Do you copy?

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You had awoken to your stiff bed beneath you he must have carried you back when you fell asleep. Your boots sat by the door, your cargos draped over your desk chair. He had left you in your shirt and underwear. You looked around your room almost hoping he had stayed. He did not. It made your heart sink a little at the thought but you quickly got up and dressed to head to a meeting being held this morning.

When you arrived Laswell, Gaz, Price, Graves and Alejandro were already there, no Soap or Ghost. This made you slightly worried, you knew Soap was always the last one in but it still worries you that he wasn't here yet.

"Morning Squad, Today we'll be moving to secure Hassan to hopefully get more intel on where the last to missiles are located. We think he's held up-" Laswells speech is cut short as Ghost and Soap walk in, Ghost nodded to Laswell who rolled her eyes, he lightly walked to his seat. Soap, kept his eyes down and walked to his seat next to Ghost, his eyes went straight to Laswell.
"Sorry for being late Laswell, won't happen again." He sounded monotone. She nodded at his response.

"Anyway, we think Hassan is help up in an abandoned warehouse. The location should be on your tablets."

You all looked at the location and nodded to Laswell who continued her speech. "Gaz and Price will give you cover from outside the warehouse, Graves and the shadows will give you air support and Soap, Ghost,Mav and Alejandro will move in on foot to secure Hassan. Any questions." Silence. "Good, get ready to leave."

Soap didn't speak to you as everyone filtered out, he caught up to Ghost and distracted himself with him. You rolled your eyes and continued to your room, packing your essentials and making your way to the transport.

You boarded and sat next to Alejandro who checked up on you and asked about your shoulder, you smiled and appreciated his presence. Everyone sat down leaving a space infront of you free, soap took that up but didn't look at you once. What is his fucking problem.

You scoffed and looked out the entrance as the Heli closed up and took off.


During the entire mission Soap did not look at you once, he spoke to you only when he had no other choice and when he did he sounded like he wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Why was he acting like this, he's making this mission harder then in needs to be, due to his unwillingness to give you information you almost got killed by a guy Soap infact knew about. When you got to safety you blew up on him pushing him to the wall with your forearm towards his neck, Alejandro was behind you incase anything escalated and Ghost watched too, but you knew he'd be on Soaps side no matter what.

"What is your fucking problem Soap, you almost got me fucking killed." You screamed in his face, the slight buzz of the overhead lights was the only noise you could hear when you stopped talking.

"I didn't see him." His brows furrowed trying the hide the cold gaze of his eyes.

"Don't you fucking lie to me." You tightened your grip. Alejandro and Ghost took a step in unison, took a look at each other then moved their gaze back to you two

"Get your fucking hands off of me." He pushed you "you're alive ain't you?" He scoffed

"You a fucking arsehole John, a big fucking arsehole." You screamed at him as he walked away. You couldn't believe this, not after what happened between you two.

Alejandro Stepped beside you. "He'll come round Mav." He smiled and tapped your shoulder as he walked away, Ghost glared at you then followed behind him, you not long after.

Gaz and Price had already left so you, Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, Graves and the shadows loaded into a few SUV's and left for base.


Code Names  (John "Soap" Mactavish X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now