ordered to." You blankly responded

"By who?"

"Okay that's enough questions, I have No business with you anymore."

"Oh but I do." He tilted his head, still looking right into your eyes, like he could see your soul, your future. You snapped out of it when a cat knocked a stone from atop a wall to your right. The man looked away, this was your chance. You kicked him in the shin and hopped up onto the box to your left and jumped to the roof opposite. You looked back smiling and waving in his direction before you both parted ways.


"We are transferring you"

"What?" Your shock evident in your delivery.

"Your the best in the team Mav, the forces need help with their mission and you're the only one they deem qualified enough to handle it." Wilson spoke softly to you, he knew this would hurt you. You're used to your own rules and your own instincts and mind. You didn't need a team.

"You'll need to prepare to leave today, I'm sorry Mav, but this could be a great opportunity for you." He seemed very genuine and almost excited for you.

"Okay Wilson, thanks for everything."

"My pleasure Mav, you're the best of the best."

You smiled at his final words, you didn't know if you'd be back or if you're permanently staying with the special forces, you didn't know your squad name or members, but you'll soon find out, you packed the few belongings you owned and begin to load into the heli before taking off for the flight to your new base.


You unstrap and get out of the heli, you turn and watch it take off and leave you on the airstrip. A man with an oddly shaped beard approaches you with a women to his left.

"I'm guessing you're Maverick, I'm Price, this is  Laswell." He points to his left. You shake the hands of both of them

"Let me introduce you to the squad." He smiles and turns to walk towards the entrance. You and Laswell follow. You follow Price as he takes you to the meeting room. You take a seat and wait for the others to join.

The other three men pour in and take a seat. One has a skeleton mask which you deemed quite strange but take it no notice, your eyes drift to a rather familiar face. You expression clearly distorts as you remember your encounter with him in London.

"Maverick?" Your head snaps towards Price as he speaks to you.

"This is your squad, Ghost, Soap and Gaz." The man you met before in London, his name is Soap, what kind of name is Soap anyway. The squad begins to notice something is up.

"You know her Johnny." Ghost spoke to Soap but keeping his eyes on you. All of the squad now staring daggers into your soul.

"Yes, we informally met in London, she killed Zakhaev in exchange for that information I told you about Laswell." His eyes dart to her then back onto you.

"Yeah sorry about that, had my orders" you spoke, Turing your head to Laswell to try and avoid the eye contact with Soap.

"No worries Mav, you have given us something far more valuable, and we now have you on our squad."

"She's what?" Soap blurted out. He looked at Laswell with a confused look.

"Yes Soap, she's with us now, is there a problem."

"No ma'am" you both spoke in unison.

"Then let's get to it then."

Heyyy I know this is short but I've been wanting to write a soap fic for a while now cuz I don't see enough of them and he's my favourite boi. Hope you enjoy so far <33 leave me suggestions or one shot ideas in the comments I'd be more then happy to give it a go

Code Names  (John &quot;Soap&quot; Mactavish X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now